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Release version of JpgTool.

Started by hutch--, June 26, 2020, 07:17:58 PM

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After wasting a week tracking down a bug that did not exist, everything seems to be testing up properly so I have set the app as a release version.

1. Load most common image types.
2. Save loaded image as JPG with resizing and JPG quality options.
3. Full screen capture which can be save with the above options.
4. Window capture which can be save with the above options.

The window capture technique can sometimes be defeated by application that have higher privilege levels and the solution is simple, go to the settings for the app on the desktop and set it to "Run As Administrator" and it will then capture pretty much anything. I have not taken the path of setting elevated privileges as it should properly be the choice of the administrator of the computer.



Thanks Erol, I have to tidy it up and simplify it and will get round to posting the source later but it seems to be working OK. I am annoyed at wasting so long looking for a bug that did not exist.