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The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by NoCforMe - Today at 10:48:44 AM
Hopefully we'll get back to the OP's problem soon.
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 10:18:05 AM
QuoteOh, c'mon Stoo, don't spoil our fun!
:joking:  No intention to 'spoil' your fun but as has often been the case in the past,.. this could go on ad infinitum, so if it does, would (as suggested), be best in it's own thread  :smiley:
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by NoCforMe - Today at 10:04:31 AM
Quote from: ognil on Today at 09:39:43 AMVisual Studio was built and maintained by a large and experienced staff and has more 400 AI-infused extensions.

Yeah, so what? What you wrote may be true, but it's irrelevant. The fact is you don't need Visual Studio to write 64-bit assembly-language programs.

Some people (like you, f'rinstance) may prefer VS and that's fine; to each their own. But to imply that anything that doesn't use VS is inferior is absurd.

And yes, lots (a subset of "some") of folks here don't use VS.

And the AI reference is totally ridiculous ...
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by NoCforMe - Today at 10:00:44 AM
Oh, c'mon Stoo, don't spoil our fun!
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 09:54:46 AM
With apologies TO the OP and to keep this thread 'On Topic', can we perhaps continue this philosophical VS, University and 64bit discussion elsewhere (if there is any intention to continue with it),.. as (being the Campus), is best to try and 'Keep things on Track' as it were  :smiley:
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by ognil - Today at 09:39:43 AM
Thank you NoCforMe, :thumbsup: 

Quoteby NoCforMe: Lots of folks here write 64-bit code without any use of Visual Studio. All the tools are here.

Pls, change "Lots of" with "Some" and "All the tools are there." :thup:

Visual Studio was built and maintained by a large and experienced staff and has more 400 AI-infused extensions.

Thanks. You've just made my day. :badgrin:  :badgrin:
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by jj2007 - Today at 09:37:25 AM
Quote from: ognil on Today at 07:44:34 AMon this site or at university?

The level of university courses is laughable. Some of us have Assembly sources in the tens of thousands of lines.
MASM64 SDK / Re: Environment issue? Simple ...
Last post by NoCforMe - Today at 09:13:39 AM
I've never heard of depends.exe. What and where is it?

(Doesn't have anything to do with diapers, does it?)
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by NoCforMe - Today at 08:24:27 AM
Quote from: ognil on Today at 07:44:34 AM
Quoteby zedd151:  Must be hard (for a newcomer) to learn 64 bit assembly, and how to use Visual Studio concurrently.

Does this mean that the old member (the smart one) will find it easy to learn 64-bit assembler, while the newcomer (the stupid one) will find it difficult?  Isn't that some different kind of "racism"?

No, even the "smart ones" (I'm no genius but I'm not stupid either) may find it somewhat difficult to learn 64-bit programming (because of all the quirks in the ABI), even ones like me who are pretty proficient at 32-bit. Your "-ism" observation is noted, but probably doesn't apply here.

QuoteWhat is your opinion where better are you going to learn 64bit assembler with Visual Studio:
on this site or at university?

Lots of folks here write 64-bit code without any use of Visual Studio. All the tools are here.
The Campus / Re: Watching negative numbers?
Last post by ognil - Today at 07:44:34 AM
 Hi zedd151, :smiley:

Quoteby zedd151:  Must be hard (for a newcomer) to learn 64 bit assembly, and how to use Visual Studio concurrently.

Does this mean that the old member (the smart one) will find it easy to learn 64-bit assembler, while the newcomer (the stupid one) will find it difficult?  Isn't that some different kind of "racism"?

Quote"Visual Studio is overkill, imo. It only adds complexity to an already complex endeavor (learning 64 bit assembly).

Why do you think so, if you never learn and use 64 bit assembly with Visual Studio? If I am wrong pls, show us your code!

What is your opinion where better are you going to learn 64bit assembler with Visual Studio:
on this site or at university?

Thank you! :thup: