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Started by six_L, November 06, 2022, 05:59:55 PM

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Quote from: hutch-- on November 07, 2022, 10:23:04 PM
Whether I like Musk or not, trashing the #twitterati wonderland is a good thing. Make them identify themselves, make them pay for membership and the woke bullsh*t will stop.  :thumbsup:
8 $ per month is very low cost for bullsh*t and parallell truth :tongue:
May the source be with you


Everything Elon Musk did was for money. Money is never enough for him.
This is the motive force of capitalist society.
Democracy, freedom , human rights and so on are all decorative words.
Say you, Say me, Say the codes together for ever.


Now Musk wants also political power, as only money rules US.
May the source be with you


There is a best team behind MUSK. Every movement which he plays the political chess is like AI.
Musk made a serious proposal to the Chinese regarding Taiwan,for which he was thanked by Chinese officials.
but the proposal is contrary to the policy of the US government. he knows how to please the Chinese government.
because: In one month, his TESLA car had sold more than 70000 in china market.
Say you, Say me, Say the codes together for ever.


> Democracy, freedom , human rights

Can exist anything of them without previously generating wealth? The natural state of men is misery and hunger.


QuoteCan exist anything of them without previously generating wealth? The natural state of men is misery and hunger.

I have not some capabilities to answer the rhetorical question. but i think the exact answer is in Marxism.

The Marxism is the best ideological lib of human beings.
The main contributors of Marxism are Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and MaoZeDong.
Reading their books, and you will get different answers about much thing.

for instance:
Mao said:"Who has the greatest power? The masses of people have the greatest strength.
What is the biggest thing? Eating is the biggest thing.
Say you, Say me, Say the codes together for ever.


That's a remarkable photo :rolleyes:

QuoteWho was the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world? Most people probably assume that the answer is Adolf Hitler, architect of the Holocaust. Others might guess Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, who may indeed have managed to kill even more innocent people than Hitler did, many of them as part of a terror famine that likely took more lives than the Holocaust.

But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people—easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded.
QuoteWhen a boy stole a handful of grain in a Hunan village, local boss Xiong Dechang forced his father to bury him alive. The father died of grief a few days later.

The case of Wang Ziyou was reported to the central leadership: one of his ears was chopped off, his legs were tied with iron wire, a ten kilogram stone was dropped on his back and then he was branded with a sizzling tool – punishment for digging up a potato.

An interesting view on Stalin


Marx synergy theory kinda foresaw fall of ussr
Capitalism and communism first went apart and met again ala new China economy
One of the swedes winning gold in China Olympics later gave his medal to exiled Chinese opponent
Wasn't marx the black sheep of marx brothers?  :greenclp:

my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


always save money, when someboy want to kill you, you need to run.
today, young Russian people don't need to be killed for Putin, they can run to EU.
when time come for run, I hope you saved enough money!


QuoteThe extermination of sparrows in China was an environmental idea developed during the communist government of Mao Zedong as part of the project called the Great Leap Forward, and within the so-called Campaign of the four plagues. Supposedly more tons of grain would be obtained by disappearing a bird that fed on them. The bird was practically extinct from China but its disappearance was caused by the appearance of insect plagues —such as locusts— that devastated the crops, being one of the triggers of the Great Chinese Famine and forcing the Chinese government to rectify the important decision sparrows from the USSR . To date, the sparrow populations prior to the extermination have not recovered.


What, there were no woke environmentalists opposing the extermination of sparrows???


QuoteBy acquiring Twitter last month, Elon Musk took charge of a social media platform
that "spews lies all across the world," US President Joe Biden said on Friday.
"There's no editors anymore in America,"the US president complained.

I want to ask you: is there the media platform who didn't tell lies?

What is the inside logic here?

I'll quote the dialogue from a movie character who is a bandit. his name is LanPin.
while he is going to die, he said:"I told lies all my life, and I live well; Now I tell the truth, i'll need to die."

Say you, Say me, Say the codes together for ever.


Everyone lies except the communist government, which hoards all the power, which they are usually unwilling to do without.

If a non-Spanish speaking person was really interested in what is being said in the video, I could make a brief summary.



Its hard to put a handle on what is supposed to be the best political system. Western capitalism uses "democracy" as a label to cover up unbridled greed where alternative "communism" is a label to cover up unbridled power grabs, both are flavours of unbridled greed.

While both have had their moments, both have also had some terrible clangers that left their populations with empty stomachs, pogroms, civil wars and other miseries. The arse is falling out of international rule of law where you have on one hand, coalitions of the willing (probably "shilling") trashing UN rules to invade other countries (Iraq, Yugoslavia etc ) and sabre rattling against the rogue province of China, Taiwan, as well as the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.

To address an ancient Chinese insult, "May you live in interesting times", sad to say we DO live in interesting times.


Quote from: hutch-- on November 10, 2022, 09:58:27 AMWestern capitalism uses "democracy" as a label to cover up unbridled greed where alternative "communism" is a label to cover up unbridled power grabs, both are flavours of unbridled greed.

Midterm spending projected to near $17 billion, shattering previous record
QuoteSpending in federal elections has already surpassed the inflation-adjusted previous record of $7.1 billion
The largest spenders this election season are congressional super PACs, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) Senate Leadership Fund, the House Congressional Leadership Fund backed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)-affiliated Senate Majority PAC and the House Majority PAC, aligned with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)

China's Parliament Is a Growing Billionaires' Club
QuoteAccording to the Hurun Report, a research organization in Shanghai that tracks the wealthy in China, the net worth of the 153 members of China's Parliament and its advisory body that it deems "super rich" amounts to $650 billion, up by nearly a third from a year ago. That is just a touch below Switzerland's annual economic output.

While President Xi Jinping has pledged to close the income gap and alleviate poverty, the wealth of the nation's lawmakers has kept soaring. In 2017, it topped $500 billion, more than doubling from the year before.