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masm with spinx c--

Started by Emil_halim, October 15, 2013, 11:35:23 PM

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Hi all;

here is  an other demo that showing you how to use Special conditional expressions.

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*  Special conditional expressions   *
*                                    *
*        By  Emil Halim              *
*          10-11-2013                *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

#pragma option LST

void main()
   int i, a , b; 
   a = -10;
   b = 2;
   MOV EAX,a
   ADD EAX,b
   MOV i,EAX
   if ( MINUSFLAG ) i = 0;  // if i negatively - to place it in 0
   printf("%d\n", i );
   i = 100;
   do {
      i -= b;
   } while( PLUSFLAG ); // a cycle while the variable i is positive
   printf("%d\n", i );
   MOV EAX,0xffffffff
   INC EAX             // EAX = 0 , carry = 1
   if ( NOTCARRYFLAG ) EAX = 15;  // if Carry flag set - to place it in 15
   printf("%d\n", EAX );
   MOV EAX,0xffffff
   if ( CARRYFLAG ) EAX = 15;  // if Carry flag set - to place it in 15
   printf("%d\n", EAX );
   MOV ax,0fffh
   MOV bx,20h
   MUL bx        // Result: ax=FFE0, dx=1 and overflow = 1 and carry = 1
   if ( OVERFLOW ) EAX = 15; 
   printf("%d\n", EAX );

enjoy coding masm & c--.


Hi all;

this time i am working in adding some features of Basm 'basic to asm' translator that was written by Mr Kevin Diggins.

so that means you can put a block of basic code in your c-- & Masm program.

changing between  basic or Masm or c-- parse is very simple.
1- use !! for inserting basic code.
2- use ^^ for inserting Masm code.

also when you are in basic block and want to pass a certain line for c-- , just prefix it with # symbol.
when you are in basic code too , and want to pass a line to Masm pares , just  prefix it with # symbol then put ^ symbol then your line.

not well , it is a first step.

here is a simple demo

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*   demo of basic block with c--     *
*                                    *
*         by Emil_halim              *         
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

#pragma option LST
^^ Masm block start here
; #########################################################################

;  using  masm equ directive
; #########################################################################

I_am_Ten   equ  0Ah
I_am_Zero  equ  0

    mov eax, I_am_Ten

    eax = I_am_Zero

; #########################################################################
^^  Masm block end here

void main()
  ^  invoke Ten
     call Zero
   !!  basic block start here
     dim k             'this will be global var
     while a<20
        while b<8
          while c<5
                incr c
          incr b
        incr a
        # ^ mov eax, I_am_Ten  ;this inline that pass to Masm pares
        # printf("%d  %d  %d %d \n",DSDWORD[a],DSDWORD[b],DSDWORD[c],EAX);  // this inline pass to c--     

   !! basic block end here     
     printf("%d\n",DSDWORD[a]); // access to basic var 'a' that declared in basic code block.


when i have some thing soled i will release a new version of Ext_c--.

enjoy coding with c-- & Masm & Basic.


HI all;

This demo will show you how to code in c-- close to c style.

it collects some famous c-like functions , you can make a comparison between actual c functions and those.

code of the demo

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*       c style functions            *
*                                    *
*        By  Emil Halim              *
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

#pragma option LST

// declaring some data as masm to test

src1: db "1", 0
src2: db "12", 0
src3: db "123", 0
src4: db "1234", 0
src5: db "12345", 0
src6: db "123456", 0
src7: db "1234567", 0
src8: db "12345678", 0
src9: db "123456789", 0
src10: db "1234567890", 0
src11: db "12345678901", 0
src12: db "123456789012", 0
src13: db "1234567890123", 0
src14: db "12345678901234", 0
src15: db "123456789012345", 0
src16: db "1234567890123456", 0
src17: db "12345678901234567", 0
src18: db "123456789012345678", 0
src19: db "1234567890123456789", 0
src20: db "12345678901234567890", 0

