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In Memory of Hutch' / Re: Hutch's Guitar
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 06:28:00 PM
QuoteYou could try French polish (shellac, applied with a cloth pad)
Yes, possibly. Has been Some time since I have used Shellac or done Any French Polishing, on anything.

Quoteand beautiful if done properly: no sanding or polishing needed afterwards, comes out absolutely flat and glossy
QuoteMany coats
YES very possibly  :smiley: 

QuoteProbably sound better too
Perhaps, I think that can depend on both the specific wood used and where it is used.
Not so great for light, bright Spruce tops, especially if you are wanting to avoid the slight yellowing that would occur.

QuoteNot as durable as lacquer but maybe actually easier to apply
Yeah, have never done any Lacquer work myself.

I have done a lot of work (on Solid Bodied instruments), using natural and Sanded/Polished Danish Oil finishes as it can be had in various combinations and can provide a beautiful hard long wearing (and non toxic) finish, without soaking in to the wood and effecting it's sound quality, (like many other less ideal oil finishes) and is in fact a great finish for the Neck and possibly Back and Sides.

Doing some reading and following a build by an Australian builder: Spruce & Blackwood Flamenco guitar with one of his Flamenco instruments.

He has used a relatively new product, called Osmo, with one of their extremely simple products, specifically designed for Light coloured timbers, like Spruce, being: Osmo Polyx-Oil Raw

As suggested, I will have to see how it cleans up and looks, before deciding on the final style and method of finish  :smiley:
In Memory of Hutch' / Re: Hutch's Guitar
Last post by stoo23 - Today at 05:03:05 PM
Quote from: zedd151 on July 26, 2024, 04:31:29 PMI was just giving this a casual read without any intention of replying, but when you 'matter of factly' said:
Quote from: stoo23 on July 26, 2024, 12:48:22 PM... after he chopped the tops of his fingers off.
I just have to ask: "How the hell did THAT happen?"
ouch!!! How long ago was that?

Yeah, it was some time ago and I am having difficulty remembering exactly How he did it but he was eagerly performing some extensive modifications and reparations to the rear downstairs section of the house and I 'think' .... as Mark just called, it was actually at the factory of old friend of his, who made Speaker cabinets and other items and had just bought a new Table Saw and Hutch obviously somewhat casually, just grabbed a lump of timber and ran it through the machine but it grabbed the timber and pulled his hand through with it and he managed to RIZZ the tops of his first 3 x fingers off with a Table Saw !!!
Rather surprising really, when one considers how many years Hutch had worked around such machines and in fact even Made Tools for such things when younger. ... Lesson there is to ALWAYS be very careful ... Young Grasshopper !!

I mean you can almost Hear ... and ... Feel that !!  :dazzled:
It certainly looked awful and took quite some time to heal and really changed a lot of what he could do, for some time.
I know he was a bit distressed about not being able to play, as he was just at that point where he was starting to feel more comfortable with his playing and even after they healed, he simply wasn't happy, as it really changed How he could play, so really did put the Ky-bosh on it and is probably why the instrument was buried and in such a poor shape.
Quote from: NoCforMe on July 26, 2024, 05:51:15 AM
Quote from: Biterider on July 26, 2024, 04:32:36 AMHi webd
Your binary is immediately stopped by the OS (Win10) with a big blue security warning.
I'm not a fan of running unknown exes on my machine without first seeing what they do.
I deleted all files, sorry...  :sad:
Then I'm wondering why you told the OP they had created a nice tool way up there at the beginning ...
Judging by the help images and the description available, the OP has managed to write a WEB server, created a WEB interface and implemented one or more file transfer protocols. In my eyes it is a nice (and useful) tool. 
It is a pity that it is not open source so that it can be used without concerns.

Regards, Biterider
ObjAsm / Re: ObjAsm Tools
Last post by Biterider - Today at 03:55:28 AM
Added, thanks  :thumbsup:

ObjAsm / Re: ObjAsm Tools
Last post by HSE - July 26, 2024, 11:47:39 PM
Hi Biterider!

I added a few lines before CheckRegInSentence:
Code ( Select
    invoke StrCICompA, pWordStart, offset szUsing, dWordSize
    .if eax == 0
        jmp @@NextLine   


Then tool can deal with current Masm64 SDK register preservation:
    USING rbx,rsi,rdi,r12

Regards, HSE.
Hardware & Software Corner / Re: Webd a 90kB lightweight we...
Last post by webd - July 26, 2024, 06:25:27 PM
Quote from: greenozon on July 26, 2024, 03:53:10 PMyou are getting more popular today!
3/75 security vendors flagged this file as malicious
Good for me.  :toothy:

The .7z file is 1/65.
The webd.exe extracted from .7z is 3/75.
In Memory of Hutch' / Re: Hutch's Guitar
Last post by NoCforMe - July 26, 2024, 04:42:14 PM
Quote from: stoo23 on July 26, 2024, 12:48:22 PMSo I'll have to see how it 'brushes-up' after a good clean and decide on type and style of finish

You could try French polish (shellac, applied with a cloth pad). Not as durable as lacquer but maybe actually easier to apply, and beautiful if done properly: no sanding or polishing needed afterwards, comes out absolutely flat and glossy. Many coats. Probably sound better too.
In Memory of Hutch' / Re: Hutch's Guitar
Last post by zedd151 - July 26, 2024, 04:31:29 PM
I was just giving this a casual read without any intention of replying, but when you 'matter of factly' said:
Quote from: stoo23 on July 26, 2024, 12:48:22 PM... after he chopped the tops of his fingers off.
I just have to ask: "How the hell did THAT happen?"
ouch!!! How long ago was that?
Hardware & Software Corner / Re: Webd a 90kB lightweight we...
Last post by greenozon - July 26, 2024, 03:53:10 PM
Quote from: webd on July 26, 2024, 12:55:32 PM1/65 security vendor flagged this file as malicious

you are getting more popular today!

3/75 security vendors flagged this file as malicious
Hardware & Software Corner / Re: Webd a 90kB lightweight we...
Last post by webd - July 26, 2024, 12:55:32 PM
Quote from: NoCforMe on July 26, 2024, 05:51:15 AM
Quote from: Biterider on July 26, 2024, 04:32:36 AMHi webd
Your binary is immediately stopped by the OS (Win10) with a big blue security warning.
I'm not a fan of running unknown exes on my machine without first seeing what they do.
I deleted all files, sorry...  :sad:
Then I'm wondering why you told the OP they had created a nice tool way up there at the beginning ...

Maybe He first test it on win7 with Windows Defender tunned off.
I haven't test it on win10/win11 yet, I'm just a guy from 3rd world country who don't have a good enough computer to run full feature version of win10, and the win7 I'm using is "shrinked" by ntlite.

Only recently I started to try to share webd on English forum/bbs.

But in the world of my native language, it has been popular for many years.
webd google result

And also virustotal report as below:

1/65 security vendor flagged this file as malicious
MaxSecure Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen

webd.exe extracted from webd-20240711-win32.7z
3/75 security vendors flagged this file as malicious
Cylance Unsafe
MaxSecure Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen