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my 100% Assembly game development

Started by LordAdef, May 01, 2017, 03:22:26 PM

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Congrats :t, that's very nice, but I've got an error while running it, just freezing and stop. W7-64 bits



Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


nice work alex, but at some Point it stops working on my windows8.1 64 :t
after I died several times it appears, if that helps?
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


Working very well here  :t

But...  :biggrin:  the images background now are a problem. With previous ascii map the images'  background were almost imperceptible.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


hi HSE, cheers my friend! In fact this is not a problem. Since I'm working on this new engine, there is now the need to have image masks for all assets, which I still didn't bother to do it. Before I was getting away without this extra payload. Now I am going to need two imgs for each stuff, and "AND" the two to create the transparency. I'm slowly doing this in the free time. But I am looking for someone to do all the art for this game.


thanks Caballero and Daydreamer,

now that's odd, we have the game stalling in some win8 and some win7 but not on every one. hmm..damn it  :icon_redface:


Like a daydreamer, I've got the error in the third or fourth play. Maybe that helps.


Quote from: LordAdef on February 18, 2018, 06:44:16 AM
Now I am going to need two imgs for each stuff, and "AND" the two to create the transparency.

I think that using a rarely used color for transparency you can make the mask on the fly. Just change every images's color diferent to transparency to 1.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Try to adjust the ALPHA color component for 1 color.

    mov     ColorKey,0FFFFFF00h             ; make yellow transparent, if 0 then no transparency
;    mov     ColorKey,0FF000000h            ; make black transparent, if 0 then no transparency

    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi]             ; get pixel data ARGB
    cmp     ColorKey,0                      ; Check if we need to set a certain color of this bipmap to transparent.
    jz      NoColorKey
    or      eax,0FF000000h
    cmp     ColorKey,eax
    jne     NoColorKey
    xor     eax,eax
    mov     dword ptr [esi],eax              ; save the pixel color data ARGB

Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


Cheers my friends, this will surely save a lot of time and size.

Marinus, sorry for the stupid question.. I actuallu looked at the msdn to save the question, but I always get mad at msdn :icon_redface:

What is esi pointing to?


esi points to the raw bitmap data, just check every pixel in the bitmap data ( add esi,4 for the next pixel ) and adjust the ALPHA channel of the color that needs to be transparent.
Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


Quote from: Siekmanski on February 19, 2018, 08:50:19 AM
esi points to the raw bitmap data, just check every pixel in the bitmap data ( add esi,4 for the next pixel ) and adjust the ALPHA channel of the color that needs to be transparent.

Oh, I see. I thought there were something in the Win image structure that you were point to... my bad.


Curious, do you have a tileengine instead of previous ascii? So one ascii is drawed as green forestpic,another is drawn as waterpic
, and one as fuelpump?
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


Quote from: daydreamer on February 20, 2018, 06:47:58 AM
Curious, do you have a tileengine instead of previous ascii? So one ascii is drawed as green forestpic,another is drawn as waterpic
, and one as fuelpump?

Hey Daydreamer, I´m glad you noticed!!  In fact, the engine is a hybrid! I´m quite excited with that and am currently working to make the engine solid enough for me to use it for other projects.

There is no tile, and all the images have different sizes.
However, there is a LUT running behind the hood controlling everything.

So the forest terrain is bitblit in strips, covering the whole horizontal line. I check the region were there is water and bitblit that area on top of the forest. But since I´m using a buffer, I only need to do 2 lines of that per loop.