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Python anyone?

Started by raymond, November 28, 2023, 11:30:19 AM

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Got into a brief discussion recently in another forum about possibilities of assembly vs other languages. Following is one answer I got:

Quoterayfil wrote:
"Show me any other language which could extract the square root of any number with a precision of 1000 decimal digits within a split second."

Following Python snippet can extract the square root with a precision of 10000 decimal digits in 0.01 second.

    from decimal import *
    from time import time

    def sq(n, pr):
   start = time()
   getcontext().prec = pr
   print(time() - start)

    sq(5, 10000)

Mathematica is even faster than Python.

I would be VERY curious to see a finished program which could deliver such a feat, i.e. 0.01 second for 10,000 digits.

Is there anyone
a) sufficiently familiar with Python to understand the offered snippet,
b) capable of generating a working exe to confirm its speed and its output

If proven, its algo would be extremely interesting.

Whenever you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time.


hi Raymond
on my PC python takes 0.035 seconds
I have been playing with MP floating point arithmetic for a while in FreeBasic, my algorithms are very simple, the following little program builds an mp float from a 10000 characters long string and and takes the square root, squares it and gets the relative error, the average time per loop is 0.011 seconds
mind you that there's overhead in building the number from string and then squaring it to get the relative error
the same algorithms in C took 0.0054 seconds
dim as decfloat x, y
dim as long i
dim as double t

for i=1 to 9
x=trim(str(i))+string(NUMBER_OF_DIGITS-1, trim(str(i))) ' build a 10000 digits number from string
y=sqr(x) 'square root
y=(y*y-x)/x 'calculate the relative error
print fp2str(y, 20)
print t/9
<obviously the decimal floating point package is not included, if you are interested I can upload it and post a link>


QuoteStefan Krah's mpdecimal package (libmpdec): a complete implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification that will – with minor restrictions – also conform to the IEEE 754-2008 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. Starting from Python-3.3, libmpdec is the basis for Python's decimal module.

This fixed version run, but don't print nothing  :sad:
from decimal import *
from time import time

def sq(n, pr):
  start = time()
  getcontext().prec = pr
  print(time() - start)

sq(5, 10000)
With x64 version:

May the source be with you


for people on Windows I recommend WinPython the download is huge but includes the most popular libraries like SciPy and many others


Quote from: jack on November 28, 2023, 06:43:20 PMI recommend WinPython

See Using a Masm DLL from Python or this:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\      ; download
includelib \Python34\libs\python34.lib       ; adjust path according to your installation
  Py_Initialize PROTO C
  Py_Finalize PROTO C
  PyRun_SimpleString PROTO C :DWORD

  call Py_Initialize
  fn PyRun_SimpleString, "print('Hello World')"
  call Py_Finalize
end start

That was over 8 years ago, and now intense googling has not produced any python*.lib. They seem to fumble a lot with this language; version 3.8, for example, is the last one that works on Windows 7: "Last WinPython version that is said to still work on Windows 7 should be WinPython64-"


In the phone program is a little slow:

Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


python 3.9(64-bit)

Quote from: jj2007 on November 28, 2023, 08:34:51 PMThat was over 8 years ago, and now intense googling has not produced any python*.lib.

You may try to download Windows Installer from the official site
python*.lib resides in libs folder


Quote from: GoneFishing on November 29, 2023, 12:43:24 AMdownload Windows Installer from the official site
python*.lib resides in libs folder

I've done that in the meantime, using this archive. There's a problem, though:
include \masm32\include\

hDll dd ?
hPyList_New dd ?
  mov hDll, rv(LoadLibrary, "\Python\python3.dll")
  print hex$(eax), 9, "LoadLib", 13, 10
  mov hPyList_New, rv(GetProcAddress, hDll, "PyList_New")
  print hex$(rv(GetLastError)), 9, "last error", 13, 10
  print hex$(hPyList_New), 9, "PyList_New", 13, 10
end start

