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OpenGL in masm64

Started by Mikl__, May 02, 2020, 05:08:37 PM

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This program demonstrates the creation of a display list. Rotate about x-axis when "x" or "X" typed; rotate about y-axis when "y" or "Y" typed; "i" or "I" returns torus to original view. A prototype is torus.c from There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.


This program draws 5 red balls, each at a different Z-distance from the viewer, in different types of fog. This program chooses between 3 types of fog when "f" or "F" typed:
  • exponential
  • exponential squared
  • and linear
In this program, there is a fixed density value, as well as fixed start and end values for the linear fog. A prototype is fog.c  from There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.


A prototype is Flat Rendering.asm by Franck Charlet. There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.


This program shows how to composite modeling transformations to draw translated and rotated models. Interaction: pressing the "d" (day) (rotation of a satellite planet around its axis clockwise), "D" (rotation of a satellite planet around its axis counterclockwise) and "y" (year) (clockwise rotation of a satellite planet around a large planet) and "Y" (rotation of a satellite planet around a large planet counterclockwise). A prototype is planet.c  from There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.


Mikl_ looks that you are a genius, this is really great stuff  :greenclp:. I will be trying all this demos...I already tried the first one and runs with no problems here (in my pc). Nice that you are still developing and sharing your software.. :thup: :thup: Btw i didn't recall you had your "own" category in the forum (i mean "Mikl__'s ml64 examples"). You sure deserve it. Thanks a lot man!  :thup: :greensml:


Second example works fine too  :thumbsup:. Didn't know that opengl32.dll is already in the system. And looks that there are no needs to install any extra software to run all this cool demos. So i think that opengl is less bloated/less work than what it is directx...Any thoughts on this comparison?  :icon_idea:


Hi Mikl__!

I solved first problem: Ml64 don't know :movq xmm1,rax
In ml64 must be :movd xmm1, rax
:biggrin: very ... something

Now I found I don't have glut32.lib

Where you find that?

Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


I just tried the Great stuff. I think opengl is really a worth to try. Nice Mikl__  :thup: one more time, thanks.  :greenclp:


¡Hola, felipe!
¡Muchas gracias!
QuoteNow I found I don't have glut32.lib Where you find that?
Hi, HSE! Are you from the USA?
I made it myself


This program demonstrates arbitrary clipping planes. A prototype is clip.c from There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.


Quote from: Mikl__ on May 12, 2020, 09:44:20 AM
Are you from the USA?
No. Almost so lazzy  :biggrin:

Quote from: Mikl__ on May 12, 2020, 09:44:20 AMI made it myself
I failed to build glut in 32 bit. I'am not going to try in 64 bit  :undecided:. But in 32 bit there is a building available.
I just play in 64 bits from time to time. This examples make that more interesting.
Thanks MIkl__  :thumbsup:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath




Thanks. I will test next time in 64bits.  :thumbsup:
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


The program demonstrates polygon stippling. A prototype is polys.c from There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.


This is an illustration of the selection mode and name stack, which detects whether objects which collide with a viewing volume. First, four triangles and a rectangular box representing a viewing volume are drawn (drawScene routine). The green triangle and yellow triangles appear to lie within the viewing volume, but the red triangle appears to lie outside it. Then the selection mode is entered (selectObjects routine). Drawing to the screen ceases. To see if any collisions occur, the four triangles are called. In this example, the green triangle causes one hit with the name 1, and the yellow triangles cause one hit with the name 3.
A prototype is select.c from There are asm-file, cursor and exe-file in the attachment.