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StrtoReal10 - String to Real10 function

Started by aw27, February 21, 2019, 07:52:04 PM

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You will need Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 14.20.27323.0, included in VS 2019 Preview 2, or later, to successfully build the source. This is due to the bug fixes.

The included readr10_86.asm contains the full x86 source code for the StrtoReal10 function, which reads a string and outputs a real10 number.
Tests are made by test.asm: After obtaining the real10, the reverse operation is performed by printing using 2 methods:
1) The ExactReal10toStr method explained here, (that had a few bugs which I fixed and then reupload the zip).
2) The FpuFLtoA method from the fpu.lib.


1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=1.5836591183212933e-43
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=+, Exponent=0x3f70 (dec=16240), Mantissa=0xe20702862f984643
Normalized Number
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=3.141592653589793238462643
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=+, Exponent=0x4000 (dec=16384), Mantissa=0xc90fdaa22168c235
Normalized Number
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=4.1e3900
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=+, Exponent=0x729c (dec=29340), Mantissa=0xbc1430dcb22d2253
Normalized Number
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=-12345.798
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=-, Exponent=0x400c (dec=16396), Mantissa=0xc0e73126e978d4fd
Normalized Number
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=12345.798
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=+, Exponent=0x400c (dec=16396), Mantissa=0xc0e73126e978d4fd
Normalized Number
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=12345.798e12
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=+, Exponent=0x4034 (dec=16436), Mantissa=0xaf71c06108f00000
Normalized Number
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

Edited 24 February
Fixed bug mentioned in reply #12, added 2 more test numbers and updated the output in this message


This looks good Jose, sad to say I don't understand enough of it. Works fine on my middle aged Haswell.


Quote from: hutch-- on February 21, 2019, 09:04:33 PM
This looks good Jose, sad to say I don't understand enough of it.
I roughly based it in some Pascal code I can't post because am not allowed to, then partially converted it to C+ASM (because MS C does not know about 80-bit floats), finally I put all in ASM.
This is the C part (the ASM part is already supplied):

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef struct _real10Struc
uint64_t frac;
uint16_t exp;
} real10Struc;

extern ReadReal10Number(real10Struc* AOut, char** ABuffer, char* CurrChar);
extern ReadReal10Exponent(char** ABuffer, char* CurrChar);
extern doPower10(real10Struc* AOut, int32_t lPower, int16_t lSign);

#define CMaxExponent 4999
#define CExponent 'E'
#define CPlus '+'
#define CMinus '-'

#define NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr)  { \
lcurchar=*chPtr; \
chPtr++; \

#define SkipWhitespace(lcurchar, chPtr) { \
while (lcurchar == ' ') \
NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr);\

#define ReadSign(lsign, lcurchar, chPtr){ \
if (lcurchar==CPlus) {\
else if (lcurchar==CMinus) {\
NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr);\
lsign = -1;\

real10Struc StrtoReal10(char *Value)
uint16_t LSavedCtrlWord;
char LCurrChar;
int16_t LSign;
int32_t LPower;
real10Struc LResult = {0};

NextChar(LCurrChar, Value);
SkipWhitespace(LCurrChar, Value);
if (LCurrChar != 0)
ReadSign(LSign, LCurrChar, Value);
if (LCurrChar != 0)
ReadReal10Number(&LResult, &Value, &LCurrChar);
if (LCurrChar == '.')
NextChar(LCurrChar, Value);
LPower = -ReadReal10Number(&LResult, &Value, &LCurrChar);
LPower = 0;
if ((LCurrChar & 0xDF) == CExponent)
NextChar(LCurrChar, Value);
LPower += ReadReal10Exponent( &Value, &LCurrChar);
SkipWhitespace(LCurrChar, Value);

doPower10(&LResult, LPower, LSign);



Is is possible to get a portable version of VS 19.
I really dislike web installers and always avoid these cretans.
'Sire, Sire!... the peasants are Revolting !!!'
'Yes, they are.. aren't they....'


Being a South African I second that (K_F query), as we really have had enough of corruption. We do need simple and precise in these uncertain times.
Are you pondering what I'm pondering? It's time to take over the world ! - let's use ASSEMBLY...




LOL at nidud  :biggrin:  perfect! Now to convert or asm-alate..
Are you pondering what I'm pondering? It's time to take over the world ! - let's use ASSEMBLY...




