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Converting a C/C++ class to Masm Structure

Started by K_F, August 29, 2017, 05:11:11 AM

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Maybe someone with C/C++ to Masm knowledge might be able to help here.

I'm tinkering with a mod for a game/simulation in Masm and am a bit rusty on the C++ to Masm conversion thing.
The class is defined ..
// ======================================================================
// class ExternalCameraControl
// interface to externally provided camera position data

class OAPIFUNC ExternalCameraControl {
ExternalCameraControl (DWORD dmode, DWORD cmode);

void SetDataMode (DWORD mode);
DWORD GetDataMode () const;

void SetCameraMode (DWORD mode);
DWORD GetCameraMode () const;

struct CamData { // position data
double x, y, z;
double yaw, pitch, roll;

struct VCMode { // defines the VC behaviour
bool trackrotation;   // apply rotation data
bool trackposition;   // apply translation data
bool freezeonmouse;   // freeze camera after mouse move
double rotationrange; // default rotation range [rad]
double positionrange; // default translation range [m]
double freeze_t;      // freeze time [s]

struct TrackMode { // defines external track view behaviour
bool trackrotation;   // allow camera orbiting target
bool trackzoom;       // allow camera advancing on/retreating from target
enum {BYROTATION,BYPOSITION} rotationdata; // use rotation/position data for rotation
double deadzone;      // tracking deadzone (0-1)
double speed;         // movement speed

inline const VCMode *GetVCMode () const { return &vcmode; }
inline const TrackMode *GetTrackMode () const { return &trkmode; }

virtual bool clbkPoll (CamData *data) = 0;
// callback function for providing absolute position data
// must be provided by implementations

DWORD datamode;
DWORD cameramode;
VCMode vcmode;
TrackMode trkmode;

The obvious structures are no problem, but it's the function definitions and their 'correct' places in the structure that bother me.
The above class definition is a mess of a mix, and I'd imagine one has to follow this mess or risk a crash.

Anyones thoughts of a masm equivalent or links to such documentation ?
'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


Quote from: K_F on August 29, 2017, 05:11:11 AM
Maybe someone with C/C++ to Masm knowledge might be able to help here.

I'm tinkering with a mod for a game/simulation in Masm and am a bit rusty on the C++ to Masm conversion thing.
The class is defined ..
// ======================================================================
// class ExternalCameraControl
// interface to externally provided camera position data

class OAPIFUNC ExternalCameraControl {
ExternalCameraControl (DWORD dmode, DWORD cmode);

void SetDataMode (DWORD mode);
DWORD GetDataMode () const;

void SetCameraMode (DWORD mode);
DWORD GetCameraMode () const;

struct CamData { // position data
double x, y, z;
double yaw, pitch, roll;

struct VCMode { // defines the VC behaviour
bool trackrotation;   // apply rotation data
bool trackposition;   // apply translation data
bool freezeonmouse;   // freeze camera after mouse move
double rotationrange; // default rotation range [rad]
double positionrange; // default translation range [m]
double freeze_t;      // freeze time [s]

struct TrackMode { // defines external track view behaviour
bool trackrotation;   // allow camera orbiting target
bool trackzoom;       // allow camera advancing on/retreating from target
enum {BYROTATION,BYPOSITION} rotationdata; // use rotation/position data for rotation
double deadzone;      // tracking deadzone (0-1)
double speed;         // movement speed

inline const VCMode *GetVCMode () const { return &vcmode; }
inline const TrackMode *GetTrackMode () const { return &trkmode; }

virtual bool clbkPoll (CamData *data) = 0;
// callback function for providing absolute position data
// must be provided by implementations

DWORD datamode;
DWORD cameramode;
VCMode vcmode;
TrackMode trkmode;

The obvious structures are no problem, but it's the function definitions and their 'correct' places in the structure that bother me.
The above class definition is a mess of a mix, and I'd imagine one has to follow this mess or risk a crash.

Anyones thoughts of a masm equivalent or links to such documentation ?

You need to pull out the methods from inside the class, making them regular procedures with one parameter being a pointer to the object.


Hi K_F :biggrin:
UASM is able to deal with objects 8)
Here is an example that Johnsa wrote, see if you can use that info.

; Demonstration of HJWasm 2.25 OO and additional features:

; Build with:
;..\hjwasm64 -win64 -c -Zp8 -Zi -Zd -Zf oo1.asm
;d:\vs2015\vc\bin\link /subsystem:console /machine:x64 /debug /Libpath:"%WINSDK%\v7.1\Lib\x64" oo1.obj

OPTION WIN64:7 ; 11/15 for RSP and 1-7 for RBP.
OPTION STACKBASE:RBP ; RSP or RBP are supported options for the stackbase.

_WIN64 equ 1
    include ..\wininc\Include\

    includelib <kernel32.lib>
    includelib <user32.lib>

; CLASS Definition inclusion guard.


; Define our Person class with 2 instance methods, 1 static method and 3 member fields.
CLASS Person
pName   dq 0
age     db 0
human   db 0
handle  dq 0

; A Pointer to Object type.
pPerson TYPEDEF PTR Person

; Constructor
; Can take optional arguments.
METHOD Person, Init, <USES rbx r10>, age:BYTE, consoleHandle:QWORD, ptrName:QWORD

; Internally the METHOD forms a traditional procedure, so anything that you can do in a PROC you can do in a method.

