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Upcoming changes for Version C.1.2

Started by Biterider, May 24, 2020, 08:55:24 PM

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I want to keep track of some changes I'm working on for the next ObjAsm release (C.1.2):

  • [Done] Improve h2incX to recurse directories and create destination dirs on the fly.
  • New feature: class (~ object without template).
  • New feature: object/class templates.
  • [Done] Correct DbgStr misbehaviour.
  • [Done] Introduction of 2 new symbols: TARGET_STR_AFFIX (<A>, <W>) that can be used to append or prepend to string names. This avoids naming conflicts when compiling different versions into one single library.
    For the same reason, I introduced TARGET_SUFFIX (<32A>, <64A>, <32W> or <64W>). I'm not sure if window class names should be suffixed, because that will affect .rc files.
  • [Done] MsgBox will be moved to ObjMem.
  • [Done] Improve TextView to auto-break lines of the control when the width is to short to display a complete line.
  • [Done] Improve compilation tools for RadASM. No need to set up a single project (rap file), which makes installation and portability easier.
  • [Done] Reduce required Environment Variables to 1 (OBJASM_PATH). Path configuration is done in "\ObjAsm\Build\OA_SET.cmd".
  • [Done] Create a GitHub repository & issue tracker