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Make.bat, debug & pdb info

Started by LordAdef, May 01, 2018, 06:33:57 AM

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I'm trying to have a debug build as detailed as possible, so I could have my asm code in the debugger.
I'm on win10 and cannot read the help file.

since this is a simple thing for you guys, I wondered if you could show me a make.bat that does this.. and I thank you in advance for that.

I'm currently using a modified version of Hutch's make.bat:

@echo off

if not exist rsrc.rc goto over1
\masm32\bin\rc /v rsrc.rc
\masm32\bin\cvtres /machine:ix86 rsrc.res

if exist "main.obj" del "main.obj"
if exist "main.exe" del "main.exe"

\Masm32\bin\UAsm64 /c /coff "main.asm"
if errorlevel 1 goto errasm

if not exist rsrc.obj goto nores

\Masm32\bin\polink /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /OPT:NOREF "main.obj" rsrc.res
if errorlevel 1 goto errlink

dir "main.*"
goto TheEnd

\Masm32\bin\polink /SUBSYSTEM:console /OPT:NOREF "main.obj"
if errorlevel 1 goto errlink
dir "main.*"
goto TheEnd

echo _
echo Link error
goto TheEnd

echo _
echo Assembly Error
goto TheEnd



My prog is a 32bit one.
Either debugging in Olly or Visual Studio (Do I Have to export a pdb file for that?)



for debug and pdb output the linker needs, as an example:



Quote from: fearless on May 01, 2018, 10:08:53 AM
for debug and pdb output the linker needs, as an example:


thanks Fearless, I tried that but it didn't work..


For the assembly portion don't forget to include debugging output with -Zi, -Zd
For the linker (assuming MS Link) just /debug should be sufficient.

I use this for 32 and  64bit inside Visual Studio for full source-level debugging. As I mentioned in another post I've started using AsmDude plugin for Visual Studio to provide intellisense, completion, timings and syntax highlighting so it makes the whole experience quite pleasant. Combined with an integrated shell plugin in VS you can do everything from the IDE without ever leaving, even if you still use batch files for building (as I do).


Quote from: johnsa on May 01, 2018, 06:03:09 PM
For the assembly portion don't forget to include debugging output with -Zi, -Zd
For the linker (assuming MS Link) just /debug should be sufficient.

I use this for 32 and  64bit inside Visual Studio for full source-level debugging. As I mentioned in another post I've started using AsmDude plugin for Visual Studio to provide intellisense, completion, timings and syntax highlighting so it makes the whole experience quite pleasant. Combined with an integrated shell plugin in VS you can do everything from the IDE without ever leaving, even if you still use batch files for building (as I do).

I'm using Polink.
Yes, I saw your post about AsmDude and had it already installed. It's nice. Do you have any special settings for Visual Studio (mine is community) in order to work with masm and Uasm?


Nope nothing specific, just a plain installation of asmDude, I think i customised the style/colours etc a bit and I added a proper terminal window extension to VS too (so it's like VSCode with a terminal at the bottom).