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Creating your own Arnie (AI)

Started by K_F, May 24, 2016, 08:02:51 PM

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Just think, K_F, you'll never have to "do the keyboard dance" again! Once this works, it will do the programming for you. Your job will be to drink a cold beer, and wonder what the heck to do with all that free time. :-)
I am NaN ;)


Nah.. never let a computer rule my life... do the number crunching, yes.. but it must remain dumb.
Besides I enjoy tapping away..

Beer... Funny enough I get my most 'innovative waves'  from the first 3 wine glasses (first 4 beers).. after that the brain turns to mush so I have to type/write it all in during that time.. other places include the 'throne' and the shower. The rest of the time is brainlessly pushing a mouse around.
'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


I'm a skeptical about A.I.
If we think about kernel at human level, we need evolute a lot. What we have really evoluted?
1- know how to draw symbols
2-know how to phonetically represent symbols
3-know how to count
4-know how to phonetically represent counts

If an A.I. can teach us only one more step I will put my head down as a sign of respect.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything


One thing AI's can not do is feel empathy,but then again it seems not as many humans as you would think also feel empathy. :icon_rolleyes: 


Quote from: anunitu on May 30, 2016, 04:32:46 PM
One thing AI's can not do is feel empathy,but then again it seems not as many humans as you would think also feel empathy. :icon_rolleyes:
What is empathy but being able to put yourself on another person situation (aka imagination). If the AI is fast enough, it may be able to simulate the other being situation thus have a greater understanding of it.

So if computers ever become intelligent, good luck with that, they might also be able to have empathy. Of course that would be after their kill all humans phase.   :badgrin:


An A.I. can read human body, like looking down is thinking, looking up is dreaming, crossed arms is insatisfied, foot direction is attention, ... . Into this sense empathy can be read.
Computers can calculate serial things quickly than us, but if you put paralel things we win, like Kasparov vs deep blue.
It's like to define a function to love, we can feel but cannot prove this as math way.
I'm remembering of liberal arts, to say:  Grammar, logic, rhetoric,  arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy, this A.I. can do,but what about virtues: understanding, science, wisdom, prudence and art.
A raw translation:
understanding is intuitive grasp of first principles ( logical thinking and logical investigation ) ; science is the knowledge of the most likely causes; wisdom is the understanding of the fundamental causes said ; prudence is coherent thought regarding the actions and, finally , art is the thought applied to the production and the ability to produce.

Some A.I. can reproduce a paint of a GrandMaster, or paint like it, but I think that they cannot feel, like intuition.

I don't like to discourage this topic, I have played only a bit with A.I., and give to me some mental libido.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything


I don't like to say only on a philosophical way, I like to show real examples.
What's information? Information is data interpretation.

So, what's a .com program? Just a raw dump, on runtime have a frame but .com do not have headers.
What's an image like .gif, .jpg, .bmp? A raw dump encapsuled with some header.
What's a sound like .wav, .mp3? A raw dump encapsuled with some header.
What's this text? A raw dump with some header and formatting.

So, we can listen a program, execute a text, listen an image and see sounds.
The keyword is raw, on computers are raw bytes.

Paint shop pro, photoshop, gimp can open .gif files (lossless) and export as a raw dump file.
Audacity can import this raw file and echo sound on speaker.
To you see a sound file you must think in rectangles, so if filesize cannot be factored, you must include more data.
I forgot the name of a program to ms-dos that can convert .com files to an executable text file. If you open you only see ascii chars, but if you rename it you have a fully functional program.

We can create sounds, pictures, texts by using an assembler. And, why not, we can code in assembler using an image editor (opcodes on mind), colors are opcodes.

My first post on old forum was a program painted with pen on a paper only using squares. So if you scan, transform blue squares to one and white
squares to zero, join that to bytes, you have a .com program. Now, if you burn/cut only a single square (bit) you changed a jz to a jnz and
the program will echo other string.

If we have only raw dump of data, of an image per example, we cannot say whats that but we can feel about that.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything



> I forgot the name of a program to ms-dos that can convert .com files to an executable text file. If you open you only see ascii chars, but if you rename it you have a fully functional program.

This is easy enough to do in Win32, you append the text file at the end of a simple console Win32 app that reads from the start of the text up to a terminating zero. If you are a purist you can alter the PE header so the file length encapsulates the appended text.


I remember those files,they were popular as kind of dos executable help files,that or they did a bat file and used the old list program to view text files. There was also a program to turn a bat file into an .exe or .Com.


Yes, I agree, like inserting a .rar file inside .gif file, just concatenate it after ";"(gif eof),  but I do not express myself in the way that I like.
I'm really talking about text, the guy that created that program have done all using a limited char set (instructions) to play.
Like this: you code a program to encode/decode a .com file, but you have only tab, cr, lf, and space(20h) to 7eh. So, we cannot have nop per example.
The output appears like uuencode/uudecode strings, but you can execute that text.
Well, you can change that program by using a notepad or ms-dos edit but not console/gui pe applications, because these new editors "eat" zeros.
I do not understand the real intention about these type of program, maybe bypass av and firewall because are strings, not sure.
Texts are easy, just put backspace (08h) as much you need and you can have more than 1 text inside other.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything


And about creativity or imagination.
We can use a program to other needs, an A.I. can do the same?
Radasm IDE can be a recipe book, have snippets, we can create projects of different types.
On my country we call this "gambiarra", I do not know the translation to this word, if you like to smile a bit today, search by photos/images on search engine with this word.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything