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RadASM v2.2.2.3

Started by fearless, January 15, 2018, 07:09:52 AM

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Thanks for the reply fearless.
I'll also check other addins and how they pick up the lang file and replace those ctrl id's
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I just downloaded the full package zip file, and 7-zip says it is not an archive, so it somehow got corrupted.  I tried three times just to be sure it wasn't me doing something stupid.


Found a copy inside the master release.


Unfortunately, RadASM v2 suffers from a drawing bug on a higher DPI settings. The shadow frames positioned in a wrong place. I couldn't find a solution but to set compatibility mode to Windows XP SP 3 but then another issue remains unsolved like the shadow drawing lines do not update.

Win 10 with 150% DPI No compatibility mode set.

With compatibility mode set to Windows XP SP3

RadASM v3 seems to not suffer from these issues.
It would be great if we could somehow solve these.