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Started by jj2007, May 23, 2012, 10:16:07 PM

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Hi jj,

Is there a Unicode Split$() version?


No, but it could be implemented. Something like this works already - not Unicode but Utf8:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\         ; download
  Let esi="Введите\nтекст\nздесь"
  For_ ct=0 To Split$(esi, "\n", My$())-1
        PrintLine "[", My$(ct), "]"


What exactly do you want to do?


Cool, but i don't want to assign my string to a new variable. My string is like "####STRING####STRING" etc
So i use #### as string delimiter.
But i used wInstr and it worked fine for me. Although i have to add a null terminator after each substring, this way i can use the string in it's source.


Quote from: jj2007 on October 25, 2018, 11:07:41 AM
Thanks for the feedback. Did you get any error messages?
*** Assemble using \masm32\bin\UAsm64 /c /coff /Zd /Zi /Zf tmp_file.asm ***
UASM v2.46, Dec  8 2017, Masm-compatible assembler.
Portions Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.

*** using Res\JBasic32.lib ***
\masm32\MasmBasic\Res\ : Error A2106: Cannot open file: "\Masm32\MasmBasic\Res\" [ENOENT]
\masm32\MasmBasic\Res\ Included by
  Tmp_File.asm(1): Main line
Please tell me if the following files are present (this helps me to understand what went wrong):
GetPT.asm exists, but not GetPT.exe.
StructInfo.txt exists.
- Extract the attached files to \Masm32\MasmBasic\Res
Extracted the files and ran GetPT.exe in a command prompt. Had to  turn off security.
The example (32-bit) assembled and ran.
I re-enabled security and now the file names \masm32\masmbasic\mbguide.exe and \masm32\masmbasic\tmp_file.exe are flagged as suspicious. polink can't create them - access denied.
I can probably create the exe files in another directory, but that means i'll have to use a custom BAT file for each example.

*** Assemble using \masm32\bin\UAsm64 /c /coff /Zd /Zi /Zf tmp_file.asm ***
UASM v2.46, Dec  8 2017, Masm-compatible assembler.
Portions Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.

*** MasmBasic version 25.12.2017 ***
Tmp_File.asm: 6 lines, 2 passes, 99 ms, 0 warnings, 0 errors

*** Link  MbGuide.obj rsrc.res  using polink, sub Console /debug /mapinfo:lines***
Writing debug information
Compacting CodeView information
POLINK: fatal error: Access is denied.
*** Link error ***


So it's all a security thing. If I used an AV, I would simply exclude the whole \Masm32 folder. Assembly code is considered unsafe because it's unusual by the dumb AV brigade, see our dedicated sub-forum AV Software sh*t list 8)


It has been a while since MasmBasic was updated - grab the new version here. Below an alphabetical list of the new macros added. In RichMasm, check File/MasmBasic help for the new keywords. Let me know if one is missing.

AddMru MACRO pTxt
ArrayStripDuplicates MACRO numID
Ceil MACRO arg, dest
ClosePipe MACRO arg:=<2>
ExeFromExt$ MACRO argExt, opt:=<2>
Floor MACRO arg, dest
Geo$ MACRO arg1:=<GEO_FRIENDLYNAME>, arg2:=<G
HeapStrings MACRO
LineInput MACRO dest$
MruText$ MACRO arg
MulQQ MACRO argQ1, argQ2, pDest
rCosinus MACRO arg
ResFile$ MACRO id
rSinus MACRO arg
SetMru MACRO fname ; SetMru "filename.ini"
SetRgbCol MACRO dest, noarg
ShowPlaces MACRO arg:=<1>
StoreHeader MACRO pSHeader
TitleCase$ MACRO arg
uClip$ MACRO MbLimit
uFileOpen$ MACRO args:VARARG
uFileSave$ MACRO args:VARARG
uSetWin$ MACRO arg1:REQ
uWin$ MACRO h1, cHandle
wExeFromExt$ MACRO argExt, opt:=<2>
wGeo$ MACRO arg1:=<GEO_FRIENDLYNAME>, arg2:=<


Hi jj,

I could not get the Try/Catch to work.

