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Just Installed masm 64 SDK help

Started by ratten, March 11, 2018, 01:44:08 PM

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Hi I just download it, and looked for all the files in the VS 2015(some where missing) and used the makeall.bat, I am trying to run a simple program to sum 3 numbers the code that I am using is as follows:

include \masm32\include64\

    .model flat,stdcall
    .stack 4096
    ExitProcess PROTO, dwExitCode:QWORD

    firstval     QWORD 1111000000001100h
    secondval QWORD 2222111100000011h
    thirdval    QWORD 3333222200001111h
    sum         QWORD 0

    main PROC

        mov rax,firstval
        add rax,secondval
        add rax,thirdval
        mov sum,rax
        inkey str$(sum), " is the result in decimal"
        main ENDP

    END main

But I can't make it work I tried with the masm32 editor and with the qeditor that comes with the 64 sdk but when I hit console build or assemble module in the other editor nothing happens, if I open the examples is the same, the only difference is that they run (maybe because of the .exe file) Hope someone can help me out maybe is my code that is wrong or I did not installed it properly the SDK 64


I don't have licence to supply the 64 bit Microsoft binaries so you will have to get them yourself. When you get all of the stuff needed, look at the examples AND try out the templates that are available within the editor.

I have posted the list of Microsoft files you need, ML64, LINK, CVTRES and a 64 bit version of RC. The code you are trying out is a hybrid of 32 and 64 bit code and it will not work.


I got them all I just installed VS 2017 and got the ones I was missing but still cant make the qeditor work do I need to do something else? because I need the .exe file should I use the qeditor that comes with the 64 SDK?




Make sure you put the Microsoft binaries into the "bin64" directory so that they can be found in the right place. The 64 bit MASM project is still in development, this is why its not a simple installation. If you can get it set up properly it is capable of building successful 64 bit assembler programs for Win64 but note that it is more complex than Win32.