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MessageBox with bitmap

Started by guga, May 21, 2012, 09:06:52 AM

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Customized Messagebox with a background bitmap on it

Many tks to Ovidiu Cucu  for the C code.

Ported to RosASm by Beyond2000!
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

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Hi Guga,

Nice example. A similar tutorial can be found here :

My method is based on moving the message box creation code to a separate thread.


Hi vortex, tks a lot :) I see that you are using enumwindows functions....perhaps if you want, can you try to later help me with a resizable dialog control that uses it to grab all controls inside a given app and easilly resizing all of  them?

I successfully make it work, but for some unknown reason it is not enumerating toolbars and spreadsheets....
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

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