*  some c style functions

int strLen(char* pStr)
    char* pStrt;
    pStrt = pStr;
    while(byte *pStr !=0 ) pStr++;
    return  pStr - pStrt; 

int strCmp(char* s, char* t)           
   for( ;byte *s == byte *t; s++, t++)
     if (byte *s == '\0') return 0;
   return   *s -  *t;

dword strCpy(char* dst, char* src) 
  char* rt = dst;
  while (byte *src != 0) 
      *dst = *src;
      dst++; src++;
  return rt;

dword strCat( char* dst, char* src )
  char* d = dst;
  while (byte *d != 0) d++;
  while (byte *src != '\0') 
      *d = *src;
       d++; src++;
  return dst;

dword  strStr( char * str1, char * str2 )
        char* s1, *s2;
        char* cp =  str1;
        if ( !*str2 )
            return str1;

        while ( *cp != 0)
                s1 = cp;
                s2 = str2;
                while ( *s1 ) && ( *s2  ) && (! *s1 - *s2) 
                     s1++; s2++;
                if (!*s2)
                        return cp;
        return 0;

dword memCpy(char* dst, char* src, dword count)
    char* rt = dst;   
    while( count-- )
            *dst = *src;
             dst++; src++;           
    return rt;

dword memSet(char* src, dword chr, dword count)
    char* rt = src;   
    while( count-- )
             *src = chr;
    return rt;

//  testing stuff

void main()
   char MyStr[1024];

   // test StrLen function 
   printf("%d\n", strLen( src5 ) );
   // test StrCmp function 
   printf("%d\n", strCmp( src10 , src5 ) );

   // test MemCpy function 
   printf("%s\n", memCpy( #MyStr, src5, strLen(src5)) );
   // test MemSet function
   printf("%s\n", memSet( #MyStr, 65 , strLen(src5)) );

enjoy coding with c-- & Masm & Basic.


> int strLen(char* pStr)

Would be interesting to see what it does "under the hood". Could you post the exe of that demo, with symbols if possible? Thanks.


ok c-- will produces this , but be aware it is not optimized   

8.tmp 398: int strLen(char* pStr)
00401130 55                       push    ebp
00401131 89E5                     mov     ebp,esp
00401133 83EC04                   sub     esp,4

8.tmp 401: pStrt = pStr;
00401136 8B4508                   mov     eax,[ebp+8]
00401139 8945FC                   mov     [ebp-4],eax

8.tmp 402: while(byte *pStr !=0 ) pStr++;
0040113C E903000000               jmp     401144h
00401141 FF4508                   inc     dword ptr [ebp+8]
00401144 8B5D08                   mov     ebx,[ebp+8]
00401147 803B00                   cmp     byte ptr [ebx],0
0040114A 75F5                     jne     401141h

8.tmp 403: return  pStr - pStrt;
0040114C 8B4508                   mov     eax,[ebp+8]
0040114F 2B45FC                   sub     eax,[ebp-4]
00401152 C9                       leave
00401153 C20400                   ret     4

here is an optimized one

int fastcall strlen2(EAX)
    while(DSBYTE[EAX] !=0 )
    EAX -= EBX; 

int fastcall strlen3(EAX)      // pure ASM code
   JE  fin
   JMP lop


Quote from: Emil_halim on November 17, 2013, 06:32:52 AM
here is an optimized one

Actually, two "optimised" versions:

Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU        420  @ 1.60GHz (SSE3)

13915   cycles for 100 * Masm32 len
3987    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic Len
22233   cycles for 100 * C-- strlen (A)
22340   cycles for 100 * C-- strlen (B)
73794   cycles for 100 * C-- non-optimised

13921   cycles for 100 * Masm32 len
3987    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic Len
22235   cycles for 100 * C-- strlen (A)
22334   cycles for 100 * C-- strlen (B)
73723   cycles for 100 * C-- non-optimised

What's the point of writing slow assembler in C--? Or even slower stuff in C-- itself?


Quote from: jj2007 on November 17, 2013, 09:10:32 AM
What's the point of writing slow assembler in C--? Or even slower stuff in C-- itself?

first of all if you want optimized code , it is up to to you , i mean you can use SSE2 code to achieve any thing, you can see strlen in different versions and see the speed of each one , in next demo.

so there is no slow asm in c-- , with c-- and my extended c--Ext you can insert any masm code within it , so any code you make with masm you can put it inside
c-- program with or with out Little modification.

my tutorial was written for those familer with c language so that can see how it is easy to mix c & asm code in c--.

any way here is my speed test for strlen in c--

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*      strlen optimization  Demo     *
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#include "MATH64.H--"
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

