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push/pop in 64 bit

Started by JK, July 01, 2020, 06:25:13 AM

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Going from 16-bit to 32-bit was a huge improvement, absolutely. More memory, no selectors, more speed - fantastic.
Going from 32-bit to 64-bit is a tiny improvement, if and only if you regularly need more than 2GB of memory :cool:



That's what the MS-DOS guys used to say. The extra registers are another story, 16 integer regs and almost never having to touch RBP and RSP, you can live in a small world of 32 bit with 3 free registers but 64 bit hits the big time. 2 gig plus some higher that 2 gig with the right linker options is the limit for 32 bit, with 64 bit its how much memory you install.

Much greater freedom of design, much greater power and the capacity to properly use SSE, AVX and AVX2 + AVX 512.


Speed gain from 16- to 32-bit was roughly a factor 5. From 32- to 64-bit it's +-5% :tongue:

And I've never, ever run out of registers in an innermost loop (of course, using the whole range of SSE instructions) :cool:



That's because you are playing with small stuff, allocate 32 gig and let 'er rip.  :tongue:


Thanks for all your input! I think i got it now.