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Error Messages During Masm32 Installation on Windows 8 Pro

Started by hawkeye62, May 16, 2013, 03:40:48 AM

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I installed Masm32V11 on a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit system with no errors. Then I installed it on a Windows 8 Pro 64-bit system and got 32 error windows. At the conclusion Masm32 reports "installation  success", then a message " Installation has proceeded to its completion and appears to have run correctly".

The error window says: "inc2l.exe Ordinal not found", then a longer message: "The ordinal 200 could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcGenral.dll". Clicking on OK, another error window with the same message except substitute "AcLayers.dll" rather than "AcGenral.dll". I actually got 32 error windows with the same two error messages. Then the rest of the inhstallation seemed to proceed normally.

So, is my Windows 8 installation OK, or are the errors significant?

Thanks for any insight, Jim   


Hi Jim,

It's a known issue, see here. And apparently it's not a serious problem.

Welcome to the Forum,


You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Thanks for the replies. You will probably see a lot more questions from me. I am self taught in assembly and I haven't written any code for several years. I have a program written in 16 bit MASM that I want to convert to run on 32 bit and 64 bit PCs. I am not sure how big of a job it will be. The program is only 401 lines of code.

Thanks and regards, Jim



welcome to the forum, Jim   :t

400 lines doesn't sound too bad, at all
but - win32 programming is very different from DOS
so, i am sure it can be done, but not much of the current code will really be usable   :(


"400 lines doesn't sound too bad, at all
but - win32 programming is very different from DOS
so, i am sure it can be done, but not much of the current code will really be usable"

Thanks for the reply.

Yeah, that is what I was afraid of. I will have to start from scratch. Big effort for me since I haven't done any coding in quite a while.

Thanks, Jim


it won't be so hard   :P

and - it'll be a good intro to win32   :t



There is a basic roadmap when coding Win32 console mode apps (the 32 bit version of the DOS prompt).

Substitute DOS interrupts with Windows API functions and forget about segment / offset addressing, 32 bit is linear addressing to 4 gig. You have more instructions with less limitations and it is way faster than DOS level code.

There is only one memory model in 32 bit, FLAT, you can forget about the range you had to code for in DOS and the tiling schemes for memory over 64k. Memory allocation is from the operating system and you can use far more than the entire DOS had available. Just for example you can routinely allocate well over 1 meg for many ordinary tasks. You need to be tidy and free what you allocate but itsw no big deal to do.