//#pragma option LST

// masm test data
somestring: db "Hello, this is a simple string intended for testing string algos. It has 100 characters without zero", 0

//  some strlen functions

? aligncode 16
dword strLenSSE2(dword src)   // *** SSE2-safe , taken from Masm forum***
EBX = EAX = src;           
lea ecx, DSDWORD[eax+16]
EAX &= 0xFFFFFFF0;        
    xorps xmm0, xmm0        
    pcmpeqb xmm0, DSQWORD[eax]
pmovmskb edx, xmm0        
add eax, 16                
test edx, edx
jz a1
cmp ecx, eax            
jle a2
sub ecx, eax            
shr edx, cl               
shl edx, cl                
je shiftOK
    bsf edx, edx            
sub eax, ebx           
lea eax, DSDWORD[eax+edx-16]
? aligncode 4

int strLenC(char* pStr)     // pure c
    char* pStrt;
    pStrt = pStr;
    while(byte *pStr !=0 ) pStr++;
    return  pStr - pStrt; 

int fastcall strLenHLAsm(EAX) // high level asm
    while(DSBYTE[EAX] !=0 )
    EAX -= EBX; 

int fastcall strLenAsm(EAX)      // pure ASM code
   JE  fin
   JMP lop

#pragma option LST

strLenMasm proc item:DWORD

    mov     eax, item               ; get pointer to string
    lea     edx, [eax+3]            ; pointer+3 used in the end
    push    ebp
    push    edi
    mov     ebp, 80808080h

    mov     edi, [eax]              ; read first 4 bytes
    add     eax, 4                  ; increment pointer
    lea     ecx, [edi-01010101h]    ; subtract 1 from each byte
    not     edi                     ; invert all bytes
    and     ecx, edi                ; and these two
    and     ecx, ebp
    jnz     @F
    mov     edi, [eax]              ; read first 4 bytes
    add     eax, 4                  ; increment pointer
    lea     ecx, [edi-01010101h]    ; subtract 1 from each byte
    not     edi                     ; invert all bytes
    and     ecx, edi                ; and these two
    and     ecx, ebp
    jnz     @F
    mov     edi, [eax]              ; read first 4 bytes
    add     eax, 4                  ; increment pointer
    lea     ecx, [edi-01010101h]    ; subtract 1 from each byte
    not     edi                     ; invert all bytes
    and     ecx, edi                ; and these two
    and     ecx, ebp
    jnz     @F   
    mov     edi, [eax]              ; read first 4 bytes
    add     eax, 4                  ; 4 increment DWORD pointer
    lea     ecx, [edi-01010101h]    ; subtract 1 from each byte
    not     edi                     ; invert all bytes
    and     ecx, edi                ; and these two
    and     ecx, ebp
    jz      @B                      ; no zero bytes, continue loop
    test    ecx, 00008080h          ; test first two bytes
    jnz     @F
    shr     ecx, 16                 ; not in the first 2 bytes
    add     eax, 2
    shl     cl, 1                   ; use carry flag to avoid branch
    sbb     eax, edx                ; compute length
    pop     edi
    pop     ebp

strLenMasm endp



//  speed testing

  qword  EAXEDX1;
  qword  EAXEDX2;
  int i;
  int count;
  count = 10000000;
  SetPriorityClass( GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);         
  // testing SSE2
  for(i=0; i< count; i++)
  EAXEDX1 = EDX:EAX / count;
  printf("StrLenSSE2  takes  %d\n",  EAXEDX1 );
  // testing strLenC
  for(i=0; i< count; i++)
  EAXEDX1 = EDX:EAX / count;
  printf("strLenC     takes  %d\n",  EAXEDX1 );
  // testing strLenHLAsm
  for(i=0; i< count; i++)
  EAXEDX1 = EDX:EAX / count;
  printf("strLenHLAsm takes  %d\n",  EAXEDX1 );
  // testing strLenAsm
  for(i=0; i< count; i++)
  EAXEDX1 = EDX:EAX / count;
  printf("strLenAsm   takes  %d\n",  EAXEDX1 );
  // testing strLenMasm
  for(i=0; i< count; i++)
  EAXEDX1 = EDX:EAX / count;
  printf("strLenMasm  takes  %d\n",  EAXEDX1 );
  SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);


Intel(R) PentiumR) D CPU 3.00GHz SSE3)
StrLenSSE2   takes  87   
strLenC         takes  677
strLenHLAsm takes  324
strLenAsm     takes  354
strLenMasm   takes  191



Hi all;

this time i have successfully added Repeat -Endm masm macro to c--Ext.

also instead to use masm PROLOGUE/EPILOGUE  syntax , i have add Pwerbasic FastProc - End FastProc style.

so here is strlen masm with Powerbasic style.

