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Directx 9 last shot (at least for now)

Started by felipe, April 17, 2018, 04:50:01 AM

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Quote from: aw27 on April 17, 2018, 02:59:58 PM
You should not use unusual abbreviations like OP because most people here is neither yankee nor frequent online chats all the time.
And I have nothing else to add.  :biggrin:
PS: You changed the post to a mere OK, to make it appear that OP is a typo. I can confirm once again that you are a genius.

Not sure why you are trying to cause a fight here. I have been friendly and openly thankful of all help I have received in my endeavours to learn ASM.

You go and call me out for posting basic questions in 'The Campus'. Isn't that what it is for? "A friendly safe environment"? Sorry Sir, but I am not a fan of your attitude towards newcomers.

I don't know what 'OP' means where you come from, but it is a common internet term for 'Original Poster'.


Quote from: Lonewolff on April 17, 2018, 08:44:48 PMTo make something usable, he will need to do a hell of a lot of 'wrapping' of function calls in C/C++. And even then the function will always be limited to his implementation.

What if he decides he wants to enable vSnyc?
Triple buffering to avoid tearing?
Change the FVF formats.
Fixed function or pure?
Lights (spot, directional, ambient).
The list (and wrapping) is literally endless.

You are right, actually: When working with a complex library, it's not a good idea to wrap everything. What you can and should do, though, is use some macros that make using the library easier. Example: GNU Scientific Library; doing such calls by hand would hardly produce quick results.


Not sure why you are trying to cause a fight here
I am not fighting. Firstly I contested you ideas about Felipe's Frankenstein code (is it terror code?), secondly I applauded your genius twice and now I am feeling sad for your new role of victim.  :(


Quote from: Lonewolff on April 17, 2018, 08:44:48 PM
What if he decides he wants to...

Why you enjoy talk about what i want or not. I even have been very clear in respect of direcxt in all the posts you linked here, saying you were very sure about what were you saying because i admited defeat in all that posts (The post you edited later, to a merely "ok"). You have been relying on others (like on the siekmaski's work) or in my case to point things of me which are not my interests. I will be pleased if you read what i posted here and stop speculating in what i want or not. If i say phuk directx i hope you can still feel like a usefull programmer and if not, just leave it like that. This is not high level religion. You really don't see the big picture, assembly language is not the same as the microsoft's interfaces. I actually did a question here about accesing to the directx dll using loadlibrary and getproaddress, but i haven't read an answer of that. That doesn't matter either because in this forum good people help in a volunteer basis.  :icon_exclaim:


Quote from: Lonewolff on April 17, 2018, 02:36:03 PM
I started ASM 10 days ago and have already ported DirectX 11  :t
Sure, 99% of ASM is still new to me, that's why I ask basic questions. Is that not what this forum is for? Learning in a supposed 'friendly' environment?

I'm still a little angry with you, so i will ask you one more time: is this some kind of joke? Or just a lie?  :eusa_snooty:: And please don't edit all your posts.  :eusa_naughty:


I am sorry to have upset you, that was never my intention. From your previous posts it seemed you were giving up. I see now that your perspective on your project has just shifted and you are taking a different route by interfacing C with ASM.

The post you linked cleared says [edit] where I have provided additional information. Any forums I have been a member of generally prefer this in opposed to bumping topics two or three times in quick succession.

If bumping topics is the preferred method on this board, I will do that from now on.  :t


Quote from: Lonewolff on April 18, 2018, 07:44:47 AM
I see now that your perspective on your project has just shifted and you are taking a different route by interfacing C with ASM.

You really have lecture problems.

Quote from: Lonewolff on April 18, 2018, 07:44:47 AM
The post you linked cleared says [edit] where I have provided additional information. Any forums I have been a member of generally prefer this in opposed to bumping topics two or three times in quick succession.

If bumping topics is the preferred method on this board, I will do that from now on.  :t

You said in this topic:
Quote from: Lonewolff on April 17, 2018, 02:36:03 PM
I started ASM 10 days ago and have already ported DirectX 11  :t

So you were lying i assume now.


Come on Guys, be friendly.  :t

As far as I understand you Filipe, you like to get the d3d9.dll via LoadLibrary and the function "Direct3DCreate9" via GetProcAddress?
And if possible without MACROS calling the COM interfaces?
Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


Quote from: felipe on April 18, 2018, 07:54:43 AM
You said in this topic:
Quote from: Lonewolff on April 17, 2018, 02:36:03 PM
I started ASM 10 days ago and have already ported DirectX 11  :t

So you were lying i assume now.

Why would you assume I am lying?

Quote from: Siekmanski on April 18, 2018, 08:16:32 AM
Come on Guys, be friendly.  :t

I'm never other than friendly.  :biggrin:

It does get challenging though when you have one guy calling me a derogatory names and the other calling me a liar.

With that, I wish you all the best with your project, Felipe.  :t


Sorry siekmanski.
Quote from: Lonewolff on April 18, 2018, 08:24:08 AM
and the other calling me a liar.

How can that be possible not a lie, if you have been in this forum, learning assembly for at least 1 year bye now?. Sorry if i offend you but you looks to me like a liar.


Quote from: felipe on April 18, 2018, 08:43:19 AM
How can that be possible not a lie, if you have been in this forum, learning assembly for at least 1 year bye now?. Sorry if i offend you but you looks to me like a liar.

You mean because I have been a member of the forum for more than a year?

This doesn't mean I have actively been learning assembly. AW27 will vouch that I know nothing.

Ask Siekmanski, when I started wrapping up DX11.


Quote from: Lonewolff on April 18, 2018, 08:49:49 AM
Quote from: felipe on April 18, 2018, 08:43:19 AM
How can that be possible not a lie, if you have been in this forum, learning assembly for at least 1 year bye now?. Sorry if i offend you but you looks to me like a liar.

You mean because I have been a member of the forum for more than a year?

This doesn't mean I have actively been learning assembly. AW27 will vouch that I know nothing.

Ask Siekmanski, when I started wrapping up DX11.

:biggrin: I will not ask him that sh*t. I really don't give a ph*k what you have done in your entire life. Just stop of using my name in this forum as some prototype of the misadventures of the game development, specially from the high level perspective you have. I'm not in your game development team and i don't have any ph*king project to develop a ph*cking game. If i can use directx with the assembly language that i write, that's fine, if i can't that's fine for me too. Is clear as water to you lonewolff?


Sorry siekmanski if that last answer summary a little my original (interrupted-not posted) answer. I don't want to bother nobody here, especially you. You have helped me, but probably because directx 9 is too old, i haven't been able to use those macros and even to assemble those programs. My favorite choice is without  macros of course, but if there are only macros (hopefully not bloated macros who calls too many other macros) with the assembly code, that could be good starting point i guess. But as i stated doesn't matter if this is not possible for me now or ever, period. If there are more guidelines out there, that is fine, if not, fine too. Thanks for any help with a possible approach using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.  :icon14:


Quote from: Lonewolff on April 18, 2018, 09:21:23 AM
Quotei don't have any ph*king project to develop a ph*cking game.

You do realise you posted that in 'Game development', right?  :eusa_clap:

:biggrin: This is lovely lonewolff but i already have a girlfriend... :badgrin: