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Having trouble adding files from Menu or Project Explorer

Started by satpro, January 22, 2014, 09:35:31 PM

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I just installed Easy Code / GoAsm and am trying to add an include file to the project using the project explorer (or from the menu), but am getting a small dialog with no text and an unmarked button on it.  After that I cannot close the dialog unless I press alt + F4, at which time a new dialog (with an OK button) opens saying "Error reading language file. Default language will be set."  That dialog cannot be closed with any method.  I then go into Task Manager to end the process.  What am I not doing correctly?

The sample files seem to be compiling okay (no errors).  I am able to include files in the source script.


Hi satpro,

Thanks for using Easy Code and sorry for the inconveniences.

Are you using the latest version ( If so, I don't know what can be happening since it works fine to me. Please close the IDE if running, edit the EasyCode.ini file using a text editor like Notepad, search for "Language" keyword and set it to none (Language=). Then save the ini file, run Easy Code again and see if the problem is solved.


EC coder


Hi again and thank you for the quick reply,

I tried what you suggested a couple of different ways:

1. Setting-> Language=
2. Setting-> Language=0
3/4. Both ways above in normal / administrator mode

The same thing is happening.  Easy Code must be closed through Task Manager and the .ini file reverts to Language=<Default>.

I am using the Jan 4, 2014 update ( and a fresh download of all the GoAsm tools.  It seems to compile okay if I add the include files to the source script.  Adding through Menu/Project Explorer is when the trouble occurs.

Edit: I am going to re-install into the drive root and give that a shot.  Right now it is installed on Google Drive.  I'll just put the project files on Google Drive instead & report back.


Well, I re-installed Easy Code (fresh zips of EasyCode, ECGo, and Headers) into the C: drive while reading step by step from a printed-out copy of the instructions.  The same thing is happening, and this is on another Windows 7 computer connected to my LAN.  I had originally planned to install this to Google Drive as it is an easy way for me to move from room to room to write code that is auto-backed.

After going into the relevant folders on the second computer it seems everything is where it should be, the sample programs compile and run correctly, and I am able to add include files with no problem as long as they are added into the assembly source code.  Doing it from within Easy Code brings up a faceless dialog, and if alt+F4 is pressed, another dialog saying the language file could not be read, and closeable only with Task Manager -- the same as before.  I even tried it using Spanish as the default language, again without success.

You mentioned version (  I am using, but it is the only version I was able to download.  Is there a newer version somewhere?


Hi satpro,

I am really sorry for all those problems and I do not know why that happens. In my Windows 7, both 32 and 64-bit, Easy Code works fine. About the version, it does not exist. Please forgive my error.

I will test version to see if I can see any problem and I'll come back to you.


EC coder


I'm terribly sorry but everithing works fine in Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit), Windows Vista and Windows XP, so I have no idea what is happening in your machine. Althoug it should have no effect, what language do you use? What language is your Windows O.S.? Are all language files in the 'Language' folder?

EC coder


Have you limited which Win7 services can run on your PC.
IOW have you disabled a lot of Win7 services.

I do this to have a minimum system running, and found it interfering with Easycode compilation, so had to re-enable some services.
It's not an Easycode problem but Win7s service dependencies - Annoying, but this is what Bill's cronies have done...
'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


Hi K_F,

May I know which services interfere with Easy Code? Thanks!


EC coder


it doesn't sound like the services interfere with EasyCode
it sounds like they need to be running, but have been stopped to reduce CPU load

that brings up an interesting point...
that such services should be identified and running when testing code


Hi again rsala,

I am using Windows 7 on the two I program on, English (US) on both.  I have a fairly involved system, and don't have any other software issues with anything that I can think of, but it is happening on two computers.  In response to K_F's comment I went into services and found only a few that were actually disabled -- and set those to manual, then tried it again.  No luck.  I'll keep trying at this...


EC coder


Hi satpro,

I really don't know what to say! Nobody has never complained about something like this. Do you know whether Easy Code Masm behaves in the same way?
EC coder


Hi rsala,

Haven't tried the MASM version but I did download it and will give it a try--bet it works.  This has me bugged now because EasyCode/GoAsm works just fine if I include files the old-fashioned way. It's definitely not a directory, AV, or permissions issue.

Thanks at least for taking the time to help me with this.


P.S.  Do you have an older GoAsm version archived that I could get my hands on to try?


Hi satpro,

Here are the links for versions,, and

Please let me know if any of them works.


EC coder


Version did the same thing with a fresh install in another drive.  It says it's having trouble reading the Language file, same as the later version.