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I'll be buying a new computer...

Started by zeddicus, March 29, 2018, 02:37:04 PM

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Quote from: alCoPaUL on May 26, 2024, 07:52:16 AMjust saying that you can play with the current EWDK attached to a windows 10 OS on a VM and that VM is running on top of windows 7.
Why would he want the "current EWDK"? BTW, had no idea what "EDWK" was until I looked it up.
It's a "a standalone, self-contained command-line environment for building drivers." Why in the world would he need that (unless he's developing drivers)?
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


EWDK has the latest build tools for amd64, x86, arm32, arm64 assembly language..

of course, updated .lib files..

no visual studio 20xx prerequisites..

and shizz..

also nothing to do...

or i think imma install tinyos arm64 aka thinned windows 11 arm64 and maybe i build a quine for that system..


"imma install tinyos arm64 aka thinned windows 11 arm64 and maybe i build a quine for that system.."
:joking: Go right ahead.  :biggrin:

"We are living in interesting times"   :tongue:




i just need the proper qemu config...

or consider it auto-done coz you can copy pasta that and just mod 4 letters for the win..


Quote from: alCoPaUL on May 26, 2024, 10:49:54 AMbro,
:eusa_naughty:  Sorry, but as I exclusively use the Masm32/64 SDK's, I don't really care anything about fasm, tasm, what-ever-else-asm. Nor 'quines' of any type, for that matter.
Judging by the lack of replies in the thread you linked to in the flat assembler forum, not many folks there are interested in 'quines' either. (since at least 02 Jul 2023)

Make your own topic to discuss those, please. This topic is currently about my quest to purchase a refurbished laptop. Do you have any suggestions about that? As to manufacturer, CPU, specs to look for?
"We are living in interesting times"   :tongue:


  I have owned Toshiba, HP and had no problems.
  I have worked on Acer, Lenovo, Dell which seem crap. HP as well but because of the sheer number of models there will be duds.

CPU - Intel seem to be (a lot) faster

RAM - as much as you can get since most laptops only have two slots, some only one

Hard drive - SSD at least, forget about a normal HDD

Screen - 15.6 minimum but don't go for touch (fiddly and expensive) or 2K/4K (even a 17" display is tiny)

Keyboard - separate keypad is good, backlit can be tricky in low light

Overall - get a desktop, laptops are crap :biggrin:


Lol. Thanks sinsi for helping me get this thread back on track.
No, I am keeping my current 2x desktops and understand your comment about desktops vs. laptops. I just need a portable computing option. To wit, the recent power outage here. The power was out for 18 hours, iirc.
The laptop doesn't have to be top of the line, just a bit faster than my sluggish desktop, and reliable. I've got ample time to search for something suitable, it's no rush. Anyway, when I do find something suitable I will post the specs and price for further recommendations on whether it is a good deal or not, for the asking price.
"We are living in interesting times"   :tongue:


Quote from: sinsi on May 26, 2024, 12:55:02 PMI have worked on Acer, Lenovo, Dell which seem crap.

I beg your pardon.
Typing this on a Dell that has given nothing but good service.
Which model is it? Lessee ...
Hmm, have to wait until I reboot. I can tell you it's a x64 system, though.

OptiPlex 960, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU  E8400 @ 3.00GHz, 2992 MHz, 2 Cores, 2 Logical Processors
5.00 GB physical memory

OK, probably too outdated for you (sinsi) but maybe just what sudoko wants.
I got it used for less than $100.
It has given me zero problems.

Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


I should have qualified it with "in my experience ".
I also should have sprinkled it with YMMVs but that is the second-most annoying acronym on the internet


Quote from: sudoku on May 26, 2024, 12:58:48 PMLol. Thanks sinsi for helping me get this thread back on track.
No, I am keeping my current 2x desktops and understand your comment about desktops vs. laptops. I just need a portable computing option. To wit, the recent power outage here. The power was out for 18 hours, iirc.
The laptop doesn't have to be top of the line, just a bit faster than my sluggish desktop, and reliable. I've got ample time to search for something suitable, it's no rush. Anyway, when I do find something suitable I will post the specs and price for further recommendations on whether it is a good deal or not, for the asking price.

Faster than a dual core? Almost anything (except Celeron) will achieve this.  :greensml:


Quote from: sudoku on May 26, 2024, 11:33:14 AM
Quote from: alCoPaUL on May 26, 2024, 10:49:54 AMbro,
:eusa_naughty:  Sorry, but as I exclusively use the Masm32/64 SDK's, I don't really care anything about fasm, tasm, what-ever-else-asm. Nor 'quines' of any type, for that matter.
Judging by the lack of replies in the thread you linked to in the flat assembler forum, not many folks there are interested in 'quines' either. (since at least 02 Jul 2023)

Make your own topic to discuss those, please. This topic is currently about my quest to purchase a refurbished laptop. Do you have any suggestions about that? As to manufacturer, CPU, specs to look for?

how can this thread be derailed when you just bumped this and i saw this and gave you my thoughts coz youre sticking with windows 7 till you die as you've been telling..

told you that you can run windows 10 on a VM while that VM runs on windows 7.. why? coz you'll always be on the loop on things and not get out of touch..

and you reacted like youre gloating when i said imma develop an arm64 quine on tinyos aka windows 11 stripped down and i linked you a link, with sources and you suddenly became defensive, saying you don't care about anything but masm..

bro, you ok? coz i see in the forums that there are sections that aren't masm32 nor masm64.

and i am not forcing you to look at my shizzz coz you know, the phrase, "other persons"??


Quote from: NoCforMe on May 26, 2024, 02:08:06 PMIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU  E8400 @ 3.00GHz, 2992 MHz, 2 Cores, 2 Logical Processors
... but maybe just what sudoko wants.
:dazzled: NOooooo!!! Thats exactly the CPU that I am running away from.  :joking:
QuoteIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU    E8400  @ 3.00GHz
In each and every test I participate in in the Laboratory, my tired old desktop CPU (same as yours, but an HP box, 8GB mem) always comes in LAST PLACE! Would be nice to not be in last place all the time.  :tongue:  I don't have to be first, but I don't wanna be last either.  :greensml:
"We are living in interesting times"   :tongue:


Intel i5 laptops are in recycling phase and that CPU isn't bad.
Jochen have similar laptop, that i got, when i retired.
As usual, as it had bad battery, most of companies recycle them easily.
May the source be with you


@TimoVJL: A battery that holds a charge is a definite must have, I need the portability. I live in Louisiana, U.S. and we have high winds often, and even hurricanes here resulting in power outages more often than in most areas.
I would think a refurbished laptop would come with a non-dead battery, at least I hope so. Would really suck otherwise.
"We are living in interesting times"   :tongue:


I just bought a cheap better battery module from germany, so why you can't do that.

May the source be with you