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AnimateWindow proc or The AnimateProc function

Started by hfheatherfox07, August 27, 2012, 02:23:09 AM

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Is there  AnimateWindow proc inside a copy of  user32.lib.asm ? If so where can I get my hands on it?

What I need is AnimateWindow proc

I have seen an example that I think they use that but to animate the text on the screen....So I was thinking to modify that proc to  "invoke SelectObject, ps.hdc, hFont"

In the win32 SDK Refrences I have found :



The AnimateProc function is an application-defined callback function that provides information to DrawPenDataEx on a periodic basis. The name AnimateProc serves only as a placeholder; the function can have any name.
BOOL CALLBACK AnimateProc( HPENDATA hpndt, UINT iStrk, UINT cPnt, UINT FAR * lpuSpeedPct, LPARAM lParam )



Handle to the pen data currently being drawn.


Zero-based index to the stroke being drawn, or about to be drawn.


Count of points already drawn in this stroke.


Address of the speed-percent value.


Application-specific data passed to the callback. This value is specified in ANIMATEINFO.

Return Value

The callback function must return TRUE to continue drawing the pen data. Returning FALSE stops animation immediately.


One of the parameters of DrawPenDataEx provides the address of this callback function. The application must create an instance of this function using the MakeProcInstance function, and ensure that it is exported in the module-definition (.DEF) file.
The application can monitor the state of animation or provide the user with an opportunity to change the speed of animation, including pausing it, using the value addressed by lpuSpeedPct.

The application can also pass application-specific information to the callback in lParam. For example, a handle to the DC
(device context) can be passed.
Callbacks are made at the beginning of the stroke or time interval, before any drawing is done. However, if AI_SKIPUPSTROKES is specified, a callback is not made before up strokes.

See Also

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I think I did not make my self too clear ...

I am looking for the structure of it ...Like the structure of AW_ACTIVATE... so I can animate text that way not a window
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still not very clear - lol
a "structure" is a data type
AW_ANIMATE is an equate, and is described in that link i posted

what you may be after is the code for the procedure, which is "beyond the scope of this forum", as it would involve reversing the OS

but - you might want to look up the AlphaBlend function


Quote from: dedndave on August 27, 2012, 02:38:05 AM
still not very clear - lol
a "structure" is a data type
AW_ANIMATE is an equate, and is described in that link i posted

what you may be after is the code for the procedure, which is "beyond the scope of this forum", as it would involve reversing the OS

but - you might want to look up the AlphaBlend function

I did not think that was reversing LOL ...I thought hutch had it in the user32.lib.asm
The only thing I reverse is my car LOL
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I did not think of this but maybe I can draw my text in a static and than select the static handle
I got to try it ......
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AnimOpen proc hWnd:dword
                              invoke GetTickCount
                              movzx eax,al
                              bswap eax
                              rol eax,4
                              movzx eax,al
                              or al,al
                              jnz @F
                              add anim,10h
                              add anim,eax
                               push    anim
                               push    1F4h
                               push    hWnd
                               call    AnimateWindow
AnimOpen endp

AnimClose proc hWnd:dword
                               mov eax,anim
                               sub eax,30000h
                               push    eax
                               push    1F4h
                               push    hWnd
                               call    AnimateWindow

AnimClose endp

.elseif eax==WM_INITDIALOG
push hWnd
call AnimOpen

push hWnd
call AnimClose



many of us do a little reversing from time to time - lol
in some cases, we just want to know which API functions are used to perform a specific task
then - we can figure it out from there
but - it saves time if you know which functions to research

i reverse yahoo messenger to remove the advertisements   8)
i just don't discuss it here, is all


Quote from: dedndave on August 27, 2012, 03:08:21 AM
many of us do a little reversing from time to time - lol
in some cases, we just want to know which API functions are used to perform a specific task
then - we can figure it out from there
but - it saves time if you know which functions to research

i reverse yahoo messenger to remove the advertisements   8)
i just don't discuss it here, is all

Not to seem Stupid but I still have a lot to learn before I can even think of doing stuff like that LOL
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For Example I want to animate some text form center out
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Quote from: ragdog on August 27, 2012, 02:59:11 AM

AnimOpen proc hWnd:dword
                              invoke GetTickCount
                              movzx eax,al
                              bswap eax
                              rol eax,4
                              movzx eax,al
                              or al,al
                              jnz @F
                              add anim,10h
                              add anim,eax
                               push    anim
                               push    1F4h
                               push    hWnd
                               call    AnimateWindow
AnimOpen endp

AnimClose proc hWnd:dword
                               mov eax,anim
                               sub eax,30000h
                               push    eax
                               push    1F4h
                               push    hWnd
                               call    AnimateWindow

AnimClose endp

.elseif eax==WM_INITDIALOG
push hWnd
call AnimOpen

push hWnd
call AnimClose


what is "anim" ?

just " anim dd ?"
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I'm afraid that AnimateWindow() isn't designed for such usage...
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Quote from: qWord on August 27, 2012, 03:41:35 AM
I'm afraid that AnimateWindow() isn't designed for such usage...

Thank you !

I have seen an example that showed text animated the same way I thought .....

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It is not to easy animate a scroller like crazy words :biggrin:

What serach you really?

it gives 1000te ways of a gdi scroller


Quote from: hfheatherfox07 on August 27, 2012, 03:13:20 AM
For Example I want to animate some text form center out
In the attachment a example that is using SetWorldTransform to "zoom" text in and out.
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