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Poasm supported by Pelles C run-time library

Started by Vortex, May 23, 2012, 03:17:31 AM

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Добро пожаловать, mulaninMX :icon14:


Hi mulaninMX,

Quote from: mulaninMX on April 16, 2013, 10:53:55 PM
Trust me here, there is nothing wrong with POASM, its a very good tool.

right and welcome to the forum.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


All those posts contain only a random sentence from a previous post. I would guess bots like japheth said.
"A problem, properly stated, is a problem on it's way to being solved" -Buckminster Fuller
"Multithreading is just one damn thing after, before, or simultaneous with another" -Andrei Alexandrescu


Fascinating, I wonder what genius cobbled the script together to ape bits from previous posts ?


You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


don't be so naive Gunther :biggrin:
look at this, they are all the same bot:
ISaminov   Gender: Male Age:28 Location:Россия Москва
mulaninMX  Gender: Male Age:30 Location:Россия Москва
OLzenizin  Gender: Male Age:33 Location:Россия Москва
NZavaloff  Gender: Male Age:32 Location:Астраханская область, Камызякский р-н, п. Станья
NKjulanoff Gender: Male Age:33 Location:Россия Москва
AKabanchuk Gender: Male Age:32 Location:Россия Москва
RGyaznoff  Gender: Male Age:37 Location:Россия Москва
pavshinAN  Gender: Male Age:33 Location:Россия Москва

Japhet is a genius, he figured it out first :idea:
I think we have an issue here :exclaim:
if the Location contains a letter я it is the bot
I think that it will be necessary to delete this project and start the new one for Poasm
because the bug is somehow planted here


Hi habran,

spam bot, could be or not. But Moscow. has over 11 million inhabitants. That's a lot. Furthermore, the Astrakhan Oblast is hundreds of miles away from Moscow in south Russia.

Quote from: habran on April 18, 2013, 06:19:54 AM
Japhet is a genius, he figured it out first :idea:
I think we have an issue here :exclaim:
if the Location contains a letter я it is the bot

I don't know if Andreas likes your statement. But is that right? We shouldn't discriminate without exact knowledge. If you're sure and you've a definitive proof, then it's a problem.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Quote from: habran on April 18, 2013, 06:19:54 AM
if the Location contains a letter я it is the bot

Россия Москва simply means Russia, Moscow. And there is a huge assembler community over there, so I wouldn't be surprised if they visited our little site. On the other hand, the posts really look a bit bot-tish ;-)

Back to contents: What is the meaning of this warning?

polib /def:mshtml.def /extract:ShowHTMLDialog /out:test.lib /machine:x86
POLIB: warning: Unable to find member 'ShowHTMLDialog'.


As a matter of fact, the created library (1412 bytes) works like a charm...
(I posted this also at Pelles C forum)


Hey Gunther, I don't discriminate people, I hate equally everyone  :badgrin:
One of my lifetime friend is a Russian from Moskva, doctor of chemistry
He is an excellent chess player, his great disappointment in me is only
that I newer let him win even 1 game against me :eusa_naughty:

If someone write one post for the first time without introducing themselves and
than never ever respond to any comment, something must be then rotten there :icon_confused:

QuoteI don't know if Andreas likes your statement.
He certainly doesn't like it, if someone said that to me I would hunt him down for sure 8)
Hi Andreas, I apologize, I actually only wanted to say that you are very clever :t
If you succeed in my proposal for freing RBP register I will return to you back the former title :eusa_clap:

BTW Cyrillic was compulsory in my primary school, so I can read and write it :P

BTW (second time) we all enjoy JWasm but I can not find JWASM page in this forum
what happened to the equal opportunity? sleeping :icon_exclaim: 


QuoteOn the other hand, the posts really look a bit bot-tish ;-)

be more decisive, one hand or the other :biggrin:
if something looks like an apple, smells like an apple and taste like an apple than it must be an aple ;) 


Quote from: habran on April 18, 2013, 02:45:47 PM
if something looks like an apple, smells like an apple and taste like an apple than it must be an apple ;)

Reminds me of an old joke they used to make about Eastern German communists... the end product would be chocolate 8)


Quotethe end product would be chocolate
Certainly, they had some imagination :P
these days people only have damn internet (and spam bots) ;)


Well Microsoft, here's another nice mess you've gotten us into.


Which is actually attributed to Alan Turing, see the Turing Duck Test