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Size Of Function

Started by mabdelouahab, November 29, 2015, 06:03:34 PM

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Good morning all
To determine the address of a Proc I use "offset MyProc", my question is:
Is there any way to know the size of this proc or to know the address of the end proc


Yes, write a procedure AFTER the procedure you want to find the address for and put a label AFTER is but before the next procedure and you get both the start address and by subtracting the start address from the end label address, you get the exact length as well.


Put a label endtestproc: after your proc

testproc proc
   xor eax,eax
testproc endp

   mov   eax,(endtestproc - offset testproc)   ; eax = the code size of your proc

EDIT: Hutch was faster.  :biggrin:

Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.



Yeah, you have to watch us old fellas, we are not as slow as we look.  ;)



hutch,jj2007,Siekmanski, Thanks for the information
Usually The procedure ends with one of two things:
RETN ;(C3) :1 word
LEAVE   ;(C9) :1 word
RETN x  ;(C2 x 00 ):3 word

Can we take advantage of them, Instead of the LABEL hutch  :biggrin:
I suspect that it needs an algorithm :redface:


You could try your own prologue/epilogue.


Quote from: mabdelouahab on November 30, 2015, 09:08:48 AM
Can we take advantage of them, Instead of the LABEL hutch  :biggrin:

Of course you can, but why should you? Unless you only have the exe and no source, of course :icon_mrgreen: