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NeHe Tutorial in masm64

Started by Mikl__, August 06, 2020, 12:55:45 PM

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Lesson #16: Cool Looking Fog
It's a pretty short tutorial aimed at teaching you the art of fog. You'll learn how to use 3 different fog filters, how to change the color of the fog, and how to set how far into the screen the fog starts and how far into the screen it ends.
There are asm\bmp\exe-files and cursor in the attachment

  • pressing "L/l" ― turn on/off light
  • pressing "F/f" ― select texture filter
  • pressing "G/g" ― select fog filter
  • pressing "Page Up/Down" ― increases/decrease the z-variable and moves the cube towards/away from the viewer
  • pressing "Arrow Left/Right" ― increase/decrease x-rotation speed
  • pressing "Arrow Up/Down" ― increase/decrease y-rotation speed


Lesson #18: Quadrics
In this tutorial you will learn how to write any character or phrase you want to the screen using texture mapped quads. You will learn how to read one of 256 different characters from a 256x256 texture map, and finally NeHe will show you how to place each character on the screen using pixels rather than units. Even if you're not interested in drawing 2D texture mapped characters to the screen, there is lots to learn from this tutorial. Definitely worth reading!

There are asm\bmp\exe-files and cursor in the attachment
  • pressing "space" ― create complex objects such as sphere, discs, cylinder, cone
  • pressing "L/l" ― turn on/off light
  • pressing "F/f" ― select texture filter
  • pressing "Page Up/Down" ― increases/decrease the z-variable and moves the cube towards/away from the viewer
  • pressing "Arrow Left/Right" ― increase/decrease x-rotation speed
  • pressing "Arrow Up/Down" ― increase/decrease y-rotation speed


Lesson #36: Radial Blur & Rendering To A Texture
This tutorial will show you how to create an extremely impressive Radial Blur effect. It should run fast on just about every type of hardware, and does not require the use of extensions. This tutorial will also teach you how to render to a texture using the off-screen buffer. A topic I'm sure many of you are interested in! It's important to note that there is very little explanation of the GL commands. By now you should know what they do!
There are asm-\exe-files and cursor in the attachment


Lesson #17: 2D-Texture Font
In this tutorial you will learn how to write any character or phrase you want to the screen using texture mapped quads. You will learn how to read one of 256 different characters from a 256x256 texture map, and finally NeHe will show you how to place each character on the screen using pixels rather than units. Even if you're not interested in drawing 2D-texture mapped characters to the screen, there is lots to learn from this tutorial. Definitely worth reading!
There are asm-\bmp-\exe-files and cursor in the attachment


Lesson #10: Loading and Moving Through a 3D-World

In this lesson you will learn how to load a 3D world from a data file, and move through the 3D world. The tutorial only explains the NEW code used to load the 3D scene, and move around inside the 3D world. Download asm-code, and follow through it as you read the tutorial. Keys to try out are Blend, Filtering, Lighting (light does not move with the scene however), Left/Right/Up/Down Arrow, and Page Up/Page Down.

There are asm-\exe-files, cursor, mud.bmp for texture and world.txt in the attachment


Lesson #19: Particle Engine Using Triangle Strips

Have you ever wanted to create an explosion, water fountain, flaming star, or some other cool effect in your OpenGL program, but writing a particle engine was either too hard, or just too complex? If so, this tutorial is for you. You'll learn how to program a simple but nice looking particle engine. NeHe has thrown in a few extras like a rainbow mode, and lots of keyboard interaction. You'll also learn how to create OpenGL triangle strips. NeHe hopes you find the code both useful and entertaining.

  • pressing "+"/"-" ― increases/decrease the variable slowdown
  • pressing "Page Up"/"Page Down"  ― increases/decrease the z-variable and moves the source of stars towards/away from the viewer
  • pressing "Arrow Left"/"Arrow Right" ― increase/decrease x-rotation speed
  • pressing "Arrow Up"/"Arrow Down" ― increase/decrease y-rotation speed
There are asm-\exe-\bmp-files and cursor in the attachment


Lesson #20: Masking

Up until now we've been blending our images onto the screen. Although this is effective, and it adds our image to the scene, a transparent object is not always pretty. Lets say you're making a game and you want solid text, or an odd shaped console to pop up. With the blending we have been using up until now, the scene will shine through our objects. By combining some fancy blending with an image mask, your text can be solid. You can also place solid oddly shaped images onto the screen. A tree with solid branches and non transparent leaves or a window, with transparent glass and a solid frame. Lots of possiblities!

