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MASM Macro Text Code Line

Started by BolterVi, March 16, 2016, 03:15:42 AM

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I was wondering if it's possible to receive the text of a specific code line with macros as string.

As example (Just random code):

1. mov eax, 4
2. cmp eax, 5
3. jb @F
4. sub eax, 1
5. ...

and with a macro i can receive the code line as text like

m1 macro
    LOCAL t
    t CATSTR <Line 4:>, $-X
    echo t

where $-X stands for the desired line.
The output should be something like:

Line 4:sub eax, 1

Just wondering if something like that is possible, if not it's okay.



Hi BolterVi,

Welcome to the forum :icon14:

To my knowledge, that is not possible. But if your goal is to display certain lines of your source, or to analyse your sources, there are plenty of other ways to do it. Simple example:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\      ; download
  Recall "MySource.asm", L$()      ; load a textfile into a string array
  Inkey "Line 4: ", L$(4)          ; print line 4 and wait for a key

What exactly do you want to achieve?



Thanks for your fast reply. :)

I thought about creating a small packer/obfusactor by using macros.
As example there would be mutation macros

;Example code here:
xor ecx, ecx
;something here..
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 5
jb @B

and the code between those macros is getting mutated.
This was just an idea flying around in my head :)