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PUBLIC declaration problem in client module

Started by Buek, September 28, 2014, 01:12:57 PM

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I have an interesting problem with MASM 6.14 when trying to export a constant from a module with the PUBLIC statement (EXTERNDEF does not work due to a known MASM bug). The exporting module correctly uses the label defined as Var2= $$DataBuf+32  in its initialization code but when the same label Var2 is exported, the client module uses the address $$DataBuf instead of $$DataBuf+32. The added 32 bytes in the address get dropped in the export process. The client module imports the Var2 label as EXTERN Var2:DWORD. This results in the wrong Var2 address being used in the client module. Any help in resolving this issue would be highly welcome.

With best regards,


The exact code in the exporting module looks like this (I omitted the code in the procedures WrStr etc to save space):

.model flat,c
option casemap:none

$$DataBuf db 64 DUP(0)
$$VAR EQU $$DataBuf
$$StrBuf0 db "String 1" ,0,0,0,0
$$StrBuf1 db "This is string 2" ,0,0
Var1= $$DataBuf
Var2= $$DataBuf+32

EXTERNDEF syscall R10:DWORD, syscall R11:DWORD, syscall oldcw:WORD, syscall temp_bcd:TBYTE, syscall buffer:DWORD, syscall BufferCounter:DWORD
PUBLIC Var1,Var2


$WrChar  PROC ; code not shown to save space
$WrChar  ENDP

$WrStr  PROC ; code not shown to save space
$WrStr  ENDP

$WrLn  PROC ; code not shown to save space

LEA  EDI,DWORD PTR [Var2]           ; Var2 is used correctly here as $$DataBuf+32. The same reference in the client module results in $$DataBuf only being used by MASM


EXTERNDEF syscall R10:DWORD, syscall R11:DWORD, syscall oldcw:WORD, syscall temp_bcd:TBYTE, syscall buffer:DWORD, syscall BufferCounter:DWORD

the use of "syscall" in this context makes no sense to me
now - i am not an expert, so maybe it's ok   :P

but, i think the real problem is the use of "=", and what you are expecting from it
TempVar1 = 6

it's a temporary reassignment of text
the assembler sees that and, unless TempVar1 is reassigned, replaces each occurance with the value 6
in the other source file, however, TempVar1 has no meaning, as it has not been assigned a value


making Var1 and Var2 PUBLIC doesn't get the job done
notice, these constants are neither data, nor code - they have no address

what you might want to do, is to define the constants in each source file
or, better yet, place them in a common inc file, and include it in both sources


the real symbol to make PUBLIC would be $$DataBuf
the assembler places the address of that item into the OBJ file

then, make all references to that address


Thanks for the replies. My comment is as follows:
1. The use of syscall is to link the two modules without an error. I found this to be working by trial and error. Substituting "=" by EQU in the assignment produces the same result.
2. The code which produces the problem is the output of a compiler which I wrote. I am now implementing separate compilation, so at assembly time, the client module does not see the internal offsets of the public variables which it imports.  The label Var2 (=$$DataBuf +32) does correctly reference $$DataBuf+32 in the exporting module i.e the statement  lea edi,dword ptr[Var2] loads the address $$Databuf+32 into edi. However, when the same statement is carried out in the client module, lea edi,dword ptr[Var2] loads the address of $$DataBuf into edi and not as one would expect the address of $$DataBuf+32. 
There is  a workaround for this problem but it would mean some significant changes in the compiler code which I prefer not to make. If I split $$DataBuf which is defined as $$DataBuf db 64 DUP(0) into two arrays such as $$DataBuf1 db 32 dup(0) and $$DataBuf2 db 32 dup(0) and assign Var2 = $$DataBuf2, then the code produces the desired result.


well - working or not working   :biggrin:
it's very cluttered

i would probably define a structure (type)
BufStruct STRUCT
  Buf1 db 32 dup(?)
  Buf2 db 32 dup(?)
BufStruct ENDS

then, define the data
$$DataBuf BufStruct <>

declare only $$DataBuf as PUBLIC, and access the 2 members   :P


Quote from: Buek on September 28, 2014, 05:57:00 PM1. The use of syscall is to link the two modules without an error. I found this to be working by trial and error.
it just must be the same calling convention in all modules (not necessarily syscall) for name mangling.
Quote from: Buek on September 28, 2014, 05:57:00 PMHowever, when the same statement is carried out in the client module, lea edi,dword ptr[Var2] loads the address of $$DataBuf into edi and not as one would expect the address of $$DataBuf+32.
That is an bug of MASM 6.14/15. For Later version (7+ or JWASM) using equates (=) with PUBLIC, does work as intended.

Quote from: dedndave on September 28, 2014, 01:21:35 PMTempVar1 = 6
it's a temporary reassignment of text
no, MASM does handle equates/constants as integers. For code or data labels it does also save the corresponding information with the equate.
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


Quote from: qWord on September 28, 2014, 08:43:53 PM
Quote from: dedndave on September 28, 2014, 01:21:35 PMTempVar1 = 6
it's a temporary reassignment of text
no, MASM does handle equates/constants as integers. For code or data labels it does also save the corresponding information with the equate.

what i meant by "reassignment of text":
each place the assembler sees "TempVar1", it replaces that text with the constant = 6


Hi Buek,

The SYSCALL convention does not decorate the symbols but it requires stack balancing like the C calling convention.


i guess "substitution" might have been a better term  :P


Thanks a lot everybody for their contributions. That PUBLIC equate phenomenon seems to be a bug, so I have to either work around it or use another assembler. Both will require some additional effort but at least I now know why I am doing this.

Best regards, Buek


I just downloaded and assembled the code with JWASM.  I am glad to report that the program assembled correctly. Obviously I stumbled over a MASM bug here. Thanks again to all for the help.

Regards, Buek