  • pressing "space" ― switch textures
  • pressing "M/m" ― masking is turned on/off


Lesson #34: Beautiful Landscapes By Means Of Height Mapping
Want to create beautiful landscapes smooth shaded landscapes using nothing more than a single texture? If so, this tutorial will teach you how to convert a 2D-greyscale height map image into a full blown 3D landscape. NeHe also talk a little about gluLookAt, a command that seems to have a few of you baffled.


Lesson #35: Playing AVI-files in OpenGL
(1-st part. Only avi-player!)
This tutorial will teach you how to play AVI files in OpenGL. Play them in a window, on the side of a cube, sphere, cylinder, etc. Create a billboard with full motion video playing on it! The tutorial also shows you how to use sphere mapping to create a cool looking live environment mapping effect.

File movie0.avi is here. Important! Avi-file must be uncompressed and not contain an audio stream. It must be in the same directory with the avi-player.

There are asm-/exe-file and cursor in, lib-files in 35 and include-files in 35
(to be continue...)


Lesson #23: Sphere Mapping Quadrics in OpenGL
This tutorial code is based on NeHe quadrics tutorial (lesson 18). In lesson 15 (texture mapped fonts) NeHe talked a little bit about sphere mapping. NeHe explained how to auto-generate texture coordinates, and how to set up sphere mapping, but because lesson 15 was fairly simple NeHe decided to keep the tutorial simple, leaving out alot of details in regards to sphere mapping. Now that the lessons are a little more advanced it's time to dive into the world of sphere mapping.

There are asm-\exe-\bmp-files and cursor in the attachment.

  • pressing "L/l" ― turn on/off light
  • pressing "space" for switch figures (cube, cylinder, sphere, cone)
  • pressing "F/f" ― select texture filter
  • pressing "Page Up/Down" ― increases/decrease the z-variable and moves towards/away from the viewer
  • pressing "Arrow Left/Right" ― increase/decrease x-rotation speed
  • pressing "Arraw Up/Down" ― increase/decrease y-rotation speed


Lesson #42: Multiple Viewports
This tutorial was written for to show how to display multiple views on a single screen. This tutorial will teach you how to set up multiple viewports, how to display both ortho and perspective views on the same screen, and how to display a variety of effects with each effect running in it's own viewport. As an added bonus, you will learn how to get the size of your OpenGL window, you will learn a very fast way to update a texture without rebuilding it. You will learn how to use GL_COLOR_MATERIAL to color a texture and you will get to play around with the maze.

There are asm-\exe-files and cursor in the attachment.

  • pressing "space" ― the maze is reset, and the program starts redrawing a new maze


Lesson #26: Clipping & Reflections Using The Stencil Buffer
This tutorial demonstrates how to create extremely realistic reflections using the stencil buffer, clipping, and multi-texturing. This tutorial is more advanced than previous lessons, so please make sure you've read the previous lessons before jumping in. It's also important to note this tutorial will not run on video cards that do not support the stencil buffer (voodoo 1, 2, perhaps more).

  • pressing one of the 4 arrow keys ― the ball is spun right, left, down or up.
  • pressing 'A/a' ― zoom you in closer to the ball
  • pressing 'Z/z' ― zoom you away from the ball.
  • Pressing 'PAGE UP/DOWN' ― increase/decrease  the value of height moving the ball up/down.
There are asm-\exe-\bmp-files and cursor in the attachment.


wow, I saw it tonight, and I know what I'll be doing as a side study for the next few days!


wishes: give us more examples  :thumbsup:  :bgrin:


Quote from: Mikl__ on August 20, 2020, 03:32:09 PM
There is silence, like in a crematory. Are there really no questions or wishes?

I wish I had the time to study your examples, Mikl :greenclp: