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New version of GoLink (0.28.0)

Started by wjr, November 27, 2012, 03:50:45 PM

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In practice with some of the newer features, I made some changes along with a few related enhancements. The new version of GoLink (version 0.28) is available from here:

The enhancements added to this version are:-

  • New command line option /OSVERSION. This is described in the GoLink help file
  • New command line option /SUBSYSTEMVERSION. This is described in the GoLink help file

Other changes in this version are:-

  • Command line option /NXCOMPAT sets default OSVERSION and SUBSYSTEMVERSION to 5.1 (unless 64-bit, then 5.2)
  • Command line option /DYNAMICBASE sets default OSVERSION and SUBSYSTEMVERSION to 5.1 (unless 64-bit, then 5.2)
  • Updated GoLink help file regarding manually including SafeSEH tables with a more correct way for calculating the RVA