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I'll be buying a new computer...

Started by zeddicus, March 29, 2018, 02:37:04 PM

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Quote from: daydreamer before...
dont forget to remove unused languages like assembly  :P

lol. soon enough I will be writing code again. in VisualBasicOrWhateverThe Hell.Net.   :P  :redface:

Quote from: Magnus :P
or buy a  cheap usb memory

It's not really about saving HD space anymore, I have plenty now. It's more to have a small as possible OS drive. For fast backup and restore.  :biggrin:

Some folders I noticed like System32 have as many as 110 folders containing language translation files (.mui) In my whole computer possibly these files range in the 10s of thousands. It all adds up. and some are full .dlls written for the specified languages. (as opposed to using external .mui files)

I'm working on getting the list of all folders containing these files.  (example: "C:\>dir /b /a:d /s *el-GR* >> c:\users\administrator\desktop\languages.txt")
Then I will create the file deletion (del) and remove directory (rd) batch files from those lists.


Got 'er half way done. Obtained through unnamed sources I got a copy of Windows XP Professional. I already have the CD key and attempted to install on another partition. Some sort of BIOS issue preventing the install. So I did the next best thing, installed it in VMWare.

I have spent the better part of the afternoon obtaining through various sources (mostly - Wayback Machine) all of the old software that I used to run in XP.   :biggrin:

While the install to virtual machine worked, there is of course no way to activate it anymore. So I am left with a running virtual version of Windows XP Professional installed with legitimate CD Key, but only can use it for 30 days before it expires.    :(

But I am having some fun in the mean time. I even managed to image xp from inside of VMWare and restore the image to D: partition. After fumbling around to get XP (on HD partition) to boot, I finally managed with the help of GRUB bootloader but alas BSOD stopped me in my tracks. Still the same BIOS issue that prevented a normal installation to the hard drive.

I know there must be a way to correct this problem. But until I find the solution, I'll be running XP through VMWare.   :greenclp:


I keep all my collection of old OSs in vmWare. I hope I will not need to activate them again.  ;)

BTW, Internet Explorer 6.0 works fine with this site.


Quote from: AW
I keep all my collection of old OSs in vmWare. I hope I will not need to activate them again.  ;)

Good idea!
Quote from: aw
BTW, Internet Explorer 6.0 works fine with this site.

I haven't figured out yet how to connect to the internet yet via VMWare.   :(   I know it's something simple I am overlooking.

Yes I know, I'm living in the past. But what I see of the present and future of MS OS's, I'd rather BE in the past.  :biggrin:


Quote from: zedd151 on June 10, 2018, 04:50:14 PM
I haven't figured out yet how to connect to the internet yet via VMWare.   :(   I know it's something simple I am overlooking.
It should be simple and transparent, but is not always. Start by installing the VMWare Tools.


I finally made a clean install of Windows 10. This time I am removing/disabling Features with a more methodical, step-by-step
approach. I am doing this because right clicking on the 'Task Bar' no longer worked nor did the 'Start Menu'.
I screwed the pooch somewhere.

I know this seems odd, but disabling 'Windows Event Log' via (MSConfig--> Services) results in WiFi icon not being displayed
in the notification area of the taskbar. And cannot be re-instated by other means. It was driving me nuts. I even reinstalled the WiFi driver,
all to no avail.

I figured it would turn out to be 'Windows Error Reporting' or some other module playing this dirty trick, but why 'Windows
Event Log' ??? What is the Event Log doing that requires WiFi access. btw - I connect to the internet through usb patch
to my smartphone but it bothered me that the WiFi icon was not showing when it should have been.

So now everything appears to be working so far, and most of the unpleasantries have been disabled or removed. I am being careful this
time whereas before I disabled/removed several items in one batch before restarting to see the results.

Also I am thinking that because the Wifi connection/settings were screwed, I was unsuccessful in enabled internet connectivity in VMWare
for my WIndows xp installation.

All is well after a couple of hours work on getting Windows 10 Home down to a reasonable level of @#$%%^*.    :icon_mrgreen:


zedd i can see you have your personal taste with your OS version. I want to tell you this again (i think?) just if you have a big failure in the system again in the future: You can use windows for development (not connected to the internet) and a live linux to browse the internet.
Anyway you will choose what you want. I personally hate to waste my time configuring and installing Oses too many times...:idea:


Quote from: felipeYou can use windows for development (not connected to the internet) and a live linux to browse the internet.
That was originally my idea as well. But I hate having to switch between OS interfaces to get stuff done.   :exclaim:

Quote from: FelipeI personally hate to waste my time configuring and installing Oses too many times...
It's not a waste of time, as I am learning to tame the beast known as Windows 10 Home Edition properly

Example 1: Previously I was using a brute force approach to removing unnecessary languages on my system; I would haphazardly delete the offending files/folders and it worked somewhat.