FASTPROC strLenMasm 
    mov     eax, [esp+4]            ; get pointer to string
    lea     edx, [eax+3]            ; pointer+3 used in the end
    push    ebp
    push    edi
    mov     ebp, 80808080h

    mov     edi, [eax]              ; read first 4 bytes
    add     eax, 4                  ; increment pointer
    lea     ecx, [edi-01010101h]    ; subtract 1 from each byte
    not     edi                     ; invert all bytes
    and     ecx, edi                ; and these two
    and     ecx, ebp
    jnz     nxt
    mov     edi, [eax]              ; read first 4 bytes
    add     eax, 4                  ; 4 increment DWORD pointer
    lea     ecx, [edi-01010101h]    ; subtract 1 from each byte
    not     edi                     ; invert all bytes
    and     ecx, edi                ; and these two
    and     ecx, ebp
    jz      @B                      ; no zero bytes, continue loop
    test    ecx, 00008080h          ; test first two bytes
    jnz     @F
    shr     ecx, 16                 ; not in the first 2 bytes
    add     eax, 2
    shl     cl, 1                   ; use carry flag to avoid branch
    sbb     eax, edx                ; compute length
    pop     edi
    pop     ebp

also i have add multi-language comments , i.e. pascal comment,c comment, c++ comment,basic comment,masm comment , PowerBasic comment.

here is a simple example

*           Sphinx C--                        * 
*                                                   *
*   multi-language comments        *
*                                                   *
*         by Emil_halim                     *         
*                                                   *
/* c one line comment */
// c++ comment
Rem  basic comment
'    basic comment
(* pascal one line comment *)

(* multi line
   pascal comment *)
; Masm comment   
#IF 0  ' ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

    PowerBasic comment

#ENDIF ' ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤     

enjoy coding with c-- & Masm & Basic.


Hi all,

I have made some progress in adapting  BASM , to work with c--.

so some basic functions are work correctly, such as UCASE$ ,LCASE$ ,str$ , mid$ ,Left$ ,Right$ ,Trim$, Ltrim$ ,
Rtrim$ ,Extract$ , len , instr , incr .

more functions will be adapted sooner.

also added  Prefix - End Prefix Powerbasic keyword style. that allow you to prefix each next line with a specific
some chars.

here is a first demo of BASM

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*      demo0 of BASM basic           *
*                                    *
*         by Emil_halim              *         
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

void main()
   !! basic block start here
     na$ = ""
     prefix  #
       puts( "What is your name? " );
     end prefix
       print "Hello there ";na$
       incr a
       if a=8 then
            exit loop
       end if
   !!  basic block end here     

Not well BASM declare a variable when you use it like old Basic.

also when you use a string variable name , such as  'StrVar$' you can access it im Masm block or c-- by the name without '$' sufix. so you can not use StrVar as Number variable.

Enjoy coding with c--,Masm,Basic.   


Hi all,

i have added PowerBasic Macro - End Macro style keyword.

here is simple demo

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*      PowerBasic Mcaro demo         *
*                                    *
*         by Emil_halim              *         
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

#pragma option LST       //create disasemble list

Macro InVok(fnc,arg)
    push arg
    call fnc
End Macro 

Macro MBox(strg)
End Macro   
^^  Masm block start here
; #########################################################################

;  simple masm proc
; #########################################################################

    EAX = [esp+4]
    EAX *= EAX
    ret 4
; #########################################################################
^^  Masm block end here

void main()
     InVok(Squr, 5)
     MBox("end of program")

Enjoy coding with c--,Masm,Basic.   


Hi all,

here is an other release of c--Ext , so you can try the previous Examples ,also test the new features.


Enjoy coding with c--,Masm,Basic.   


Hi all,

i have found some bugs in c--Ext , i fixed it.

so please , reload the package again.