; Store console output handle.
mov rax,consoleHandle
mov [rcx].handle,rax

; Store pointer to passed in name. (r9 can be used directly)
; -> The proc arguments conform to calling convention: rcx=thisPtr, dl=age, r8=consoleHandle, r9=ptrName
mov [rcx].pName,r9

; On entry into any method RCX is a pointer to the instance
; and the correct reference type is assumed.
mov [rcx].human, 1 ; Hence this is possible.
mov (Person PTR [rcx]).human, 1 ; Alternative forms of reference.
mov [rcx].Person.human, 1 ; " "

mov isAlive,0
mov al,age
mov [rcx].age,al

.if( age < 100 )
mov isAlive,1

; The constructor MUST return it's this pointer in RAX.
mov rax,thisPtr


; Destructor
; Takes no arguments.
METHOD Person, Destroy, <>
mov [rcx].age,0

; Print the persons name to the console.
METHOD Person, PrintName, <USES rbx>


invoke lstrlen,[rcx].pName
mov r10d,eax

mov rcx,thisPtr
mov rax,[rcx].handle
mov rbx,[rcx].pName

invoke WriteConsole, rax, rbx, r10d, ADDR bWritten, NULL


; Set person name.
METHOD Person, SetName, <USES rbx>, pNameStr:QWORD

mov rax,pNameStr
mov [rcx].pName,rax


; Static method to check if a person is a human.
STATICMETHOD Person, IsHuman, <USES rbx>, somebody:PTR Person

mov rax,somebody
mov al,(Person PTR [rax]).human





hOutput dq 0
person1 pPerson 0 ; A global variable to hold a reference to a Person type.

avgAge REAL4 0 ; Integer to real type promotion. (You can use an integer initializer instead of N.n format).


; All default procedures are now FRAME based (so there is no need to specify FRAME).
; -> Using a FRAME PROC as the entry point for both Console and Windows applications is advised to ensure correct stack startup.
MainCRTStartup PROC
LOCAL person2:PTR Person ; A local variable to hold a reference to a Person type. (Note you can also use _DECLARE if the Object name includes <>).

invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov hOutput,rax
    ; Create two Person instances.
    mov person1, _NEW(Person, 30, hOutput, CSTR("Jane Doe "))
    mov person2, _NEW(Person, 40, hOutput, CSTR("Peter Smith "))
    _INVOKE Person, PrintName, person1 ; Direct call (Type, Method, arguments)
    _VINVOKE person2, Person, PrintName ; Vtable call (instance, Type, Method)   
    _INVOKE Person, SetName, person1, CSTR("Michael Smith ")
    _INVOKE Person, PrintName, person1
    mov rax, _STATIC(Person, IsHuman, person1) ; Default return type from $STATIC is 64bit integer.
    ; Delete the objects.

MainCRTStartup ENDP

END MainCRTStartup


'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


If you don't succeed, or need some more info you can PM Johnsa, he'll be happy to give you a hand and if necessary add some stuff to UASM to make it work. :biggrin:


Quote from: K_F on August 29, 2017, 05:11:11 AM
Maybe someone with C/C++ to Masm knowledge might be able to help here.

I'm tinkering with a mod for a game/simulation in Masm and am a bit rusty on the C++ to Masm conversion thing.
The class is defined ..
// ======================================================================
// class ExternalCameraControl
// interface to externally provided camera position data

class OAPIFUNC ExternalCameraControl {
ExternalCameraControl (DWORD dmode, DWORD cmode);

void SetDataMode (DWORD mode);
DWORD GetDataMode () const;

void SetCameraMode (DWORD mode);
DWORD GetCameraMode () const;

struct CamData { // position data
double x, y, z;
double yaw, pitch, roll;

struct VCMode { // defines the VC behaviour
bool trackrotation;   // apply rotation data
bool trackposition;   // apply translation data
bool freezeonmouse;   // freeze camera after mouse move
double rotationrange; // default rotation range [rad]
double positionrange; // default translation range [m]
double freeze_t;      // freeze time [s]

struct TrackMode { // defines external track view behaviour
bool trackrotation;   // allow camera orbiting target
bool trackzoom;       // allow camera advancing on/retreating from target
enum {BYROTATION,BYPOSITION} rotationdata; // use rotation/position data for rotation
double deadzone;      // tracking deadzone (0-1)
double speed;         // movement speed

inline const VCMode *GetVCMode () const { return &vcmode; }
inline const TrackMode *GetTrackMode () const { return &trkmode; }

virtual bool clbkPoll (CamData *data) = 0;
// callback function for providing absolute position data
// must be provided by implementations

DWORD datamode;
DWORD cameramode;
VCMode vcmode;
TrackMode trkmode;

The obvious structures are no problem, but it's the function definitions and their 'correct' places in the structure that bother me.
The above class definition is a mess of a mix, and I'd imagine one has to follow this mess or risk a crash.

Anyones thoughts of a masm equivalent or links to such documentation ?
The structure is interesting.