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Profiling question

Started by Lonewolff, March 16, 2016, 02:03:32 PM

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Hi Guys,

Is there any way to profile the output exe to show how many clock cycles were consumed?

Thanks in advance :)


There are several well-tested ways, see The Laboratory.
If you are only interested in relative comparisons between algos, measuring milliseconds is usually precise enough. Simple example:
include \masm32\MasmBasic\
somestring db "Hello, this is a simple string intended for testing string algos. It has 100 characters without zero", 0

  mov ebx, LoopCount
invoke crt_strlen, offset somestring
dec ebx
  .Until Sign?
  Print Str$("crt_strlen took %i ms\n", NanoTimer(ms))

  mov ebx, LoopCount
void len(offset somestring)
dec ebx
  .Until Sign?
  Print Str$("Masm32 len() took %i ms\n", NanoTimer(ms))

  mov ebx, LoopCount
void Len(offset somestring)
dec ebx
  .Until Sign?
  Inkey Str$("MasmBasic Len() took %i ms\n", NanoTimer(ms))


crt_strlen took 715 ms
Masm32 len() took 872 ms
MasmBasic Len() took 233 ms

NanoTimer() needs the MasmBasic library, with a 100 nanosecs resolution. You can use GetTickCount instead, but note that its resolution is only around 16 ms.


Nice jj2007. Thanks heaps.

It's great getting back in to MASM, really makes you think hard about every little thing you do. I have made quite a bit of progress learning (and re-learning) this today. :)