Init tc

Is causing unresolved external symbol.

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _MbTryCatch@0
fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

How do i solve it?


Without seeing your full code, I can't help you much. This works:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\         ; simple Try/Catch demo - use as a template
  Init tc                               ; initialise MasmBasic with Try/Catch (aka SEH)
  PrintLine "This code was built with ", @AsmUsed$()
  mov eax, 123                  ; use 123 as the dividend
  cdq                           ; and sign-extend it to edx
  xor ecx, ecx
        div ecx
        PrintLine "Congrats, it worked!!!!"     ; you won't see this line
        PrintLine "Sorry, div ecx failed"
        PrintLine Str$("Ouch, we had an exception in source line %i at\nAddress\t", LastEx(line)), Hex$(LastEx(addr)), CrLf$, "Code", Tb$, Hex$(LastEx(code)), CrLf$
        Inkey "The OS reports:", CrLf$, LastEx(info)

OPT_TryCatch on       ; tells MasmBasic's preferred editor RichMasm to select the source line that triggered the first exception

This code was built with UAsm64
Sorry, div ecx failed
Ouch, we had an exception in source line -6 at
Address 004010D4
Code    C0000094

The OS reports:
Divisione intera per zero.
EIP     004010D4
Code    C0000094


The code you posted does not compile if used inside a procedure

Error A2093: Cannot nest procedures
Error A2142: Unmatched block nesting: MbTryCatch

Try/Catch does not work inside a procedure. I tried using it outside a procedure and it compiled.
Is there a way to fix this so it can be used inside a procedure?


I cannot diagnose what went wrong if you don't post the complete code. This works fine:
include \masm32\MasmBasic\ ; simple Try/Catch demo - use as a template
  Init tc, console ; initialise MasmBasic with Try/Catch (aka SEH), and output errors to console
  PrintLine "This code was built with ", @AsmUsed$()
  call MyTest

MyTest proc
  mov eax, 123 ; now we'll do something illegal in line 13...
  xor ecx, ecx
; ****** the line below will be selected a second after the program finishes: ******
div ecx ; dividing by zero is a criminal act, right?
Print Str$("div succeeded, eax is %i\n", eax) ; you will not see this message
Print Str$("div failed, eax is still %i\n\n", eax)
  PrintLine Str$("Ouch, we had an exception in source line %i at\nAddress\t", LastEx(line)), Hex$(LastEx(addr)), CrLf$, "Code", Tb$, Hex$(LastEx(code)), CrLf$
  PrintLine "The OS reports:", CrLf$, LastEx(info)
MyTest endp

EndOfCode ; OPT_TryCatch on ; activate jump to the error line in the source code

This code was built with UAsm64
div failed, eax is still 123

Ouch, we had an exception in source line 13 at
Address 0040110A
Code    C0000094

The OS reports:
Divisione intera per zero.
EIP     0040110A
Code    C0000094


Which code you want me to post?
I have only tried to compile your code that you posted earlier.
So does the Init TC needed to be called outside a procedure?
and also, do we need to call it once in every thread?


Quote from: 2B||!2B on November 29, 2018, 01:11:24 PM
Which code you want me to post?

Your complete code. My crystal ball is not working today, I must see what you are trying to assemble...


Quote from: jj2007 on November 25, 2018, 12:48:54 PM
It has been a while..

- could not open MenusRM.ini
- problem with @AsmUsed$()
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Quote from: HSE on November 30, 2018, 03:16:20 AM- could not open MenusRM.ini
- problem with @AsmUsed$()

Both problems fixed, please reinstall MasmBasic. Grateful if you could test this snippet with the new version:

GuiParas equ "Hello World", w160, h100
include \masm32\MasmBasic\Res\MbGui.asm
GuiControl MyEdit, "RichEdit", Cat$("This program was assembled with "+@AsmUsed$()+" and uses common controls version "+ComCtl32$())
GuiEnd xp



I get this popping up when I try to run the program. It's not from the AV software (Avast).
I'm running Windows 7.

Sorry, can't figure out how to upload images.

Many thanks