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extension asm couldn't be read by notepad

Started by TouEnMasm, July 14, 2020, 04:52:26 PM

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I had a fast look on your IDE and had a bad surprise.
The asm (text files) are changed so the notepad couldn't read them.
There is big space between each letters.
I have try to delet,in the registry,the association between .asm and easy code but your install tool don't want to do it.
It's not a little problem,other controls who read text,are also on the trouble and lost of code is possible.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL



All files written in the Easy Code editor are saved in Unicode text (16 bits per char) so that you can write comments in all languages (it is explained in the help file). When compiling the .asm files are converted to ANSI or UTF-8, dependig on the configuration for each assembler. The deafult mode is ANSI, but you can choose any other mode if the assembler supports it.

So you should not have any problem with a Unicode editor (i.e Windows Notepad).
EC coder


Quote from: TouEnMasm on July 14, 2020, 04:52:26 PMThe asm (text files) are changed so the notepad couldn't read them.
There is big space between each letters.

That is usually a sign that you got Unicode (UTF-16) text opened in an editor that doesn't know what UTF-16 is. However, my Win7-64 version of Notepad has no problem with UTF-16, with or without the BOM (FF FE).


EC coder


Happy to know that it isn't a problem for you.You know it.There is only windows 10 who have problem with that.
I have just passed a certain time rewriting text in a richedit who have been also disturbed as the notepad.

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Notepad works perfectly well in my Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.
EC coder