Hi all,

in old basic , you can declare a variable when you using it.
BASM is old basic but it easy and attractive language , so it uses the above rolls.
some time i do not want this feature , i first declare a variable then i use it , for that resone   i have added a new
basic directive called "$AutoDecl" to control that. 

here is a simple demo that showing you the using of $AutoDecl directive

*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*  basic variable declaring demo     *
*                                    *
*         by Emil_halim              *         
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

void main()
   !! basic block start here
    $AutoDecl on  // turn on automatic var declaring
    lwr$ = "Welcome"
    upr$ = Ucase$( lwr$ ) 
    ?  upr$
    $AutoDecl of  // turn of automatic var declaring
    // here you must declar variable by using
    // Dim keyword befor starting use the variable
    Dim  Ten , ImStr$
    Ten = 10
    ImStr$ = "string variable"
    ? Ten ; "  " ; ImStr$
   !!  basic block end here

Enjoy coding with c--,Masm,Basic.   


Hi all,

this demo will show you , how to use variables those were declaring outside Basic block.

the basic keyword "Extrn" will tell basic parse that to use the variables without putting them in data section.


*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*    Extern basic variable demo      *
*                                    *
*         by Emil_halim              *         
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

#pragma option LST

void main()
   // declare some variables in c--
   // we will use them in Basic block
   static char IamGlobalStr[256];
   dword  IamLocalVar;
   !! basic block start here
      // tell Basic about c-- variables
      Extrn IamLocalVar,IamGlobalStr$
      IamLocalVar = 100  'access to local c-- variable 'IamLocalVar'
      lwr$ = "Welcome"   'declare a basic var and initials it
      IamGlobalStr$ =  Mid$( lwr$,4,4 ) + " Equal " + Str$( IamLocalVar )
   !!  basic block end here
   puts( #IamGlobalStr );

Enjoy coding with c--,Masm,Basic.   


Hi all,

I was search this forum for ftoa procedure , then i searched Fasm forum for the same procedure.

I found that ftoa uses itoa procedure in fasm forum , written by Reverend.
so first i convert it to masm syntax.

here is a demo that usus itoa procedure


*           Sphinx C--               * 
*                                    *
*    itoa demo From FASM forum       *
*                                    *
*         by Emil_halim              *         
*                                    *

#pragma option w32c       //create Windows console EXE.
#pragma option OS         //speed optimization
#jumptomain NONE          //just jump to main function

#includepath "D:\Ext_c--\winlib" 

#include <windows.h> 
#include <MSVCRT.H-->
#pragma option ia        //allow inserte asm instructions

#pragma option LST

; #########################################################################
; #########################################################################       

      itoa_digits  db "0123456789ABCDEF", 0
;       integer to ASCII conversion procedure
;       input:
;       number - number to convert Smile
;       radix - base system like 10 for decimal, 16 for hexadecimal, etc.
;       result_buffer - pointer to memory where output will be saved
;       signed - bool value, if number is signed (-2147483646...2147483647)
;                or unsigned (0...4294967295)
;       output:
;       no immediate output
;       possible errors:
;       radix exceeds 16
;       coded by Reverend
itoa Proc  number:DWORD, radix:DWORD, result_buffer:DWORD, sgned:DWORD
  local temp_buffer[33]:char

        mov     esi, radix
        lea     edi, [#temp_buffer+32]
        mov     ebx, #itoa_digits
        cmp     esi, 16
        ja      error
        xor     al, al
        mov     eax, number
        cmp     sgned, TRUE
        jnz     @F
        test    eax, 80000000h
        jz      @F
        neg     eax
        xor     edx, edx
        idiv    esi
        xchg    eax, edx
        xchg    eax, edx
        test    eax, eax
        jnz     @B
        lea     esi, [edi+1]
        mov     edi, result_buffer
        cmp     sgned, TRUE
        jnz     @F
        test    number, 80000000h
        jz      @F
        mov     al, "-"
        test    al, al
        jnz     @B
        sub     edi, result_buffer
        lea     eax, [edi-1]
@ theend:
@ error:
        jmp     theend
itoa Endp

; #########################################################################

void main()
   //buffer that holds string
   char   ss[64];
   // test postive value
   // test nigative value

Enjoy coding with c--,Masm,Basic.