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NEED HELP ... How can i include IRVINE32 to work properly ...

Started by Shahmeerm, September 20, 2013, 10:47:54 PM

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Here is my code , please tell me where i am going wrong  .....

TITLE Reversing a String          (RevStr.asm)

; This program reverses a string.


aName BYTE "Abraham Lincoln",0
nameSize = ($ - aName) - 1

main PROC

   mov ecx,nameSize
   mov esi,0

L1:   movzx eax,aName[esi]   ; get character
   push eax   ; push on stack
   inc esi
   Loop L1

   mov ecx,nameSize
   mov esi,0

L2:   pop eax   ; get character
   mov aName[esi],al   ; store in string
   inc esi
   Loop L2

   mov edx,OFFSET aName
   call Writestring
   call Crlf

main ENDP
END main

When I try to compile , nothing happens ... Why is it so ???


Quote from: Shahmeerm on September 20, 2013, 10:47:54 PM
When I try to compile , nothing happens ... Why is it so ???

Really nothing? No little message saying "undefined symbol : Writestring"?

Try WriteString. And welcome to the forum :icon14:


Thanx JJ ..
Nd yes , "Really Nothing" ..
when i click on Project >> Assemble

Nothing Happens , just a single Label on status bar changed to "Press F12 to repeat " .. :-(

and for your concern , i am running masm32 on windows XP ( VM ware Player ) ..
Example Codes from MASM32 assemble properly and Run proprely ... So why not My code ???

Waiting eagerly for my solution .. :-(


Which IDE? Works fine here... (Win7-32, RichMasm)

Did you install the Masm32 package (steps)? Then you could try Project/Console build all in \Masm32\qeditor.exe

And don't forget the uppercase S in WriteString ;-)


Actually , I have Windows 8 pro 64-bit ....
Nd I thought , that i cld'nt find anyhting for win8 .. So i decided to go with windows XP ..

nd No , I did'nt follow "Steps" , i just download MASM32 pkg , installed it and then tried to Run my codes , which was not compilimg BTW ..  8)

And Plz Just tell me what i have to do , to run my code flawlessly ... Either on windows 8 or XP , i am done with DOS , i need some GoodLooking Editor .... MASM32 is awsome  , but it's not working for me ... :-(


You can use the MASM32 package directly on x64 systems - a VM is only needed for 16bit code.
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


Quote from: Shahmeerm on September 20, 2013, 11:26:54 PM
And Plz Just tell me what i have to do , to run my code flawlessly ...
Step 1:
launch qeditor.exe
Step 2:
menu Code -> Create New Console Application
Step 3:
follow the steps in dialogs that will appear: choose folder for your new application (or create a new one), choose a name for your source, open created asm file
Step 4:
menu Project -> Makeit.bat
Step 5:
menu Project -> Run Program
Step 6:
enjoy  :biggrin:
and from here you may start making some changes to the source , saving it and recompiling
Have fun!


Quote from: Shahmeerm on September 20, 2013, 11:11:59 PM
Example Codes from MASM32 assemble properly and Run proprely

So your Masm32 installation is OK. Check if is in its proper place... often it's just a path problem, but I can't understand why your IDE doesn't dump some error messages on you ::)

I've tested it with my own, and your code runs just fine.

include \masm32\MasmBasic\                  ; download
include \masm32\MasmBasic\IrvineMb\        ; needed to build Irvine's (many but not all) 32-bit examples
TITLE Reversing a String          (RevStr.asm)

; This program reverses a string.

; INCLUDE <<< disabled

aName BYTE "Abraham Lincoln",0


Please, read this thread

Quote from: jj2007 on September 20, 2013, 11:41:59 PM
but I can't understand why your IDE doesn't dump some error messages on you ::)

seems like he didn't save those lines to a file or saved on another drive


Love You all  ( JJ and Vertgo ) ....  :greenclp:
You saved my back , guys ... :-)

I dnt knw how to thanku ... Bcoz i just compiled and assembled my code with the help of u ... :-)
God Bless You .... I will never forget this help ... :-)


Hi Shahmeerm,

welcome to the forum and go forward.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Kip didn't put "OPTION CaseMap:None" in the header
so - the names aren't case sensitive
personally, i would add it   :P