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Syntax highlighter anyone?

Started by i Z !, February 21, 2020, 07:58:20 AM

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i Z !

Download the free version of ACE ASM Editor...

Either here, on my website or from the Microsoft Store.

It supports only syntax highlighting with a full text editing toolset.
It recognizes local variables in procedures excluding the ones from other procedures, vars defined by PUBLIC keyword and vars defined in data segments.

Should work with Vista and above.

Keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn - navigate cursor to previous/next SEGMENT, procedure or other block definition (you can also use these in combination with the Shift key to select whole or parts of code blocks)

Ctrl+Up/Down Arrows - Scroll up/down

Copies/cuts the whole line when nothing is selected.


... and more in this new version

i Z !

Choose custom colors and fonts for each of these sections:


i Z !

Hi jj, thanks for tryin' it out.

Seems like you're having some problems with the installer.. That's strange, cause I've successfully tested it on Win 10 Home... You did run it "as Admin", right?

Anyhow, I'm gonna attach "ACE Free". It contains program files so you can put the app where ever you want.


That one starts properly :thumbsup:

The good news is it does load one of my sources. The bad news... see below. This source has 640kBytes. Is ACE suitable only for smaller sources? This is Win7-64 :cool:

Btw the readme.rtf is not readable in MS Word or Wordpad (and surely not in ACE, qEditor, Notepad++, UltraSlowEdit etc). You can open it, though, in RichMasm. With Ctrl A for "select all", you will be able to see the white text. Alternatively, press Ctrl G, type udc=6 and hit Return. With userdefined colour scheme #6, it becomes readable.

i Z !

Quote from: jj2007 on February 21, 2020, 09:58:31 PM
This source has 640kBytes. Is ACE suitable only for smaller sources?

640 kB? Uhh... That's a lot, I only tested it to up to 2000 lines. But it should work with larger files, it will take some time for the text to be formatted after you open a large document.

But it's still probably not bug free, so maybe only one of the lines throws an error.

Thanks again for testing.

i Z !

jj, can you please disable the syntax highlighting under Options>Fonts&Colors and see if you still get the error?


Quote from: i Z ! on February 21, 2020, 08:59:25 PM
... "ACE Free".

It's a convention that README file always have format .txt ; Help is .txt, .hlp or .chm; and Guide how you want (usually .pdf)

Background color fail, and comments color also fail.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath

i Z !

Quote from: HSE on February 21, 2020, 11:02:36 PM
It's a convention that README file always have format .txt ; Help is .txt, .hlp or .chm; and Guide how you want (usually .pdf)

You're right, but this one is supposed to be an internal file.  You can read it by opening Help from menu. I haven't updated the readme for the free version yet, most of it applies to the full version.


Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


The syntax highlighting is not the only culprit for the crash, i.e. disabling won't help.
I've tried now with a 400kBytes file \Masm32\MasmBasic\ (part of MasmBasic), and that works fine, but when you activate syntax highlighting, it becomes unresponsive for a while, and then crashes.

Attached a readme.rtf with proper colours, plus a medium-sized source (105kB) that works fine but takes a whopping 12 seconds to load. For comparison: 0.2 seconds with RichMasm.

i Z !

Quote from: HSE on February 21, 2020, 11:02:36 PM
Background color fail, and comments color also fail.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll take a look into back colors and comments today.


I tried with another 400kB file, and had to kill it in task manager after 4 minutes at 100% cpu load.

Btw \Masm32\include\ is always a good candidate for finding the bug (977412 bytes). Make a backup first :tongue:

i Z !

Quote from: jj2007 on February 22, 2020, 12:19:04 AM
I tried with another 400kB file, and had to kill it in task manager after 4 minutes at 100% cpu load.

Btw \Masm32\include\ is always a good candidate for finding the bug (977412 bytes). Make a backup first :tongue:

I'll have to implement some background partial formatting so...
That's a good idea for testing, thanks. It shouldn't damage files in case of crash though :)

i Z !

btw, thanks jj for explanation and .rtf in your previous reply, I didn't notice it 'til now.
Yeah, it used to be readme.html and then I just copy pasted it into .rtf :)