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qEditor Vs EasyCode

Started by AssemblyBeginner, February 12, 2015, 09:31:08 PM

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Good morning all
I have installed the qEditor and EasyCode IDEs to develop asm code .. Which one do you guys recommend for a beginner ?


Just pick which approach you want, EasyCode is an integrated environment, QE is a text editor with programmable menus and many accessories.


Thanks hutch

the following code works in QEditor and displays the MsgBox as expected
Include F:\masm32\include\
; ----------------
; initialised data
; ----------------
    MyTitle DB "Desktop hwnd",0
; ------------------
; uninitialised data
; ------------------
    num DD ?
    stl DD ?
; ----------------
; the CODE section
; ----------------

    mov num, ustr$(GetDesktopWindow)   ; retriev the deskto hwnd and convert hwnd to string
    mov stl , MB_OK
    push stl                ; push the style
    push offset MyTitle     ; push the title offset
    push num                ; push the string containing the Desktop hwnd
    push 0                  ; push 0 as there is no parent handle
    call MessageBox         ; call the ANSI version of messageBox
    push 0                  ; set an exit process value of 0
    call ExitProcess        ; exit the application

end start

However the same code doesn't work (ie: no Msgbox is displayed) when written in EasyCode although it compiles without error and the .exe is created successfully

Thes are the steps I followed :
-Open EasyCode
-Open a new Project
-Choose from menu 'Executable File (exe)'
-Module1 is displayed with some default code in it
-I Delete the default code in Module1 and paste my own asm code (see above)
-Save te module and project ( success !)
-Compile the project (success !)
-Create the exe  (success !)
-Run the executable but nothing happens (No Msgbox is displayed!)

What am I doing wrong ?


I don't personally know enough about EasyCode but we have a sub-forum that Ramon moderates and it may be the best place for you to ask.


You shouldn't trust the judgement of Hutch because qEditor is his baby.
But you can trust my judgement: go for qEditor, for writing first proggies it is ideal.



Now come on,  I recommended posting in the EasyCode forum.  :P


i generally use NotePad for much of my editing - lol
sometimes, i use NotePad++   :biggrin:


Thank you

Can anybody suggest a good ASM tutorial on the net for newbies ?

I already printed a hard copy of "The art of assembly language" by Randall Hyde but it is rather difficult to read and found some contradictory things in it like the placement of the Source and Destination operands are the other way around !



many of us learned from Iczelion's tutorials
however - the masm32 library has been updated many times since it was written
so - as an example, the tutorial will tell you to add a prototype, where none is needed (masm32 takes care of it now)

QuoteSource and Destination operands are the other way around

some assemblers swap the operand order
however, i think Randy's book has it right for MASM


Thanks dedndave

I have another question :

What is (are) the advantage(s) of programming with ASM over more friendly (and less cryptic) languages like VB or C ?  What is it that asm can achieve and other high level languages cannot ?



i'd like to say speed - well, it's hard to beat modern compilers in many cases
size is an advantage, although not really that important when everyone has lots of memory and disk space
the biggest advantage is probably control over the finer points of behaviour
in some cases, we manage to eek out some speed, too

many of us in the forum are old-school types that started with assembler before windows
so - we prefer it as a rule
i started writing assembler before the first IBM PC came out - and i'm not alone


Hi and welcome  :icon_cool:

My two cents:

* I'm also in the beginner stage, with the little little advantage :lol: that I had some Assembly background. In my case I found the Windows part (Winmain, message loop, etc) harder to understand than Assembly itself so, my first advice for you is taking a good read about that. This will be useful no matter if Asm or C++.

* I tried Radasm and Winasm (both great) but finally EasyCode won my hearth. Mostly by how easy it is if you work with forms and all the info and goodies Ramon provides in his IDE. Note that EasyCode does NOT bloat your code; when you create a Project, it configures for you several details you normally has to do anyway in the others. In that regard you dont have to erase the Project's content, just adapt what you need. Besides, it comes with GoAsm compiler too, if some day you want to make x64 Windows projects.

* I have been reading "Assembly Language for x86 Processors" (6th Edition) by K. Irvine but for the Assembly part only; I dont use any of his code in my stuff  ;) Ramon's manuals and examples were invaluable too.



Quote from: dedndave on February 13, 2015, 02:50:44 AM
QuoteSource and Destination operands are the other way around

some assemblers swap the operand order
however, i think Randy's book has it right for MASM


   His early versions of the book were for MASM.  But later versions
used his own assembler, HLA.  And that uses the opposite order
for source and destination.  (IIRC)  He thought it easier for the
students.  But it tends to annoy MASM programmers.


Steve N.