Example 2: I found the correct way to delete said unnecessary languages...

Get a listing of installed 'packages'

DISM.exe /online /Get-Packages > currentpackages.txt
DISM.exe /online /Get-Apps >> currentpackages.txt
dism.exe /online /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages >> currentpackages.txt
dism.exe /online /Get-ProvisioningPackageInfo >> currentpackages.txt


Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.16299.15

Image Version: 10.0.16299.15

Packages listing:

Package Identity : Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~10.0.16299.15 <-- obviously will not include this one.   :icon_rolleyes:
State : Installed
Release Type : Language Pack
Install Time : 9/29/2017 2:41 PM

Package Identity : Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pt-PT~10.0.16299.15
State : Installed
Release Type : Language Pack
Install Time : 2/23/2018 1:30 PM

Package Identity : Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ro-RO~10.0.16299.15
State : Installed
Release Type : Language Pack
Install Time : 2/23/2018 3:00 PM

Package Identity : Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ru-RU~10.0.16299.15
State : Installed
Release Type : Language Pack
Install Time : 2/23/2018 1:36 PM

~~~ etc., etc., ....

From the resulting 'currentpackages.txt' file, I can then build a cmd script to remove chosen packages:

dism  /online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pt-PT~10.0.16299.15
dism  /online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ro-RO~10.0.16299.15
dism  /online /Remove-Package /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~ru-RU~10.0.16299.15

It takes much longer this way, but the OS won't complain about anything missing - not that it has; surprisingly no ill effects from simple deletion.
But this is the approved way of doing it.

But in all seriousness, I do appreciate your input.  8)
This latest installation and configuring was necessary. You do remember that I said certain wanted features weren't working anymore?

My taskbar and StartMenu now work properly.

Cortana is no longer trying to access the internet to upload my business to M$.
Updates no longer try to download - fubarring my settings.
I no longer have to keep switching off realtime AV scans.

And all is well with Windows 10 Home Edition. It is now almost down to the size of a Windows Vista setup. Around 7GB.   :greenclp:

By the way, for those following my progress (I know you're watching this thread - you know who you are)   8)
After each major step I am making a backup of the previous version first, just in case.

Once I am satisfied with everything (possibly a very long time from now) :P I will post everything I have done to tweak Windows 10 Home into good behavior. (Sort of a tutorial) - FORTRANS are you watching this thread?


Before removing the language packages, 101,000+ folders and 289,000+ files, 10 GB used space.

After removing the Language Packages, and running Dism > ComponentCleanup:
24,211 folders and 59,696 files!!! the used space presented below....

It can't get any better than that.  :biggrin:
Until my next tweak...


After reinstalling VM Ware, and Windows xp on it, disk usage back to 10 GB.   :lol:  But still is a big improvement over the other option - letting the OS grow to monstrous proportions.   :shock:


Some like to tinker with os,they become experts who can help others who has a crashed os
Like people that want to concentrate on learning become better and better with different programs,tutorials and friends sharing knowledge,wether it is photoshop,musicmaker,blender,but i also mean not so obvious programs like javac.exe,vc,ml.exe etc
And playing with os might lead to try linux,which comes with many cool programming tools, it starts linux kernel and after that you have a huge file similar to autoexec.bat where you can customize your linux as you want
my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


Quote from: daydreamer on June 12, 2018, 01:34:28 AM
Some like to tinker with os #

It has not been a joy to work on Windows 10, but I am getting better at it.
And playing with os might lead to try linux....
I've  got my hands full dealing with Windows. Don't  want to try learning linux.    :icon_cool:

I know  the post was directed to felipe but I felt the need to respond.


My latest adventure is exploring Windows 7 64 bit. I am attempting to get drivers for this computer.
I shouldhave better luck getting drivers for Windows 7, since it is a better comparison to Windows 10 than Windows xp was.

Right now, I really need the wireless driver first so that I can download the drivers from the computer. Several other key drivers
from Windows 10 also were not compatible with windows 7. But I am working on a possible solution....


I am done tweaking/modifying this OS.

Cortana is permanently disabled
Auto Updates are permanently disabled
Real Time AV is disabled.

Windows 7 and Windows xp appear to be uninstallable on this system due to lack of driver availability.

This is all I have to say about this matter.   :icon_mrgreen:

So for better or for worse, I am stuck with this computer for time being.

As soon as I can scrape together needed cash, will rebuild my other netbook and laptop; new Hard Drives, OS installation, drivers, etc.
Windows 10 will certainly NOT be part of those setups.  Those are both 32 bit machines, and both xp and Win 7 run fine with them.   :biggrin:


Quote from: zedd151

So for better or for worse, I am stuck with this computer for time being.

I always have ubuntu Live CD to fall back on for posting  :biggrin: