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Learning PTR pointers with dwords

Started by Konai, June 15, 2013, 08:52:01 AM

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Ok I have used pointers in the past but usually with bytes

display_hex proc
; esi has the offset of the (BYTE) to be printed in (HEX).
  xor eax,eax
  mov al,[esi]
  and al,0f0h
  shr al,4
  mov bl,LUT[eax]
  mov [msg],bl
  mov al,[esi]
  and al,0fh
  mov bl,LUT[eax]
  mov [msg+1],bl
  invoke StdOut,ADDR msg
display_hex endp

In the example above I am using a pointer when I move a byte value into the variable [msg+1]
I understand how this works and what it is doing.

When it comes to dwords though I am somewhat confused.
I am trying to insert into an "array" of dword values. (cnt_array dd 256 dup 0)

What I don't understand is how to do that.

If I do something like ...
dword ptr [count_array+1]
Am I pointing at count_array + 1 byte??? or +1 dword i.e. +4 bytes from the beginning of the array.

Also, when I LUT[eax] to get an offset within that array to return the ascii value of that hex symbol. (LUT is look up table with ascii values of each hex digit in it )
LUT db "0123456789ABCDEF",0

Is there a way to do dword prt LUT[eax+1] ... not really sure if that is a clear question or not, but this question is not as important as the first one.

Ultimately I am trying to get file statistics and count the number of times each byte appears within a file using a pseudo array of dword values to hold the count of each byte that was in the file.

I have tried to make this as clear as possible so please let me know if something I said is confusing or more information is required.

Thank you for your help.


To access a DWORD array with an index that advances by 1, you use a scale factor on the index register. The possible values for the scale factor are 1, 2, 4, or 8 (for indexing a BYTE, WORD, DWORD, or QWORD).

include \masm32\include\
    cnt_array dd 256 dup(0)
    mov ebx, OFFSET cnt_array
    xor edx, edx
    mov ecx, 256
    mov [ebx+edx*4], edx
    inc edx
    dec ecx
    jnz @B

    xor edx, edx
    mov ecx, 256
    mov eax, [ebx+edx*4]
    printf("%d\t", eax)
    inc edx
    dec ecx
    jnz @B

end start

Well Microsoft, here's another nice mess you've gotten us into.


Ok, the scaling factor is what I was missing. Thank you very much for your help!


I'm not sure about your second question. You could do a DWORD LUT like this:

LUT dd "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"

But I see no need for a table of ASCII character codes for counting the occurrences of the BYTE values 0-255.
Well Microsoft, here's another nice mess you've gotten us into.



   If you want to count characters, just use the character
shifted to the counter size to access the counter array.

Counts  DD      256 DUP ( 0 )


        XOR     EAX,EAX ; Zero entire register.
        MOV     AL,Char ; Get your character.
        SHL     EAX,2   ; Byte count to DWORD pointer.
        INC     [Counts+EAX]


Steve N.