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Little modificacions to RadASM30

Started by HSE, January 31, 2017, 04:16:21 AM

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Just playing with little modificacions:
- system background color for menu (a critical problem in the dark machine)
- semiautomatic resize of tabtool (if multiline activated)
- Ragdog correction to Static.

Take care to change original RadASM.exe name before replace.   

Regards.  HSE

updated a problem observed by Ragdog (
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath



Quotesystem background color for menu (a critical problem in the dark machine)
YOu hardcode the dark color ?

Why use you not the Masm.ini to chnage your color.


KetilO hardcode an almost white background menu color and some ligth blue for active item . I have changed only background by menu system color.

Masm.ini only change sintax colors.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Quote from: HSE on January 31, 2017, 04:16:21 AM
- system background color for menu (a critical problem in the dark machine)
Is is possible to share a screenshot of this dark radasm?
Thanks :)
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Hi Blue Devil!

I'm today in the clear machine :biggrin:, and I can't capture menu because it close when RadAsm lost focus.

There is no dark RadAsm, only system colors are dark in other machine.

Just replace in RadAsm.asm: invoke MakeBitMap,19,0FFCEBEh,0FFFFFFh
by invoke GetSysColor, COLOR_MENU ; hse 28/01/17
invoke MakeBitMap,19, 0FFCEBEh, eax
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath