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GUI parameter 'corruption'

Started by K_F, February 24, 2019, 09:16:11 PM

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Hi Ramon,
This still seems to persist.

I've taken a screenshot showing the difference in the Height parameter as an example. It also does this on Width. Large pic so linked it ;)
I extracted the GUI portion from the window file and zipped it.

It seems that the GUI parameters are being corrupted when the windows file is read/displayed.

'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


Hi Van,

Thans for attaching the corrupt file.

I am sorry but I cannot see the problem and I do not know why the height is so long unless you manually entered. However, if it is an Easy Code bug, please edit the ".ecw" file, manually, set the right height and see wether the problem appears again (please use the last version of EC). Thanks in advance.

EC coder


Hi Ramon,

The Notepad++ file at the bottom of the pic is the 'ecw' before  opening the project
The top of the pic shows the opened module window and it's height parameter, which is different to the 'ecw' file.
I've made no changes or edited any file in the IDE or Notepad.

I also exit the IDE via Process Explorer as I do not want these 'changes' to be saved in any way.

I can change all the window sizes in the IDE, but this will be tedious as it happens regularly.

'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


Hi Van,

Yes, I know it would be tedious, that is why I asked you to manually set the height for the affected Group and see if it happens again.

I cannot find any bug for now.

Thank you!
EC coder