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Game Engine as personal project!

Started by DebugBSD, May 16, 2018, 07:25:00 PM

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Hi, good morning!

This is my first post here at the Forum, so let me instroduce myself before continue. I'm Guillermo (or Guille). I've been working with C and C++ for over 13 years but overall, the language which I like most is and has been Assembly Language. I learn't Assembly about 5 years ago, and I feel very confident using it. Unfortunately, I can't use it on may day-to-day job, but, I use it every day at home and I wish I could use it in my job too but I can't because of project requirements.

I'm working on a personal project which will be made in Assembly Language on Windows platform and maybe on OpenBSD most probably in the future (cause I use it as Descktop OS). The thing is, I'd like to know about resources to get into game development. Maybe books, or web, etc... I mean, resources to begin started with Game Development because I have no idea where to begin and if that includes Assembly Language, much better.

Thanks for everything.
Happy Hacking!


Hi DebugBSD,

Welcome to the forum.  :t

There are many ways to write games, GDI, GDI+, OpenGl, DirectX.
A start could be downloading the DirectX SDK and explore the many examples and translate them to ASM.

Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


Hi Siekmanski,

First of all thanks for your reply. I though some time ago and I concluded that I'll use OpenGL because this library is supported by Windows and UNIX-Like Operating Systems. Although the engine will be made in Windows, I'll port to OpenBSD on the future so, I think is better to begin with OpenGL. Anyway I'll start with DirectX SDL just to learn something useful.

Actually, I've seen a couple of examples made in OpenGL but all of them are just for 32-Bit architectures but I think I can use it to 64bit anyway.

Thank you very much!
Happy Hacking!


Quote from: DebugBSD on May 16, 2018, 10:38:57 PM
I'll use OpenGL because this library is supported by Windows and UNIX-Like Operating Systems. Although the engine will be made in Windows, I'll port to OpenBSD on the future so, I think is better to begin with OpenGL.

Welcome!  :icon14:
I hope you know that ml assembly language is not portable to other OSs...If you go then with linuxes or unixes try to use the most compatible assembler with ml. That will reduce all the changes to your code when porting it....  :idea:


Yes, thanks.

Yes, your'e right. Right now, I don't know how I'm going to deal with that issue. I thought to use nasm cause is compatible between UNIX-Like systems and Windows (well, maybe with minor changes) but I have to admit that masm helps a lot with Visual Studio and overall, the debugger and when dealing with assembly language, a good debugger is a useful tool. But anyway, I'll be careful when I start writing the code.

Happy Hacking!


Quote from: DebugBSD on May 17, 2018, 04:29:51 AM
I thought to use nasm cause is compatible between UNIX-Like systems and Windows (well, maybe with minor changes)
UASM allows you to keep the same syntax across Windows, UNIX and MacOS. Their support forum in this website.
It is 100% MASM compatible, or about that.



That was very helpful!!

Really apreciate it!
Happy Hacking!


Buenos dias, Guillermo. Sounds like you have a very interesting project planned.

And welcome to the forum.


Muchas gracias zedd151!

Although this is an English forum, is good to meet spanish people who likes assembly language and share their experience using it.

I hope my projects see the light in the future. I have several projects in mind with respect to games but right now there is only ideas and several game design documents although hopefuly and with effort will be something more in the coming years.

Have a nice day!
Happy Hacking!


Quote from: DebugBSD on May 17, 2018, 04:55:25 PM
Muchas gracias zedd151!

Although this is an English forum, is good to meet spanish people who likes assembly language and share their experience using it.

No,  sorry. I only know a little Spanish. Just trying to make you feel at home here.    :biggrin:
edit = The worst for me is trying to say 'refrigerator' in Spanish    :icon_mrgreen:

Start with smaller projects and work your way up.  :t


welcome Guillermo
go archived forum and use search forum as well as search new forum
or just ask and previous members just can post example and links
@Zedd about smaller->larger Projects
depends on if you want to use assembly for superfast code, or your goal is to first make bigger code to get things working right before make it smaller to fit it into 1k,4k,64k demo

my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding



Thanks a lot all of you. Right now, I'm sure my project will arrive to a good port!  :greenclp:

I've seen some small examples using OpenGL and MASM (for 32Bit) and I've got an idea where to begin. Although It's going to be a good and quite long journey!

Have a nice day!
Happy Hacking!


He aquí otro español :t Sólo una pregunta, ¿por qué "happy hacking"?


Quote from: caballero on May 18, 2018, 05:12:03 AM
He aquí otro español :t Sólo una pregunta, ¿por qué "happy hacking"?

Hola caballero!

La verdad es que eso de Happy Hacking es una frase que siempre he puesto en el pie de todos los mensajes, correos, foros, ... y se debe a que me recuerda a aquellos años en los que me dedicaba a desensamblar programas de Windows y me ponía a leer y estudiar como funcionaban los programas. A día de hoy (unos 10 años más tarde) ya no hago esas cosas, pero más que nada, por falta de tiempo (debido al trabajo) y porque tengo otras prioridades. Quizás, en un futuro, vuelva a retomar esos viejos hábitos que tanto me gustaban.

Pasa un buen día.

English version:

Hi caballero!

The thing is that "Happy Hacking" is a sentence I used to use in the footnote of emails, forums, messages, ... and is due to that remembers me those years I used to disassembly Windows programs and I used to read and study. Today, (almost 10 years later) I don't do those things, due to lack of time and other priorities. Maybe, I'll take those old habits which I liked most in the future.

Have a nice day!
Happy Hacking!