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new member introduction and advice

Started by q12, September 04, 2021, 12:42:56 PM

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about 8086 emulator:dosbox combined with masm commenting out ;.686p,restrain masm to only accept minimum=8086 instruction set,the instructions only using general purpose registers is good start,before fpu,MMX,SSE,AVX instructions
I seen projects many years ago,based on old PC,with printer port used for controlling lawnmower and other things,24 bits port using in and out instructions,but DOS-only,windows stops you from using hardware directly
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


I managed to download the stand alone version of this exact javascript emulator for 6502 proccesor :
I find it on github as a .js inside a .zip package and is working excelent as a simple win-web app. Haha.
I also find a very helpful tutorial page specific for this 6502 web emulator: and also from a link inside it, the NMOS 6502 Opcodes; although, he said about a second opcode page that today doesnt work anymore... 1 should be good enough i guess. I am using it as I am progressing through its very simple and to the point tutorial. Very easy and direct explanations. This is the type of tutorial I like !!!
Im at 50% of it at this point, and I started today. It looks simple and fast but I actually read everything in it and try it manually in a paralel web window with the emulator in it. Not fun to work like that at all but, is doing something. Haha.
This is what I wanted all along, this kind of wetting my delicate fingers into the real asm. Believe me, I reach my goal with this little tutorial. Well, its more like a step than a final goal. Its an important step.  I like that I can actually draw the squares on the black screen and represent the adresses and bytes. A very good introduction on how to use that asm Monitor with 16 x 00 hexadecimal per each line in it. Ive seen this monitors before, but never knew how to use one. Now I start to get it. It is exceptional specific. "Go exactly there and set that and you're done." But you must what "that" means.
So this is my progress so far... in progress with this tutorial.


So you ended SAP (simple as possible processor). Congrats.
I remember seeing inside proteus program a full 8086 processor done with virtual eletronic components. We can also use masm binaries files and check whats happening inside processor, or how processor is doing that. Proteus have some virtual devices to play, it's nice. Well, it's an industrial program, very strong.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything


Quote from: mineiro on October 09, 2021, 04:15:13 AM
So you ended SAP (simple as possible processor). Congrats.
Yaaah... I finish the SAP but is still with errors in it. I managed to clean Proteus output errors, but internally is still bugged. SO, no it is not usable what  circuit I made there. I personally don't trust it. But I learned a lesson about logic gates and proteus interface itself. I will not be able to use that circuit.
But, I find an alternative to the problem and im walking on it right now. In the book last chapters, are mentioned a couple of processors and their respective directives. So... I concentrate on the most basic one, the 6502 and I find some VERY interesting stuff on internet in regard of it. I am now practicing the 6502 specific asm directives on an 6502 emulator. I was surprised to see the way this asm is written comparative with Intel asm. I also find some free tutorials about how to program this 6502 and also how to build a complete 8bit computer around this processor. Very interesting is that it is still in production ! with some new updates on it, but still the same thing as the original. I am fascinated. I am pushing as hard as I can on understanding it's asm language. It is a LOT to take in. And the most difficult part for me is to see the practicability in all what I am learning. After I will finish this 6502 'step', I will have some interesting questions for you.


 Happy new year 2022 !
Hello again. It passed 1and half month from my last post. I sensibly thought to not bother you with my quest into PIC asm here. So I got into Microchip forums and things did not go Normal at all with them.  :thdn: :thdn: :thdn: :thdn:

I am back to you in the hope you can guide me into how to debug in asm for Intel chips. Or any simple instructions CPU (preferably old and simplistic) but I dont mind the CPU on my machine, which is very new and possibly with very complicated instruction set. My target still remains PIC asm but I will bent towards this way of doing and resolving things (because I have no alternative) and I believe very much, that it will apply to PICs in the end.
My greatest hole in knowledge is debugging CPU instructions (either is intel or PIC - I strongly believe its the same routine for ANY CPU). 
Please, correct me in my assumptions I made here. I am guessing about this stuff since ... you know, I dont really know the entire full mechanics. I am not a rookie though, I know some stuff, but very basic, barely applicable. What I know, I know from tutorials and I dont know that much. I have a bit of experience with asm debuggers in general, im not completely new to them, so im not at 0.

What types of debuggers and how many can you recommend ? What do you successfully and routinely use?
A good introduction tutorial into debuggers for asm will be a good idea as well. I respect and trust more what YOU will recommend than my instincts on google. It's too much garbage on google these days.
Thank you and I do understand this is a hard chapter to ask from you !
(if you are like me and get easily bored by the new year's eve...haha)