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ACE - ASM Code Editor

Started by iZ!, January 19, 2019, 02:56:21 AM

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It's back!!!  :smiley:
actually, it was always there, I actually sold a few copies this year. At 5% of initial price  :smiley: so now I raised it to 10% (=around $4.00)
I fixed a few issues these days, but probably it still has many...

Anyhow, the first 30 people get it for free by following this link

Please let me know about any bugs you encounter.


2 purchases last week   :dazzled:
However, the link above still offers 30 free copies (no one used it so far)(for Win10+)

Average rating of 2 votes = 3.5/5 - reflects my high school grades :)
no crash reports in 3 months