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You know it's summer when...

Started by sinsi, January 02, 2015, 05:17:23 PM

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We have no had them west of Sydney yet, you know it with brown/gold sunsets and everything gets covered in crap.


First reported at 12:30, that photo was from my front yard at 4:30. Here's one from 7:00

It's on its way into the forest, no roads or even fire tracks in there. Kersbrook residents have been told to get out.


Caught me a bit off guard....Then remembered when it is Winter here,it is summer there.


Got to hand it to the CFS, out of 15 districts they picked two as catastrophic rating, guess where the two bushfires are?


Visibility around 200 metres, everything smells of smoke. 12 houses confirmed gone, 20 more probably.
Only good thing? No deaths so far...


Quote from: sinsi on January 04, 2015, 02:04:39 PM
Visibility around 200 metres, everything smells of smoke. 12 houses confirmed gone, 20 more probably.
Only good thing? No deaths so far...

We cross our fingers for you :icon14:


here in Arizona, we're no stranger to wildfires
i hope everyone stays safe   :t


Did someone start those bushfires or was it mother nature ?
Take care,



Spent the last few days at a mate's farm in Gumeracha. Lost all the fencing, the barn, two lambs, the dog and a cow.
One text message you don't want to get - "too late to leave, stay there". Hectic next 2 days, then...RAIN! YAHOO!

Stupid bureaucrats - had to wait for a vet to come out and euth the cow "so as to cause it the least discomfort". Bloody thing was in so much pain from burns that Joe phoned the vet - upshot was "I trust you Joe to know what to do" so the cow and remaining lamb got the knife and a nice burial.

Two days of rain and the grass shoots are out, gotta love Mother Nature.

Early rumours said it started in an incinerator but the guy renting the property swears they've never used it in the 4 months they've lived there. Reckons the CFS was there when the fire went from contained to the rear of a shed to out of control when the wind grabbed it.
Started by a bottle...  hope so, for his sake.


Apart from the odd deliberate fire, most occur through elevated temperatures and a high fuel load on the ground. Eucalypt trees leave highly flammable junk all over the ground and in some places it ends up feet thick. The usual spec  is that once the fuel load is over a few inches thick, the fire cannot be put out. Big fire breaks are the only solution and DON'T live close to bushland or you will get burnt out eventually. Out of season back burning helps but there are always risks involved.


I don't know if anyone remembers the Oakland California hills fire. That was so intense because they had planted a LOT of Eucalyptus trees in the Oakland hills. Those trees burn very intensely. That was back in 1991...