6DD50000        LoadLib
000000C1        last error
00000000        PyList_New

Googling 0xc1 loadlibrary python yields thousands of hits. Error 0xC1 = dec 193 means bad exe format. So it loads the library correctly as 32-bit code but fails to get the address of PyList_New, which is according to Timo's TLPEView, part of python3.dll :cool:

You can solve the problem with
  invoke SetCurrentDirectory, chr$("\Python\")
Apparently, python3.dll loads libraries not from its own folder but rather 1. from the executable's folder and then 2. from Windows\System32, where it finds 64-bit DLLs. It's probably a feature :cool:


That ftp link was useful :thumbsup:
I had to download 32-bit version,then I copied python*.dlls to my test project folder
and with a minor adjustment:
mov hDll, rv(LoadLibrary, "python3.dll")
all worked fine:
Quote73EE0000        LoadLib
00000000        last error
715A3A30        PyList_New


Quote from: GoneFishing on November 29, 2023, 02:53:00 AMI copied python*.dlls to my test project folder

And all worked fine, sure. But you would have to do that for all your projects, thus wasting an awful lot of disk space.

Next version of MasmBasic will have this macro, so that you can access the DLL from any folder:
SetDllFolder MACRO arg:=<0>
  ifndef sdfOld$
    sdfOld$ db 260 dup(?)    ; MAX_PATH
  ifdif <arg>, <0>
    .if 1
        push repargA(arg)
        invoke GetCurrentDirectory, 260, addr sdfOld$
        call SetCurrentDirectory
        invoke SetCurrentDirectory, addr sdfOld$

SetDllFolder "\Python"
mov hDll, rv(LoadLibrary, "Python3")
mov func1, rv(GetProcAddress, hDll, "PyList_New")


I prefer pure MASM32.
And you're right python wants to know the path to its folder which contains not only dlls but also  python*.zip with all needed modules.
Your MasmBasic HelloWorld proggie outputs a lot of internal configuration info when it doesn't find any modules:
QuotePython path configuration:
  PYTHONHOME = (not set)
  PYTHONPATH = (not set)
  program name = 'python'
  isolated = 0
  environment = 1
  user site = 1
  import site = 1
  sys._base_executable = 'C:\\masm32\\projects\\python\\39x32\\t2.exe'
  sys.base_prefix = ''
  sys.base_exec_prefix = ''
  sys.platlibdir = 'lib'
  sys.executable = 'C:\\masm32\\projects\\python\\39x32\\t2.exe'
  sys.prefix = ''
  sys.exec_prefix = ''
  sys.path = [


Quote from: jack on November 28, 2023, 12:55:11 PMhi Raymond
on my PC python takes 0.035 seconds

Many thanks to all those having shown interest in this subject.

Jack indicates that the quoted 0.01 second may be quite possibly achievable.

My main interest was to find out if there is a significantly different way of extracting a square root compared to all those I have learned in the past.

The most promising one for speed would have to be using logarithms. But then, are there means to convert those rapidly back and forth with sufficient precision? Or is it something totally different? A self-contained working program would certainly be useful to run under ollydbg and get some of the details.
Whenever you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time.


my algorithm uses log and exp evaluated using double precision as a first approximation, thereafter I use the Newton-Raphson method, something like this
x0 = x scaled so it's between 1 and 10 but less than 10
ex = the exponent in base 10 of x
y0 = first approximation
y0 = exp(log(x0)/2)*exp(2.302585092994046*ex/2) ; the second exp is mp-exp evaluated only to 16 digits
then do the Newton-Raphson calculations in a loop doubling the precision each time in the loop
the calculations inside the loop are only evaluated to prec precision
Paul Dixon posted an implementation of the square root in PowerBasic with inline asm
but the Newton-Raphson  method is several orders of magnitude faster than his approach


just in case that someone would like to have a look at my humble implementation of multiple precision decimal floating-point I attach the code in FreeBasic DecFloat-FB


hi Raymond,
QuoteA self-contained working program would certainly be useful
In theory the small python script in your post can be converted to exe format.
I've used Pyinstaller for that purpose but the result doesn't look "debuggable" because of its size :
exe = 1018KB + dependency folder = 10.2MB

BTW performance improved to 0.031305789947509766