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Is this phrase correct??

Started by shekel, July 08, 2015, 06:11:27 AM

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I dont know how can be more descriptive in the title..

If in a proc i have this var

LOCAL buffer[100]:BYTE
lea eax, buffer

now eax is for example 0012FD3C so i can modify like i want this space (0012FD3C <---> 0012FDA0) while im in this proc??? or maybe i overwriting something important??

If in this space of memory i have a string, this only can be 99d of length and the byte on the position  0012FDA0 should be a '00', right?

Sorry for my enlgish


That's right except that the last address you can modify is 0012FD9F, which must contain a 0 if you have a 99-char zero-delimited string. 0012FDA0 actually points to the next address beyond the "buffer" space
I am NaN ;)