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Windows 10 SDK No more documentation???

Started by xandaz, January 04, 2018, 08:03:49 AM

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   Hi guys. I recentelly installed windows 10 SDK but it was all tools and no documentation. Is this the way it's distribuced now? i'm resorting to win32hlp. where can i get offline documentation for windows 10?


Probably in your dreams like the rest of us. Microsoft expect you to use MSDN but if you have access to the old win32.hlp you have the core API which you then translate to 32 or 64 bit. If you can get an old SDK and have an old box that runs win2k or XP so you can install it, you get later help data like the common controls but Microsoft have gone out of their way to prevent you from accessing offline data that is in any way convenient to use.


Try the attached ApiAll database: extract all files to a folder and launch the exe. It has about 10,000 API calls in the formatCreateWindowExA(
__in DWORD dwExStyle,
__in_opt LPCSTR lpClassName,
__in_opt LPCSTR lpWindowName,
__in DWORD dwStyle,
__in int X,
__in int Y,
__in int nWidth,
__in int nHeight,
__in_opt HWND hWndParent,
__in_opt HMENU hMenu,
__in_opt HINSTANCE hInstance,
__in_opt LPVOID lpParam)


Hi xandaz,

You can get the Win32 API help file from :


QuoteProbably in your dreams like the rest of us. Microsoft expect you to use MSDN but if you have access to the old win32.hlp you have the core API which you then translate to 32 or 64 bit. If you can get an old SDK and have an old box that runs win2k or XP so you can install it, you get later help data like the common controls but Microsoft have gone out of their way to prevent you from accessing offline data that is in any way convenient to use.

hlp file?
I have no ISDN or a windows 95  :biggrin:

i read many years only msdn online it give many more information and examples.

it give nice addons for Firefox or many IDEas has this function  like "your keyword"


   Well guys...thanks for replying. You're in my deepest consideration. Well....i saw some alternatives like: downloading documentation for VS2012 but let's see what jj jas for me.
   tx a lot pps


Hi xandaz,

You must try Timo's TLWHView, a Windows Help Viewer (HV2) :


   nice tool jj. vortex i got the win32api vortex. tx




Microsoft stopped distributing the MSDN Library on CD/DVD for subscribers, a long time ago.
The last edition is now freely available and can be downloaded from here: (only 2.2 GB, compressed )
Although a little dated, it is still valuable, I use it many times.


Thanks Jose,

Its a later version than I had. PHARK the install is a pain, it just sat there for minutes and looked like it was broken so I closed it down. Tried again and had to reboot to get it to work. Started it and started to watch a video, after some minutes it started to work, all installed OK. Then to get it running I had to scour through this terrible Win10 menu to find it, did a drag and drop and have an icon on the desktop at last that will get it going. If has always fascinated me the Microsoft can do something like this so badly.


Quote from: hutch-- on January 12, 2018, 08:27:46 PMIt has always fascinated me that Microsoft can do something like this so badly.

You could always hit F1 and follow the help steps provided by Redmond's geniuses :P


Quote from: hutch-- on January 12, 2018, 08:27:46 PM
Then to get it running I had to scour through this terrible Win10 menu to find it, did a drag and drop and have an icon on the desktop at last that will get it going. If has always fascinated me the Microsoft can do something like this so badly.
I thought I was the only one not able to find my programs following these clear instructions:


This is where it was planted.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Help 9\dexplore.exe" /helpcol ms-help://MS.MSDNQTR.v90.en /LaunchNamedUrlTopic DefaultPage