For peeps that are always suggesting 'nix solutions to save the World, be aware that we can use the Intel free compiler which knows about 80-bit long double.
The Intel free compiler works from inside Visual Studio and, by default (we can change that, but no need in this case), uses the Visual Studio libraries  :( but, don't distress, we don't really need any Visual Studio math library so we can compile the following with the Intel compiler without further complications (it has been tested) and without using a single line of ASM:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef union _real10Struc
uint64_t mant;
int16_t exp;
long double bigone;
} real10Struc;

real10Struc StrtoReal10A(const char *Value);

#define CMaxExponent 4999
#define CExponent 'E'
#define CPlus '+'
#define CMinus '-'

#define NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr)  { \
lcurchar=*chPtr; \
chPtr++; \

#define SkipWhitespace(lcurchar, chPtr) { \
while (lcurchar == ' ') \
NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr);\

#define ReadSign(lsign, lcurchar, chPtr){ \
if (lcurchar==CPlus) {\
else if (lcurchar==CMinus) {\
NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr);\
lsign = -1;\

#define ReadReal10Number(retVal, Aout,lcurchar, chPtr) {\
retVal=0; \
while ((lcurchar >= '0') && (lcurchar <= '9')) {\
Aout *= 10;\
Aout += (long double)((unsigned char)lcurchar - (unsigned char)('0'));\
NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr);\

#define ReadReal10Exponent(retVal, lcurchar, chPtr) {\
int16_t tempSign;\
retVal = 0;\
ReadSign(tempSign, lcurchar, chPtr);\
while ((lcurchar >= '0') && (lcurchar <= '9')) {\
retVal = retVal * 10;\
retVal += (long double)((unsigned char)lcurchar - (unsigned char)('0'));\
NextChar(lcurchar, chPtr);\
if (retVal > CMaxExponent)\
retVal = CMaxExponent;\
retVal *= tempSign;\

long double Power10(long double longDoubleValue, int32_t power)
long double tempPower = 1.0;
int32_t i;
if (power > 0)
for (i = 0; i < power; i++)
tempPower *= 10.0;
else if (power < 0)
for (i = 0; i < -power; i++)
tempPower /= 10.0;
return longDoubleValue*tempPower;

real10Struc StrtoReal10A(const char *Value)
uint16_t LSavedCtrlWord;
char LCurrChar;
int16_t LSign;
int32_t LPower;
int32_t tempVal;
real10Struc LResult = {0};

int longdouble = sizeof(long double);

printf("Are we using a compiler that suports 80-bit long double (ex: the Intel compiler)? %s\n", (longdouble>8)?"YES":"NO");
if (longdouble <= 8)
printf("You need the Intel compiler or other that supports 80-bit long double\n");
return LResult;

NextChar(LCurrChar, Value);
SkipWhitespace(LCurrChar, Value);
if (LCurrChar != 0)
ReadSign(LSign, LCurrChar, Value);
if (LCurrChar != 0)
ReadReal10Number(LPower, LResult.bigone, LCurrChar, Value );
if (LCurrChar == '.')
NextChar(LCurrChar, Value);
ReadReal10Number(LPower, LResult.bigone, LCurrChar, Value);
LPower = -LPower;
LPower = 0;
if ((LCurrChar & 0xDF) == CExponent)
NextChar(LCurrChar, Value);
ReadReal10Exponent(tempVal, LCurrChar, Value);
LPower += tempVal;
SkipWhitespace(LCurrChar, Value);

LResult.bigone = Power10(LResult.bigone, LPower)*LSign;
return LResult;

Note that the Intel compiler aligns long double to a 16 byte boundary so it reports sizeof(long double) as 16 bytes.

Tested like this:

#define SRC1_REAL (2)
#define SRC2_DIMM  (0x800)
#define STR_SCI (0x8000)
extern void _stdcall FpuFLtoA(long double* lpScr1, uint32_t lpSrc2, char* lpszDest, uint32_t uID);

const char * Real10TestArray[] = { "3.141592653589793238462643", "1.5836591183212933e-43", "1918827719982564.1e489", "5.7262511e4475", "5.7262511e-4475" };

#define n_array (sizeof (Real10TestArray) / sizeof (const char *))

int main()
real10Struc myStruct;

int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_array; i++) {
char buff[48] = { 0 };

myStruct = StrtoReal10A(Real10TestArray[i]);
                // Yeah, I have used MASM here:
FpuFLtoA(&myStruct.bigone, 0x0110, buff, SRC1_REAL + SRC2_DIMM  + STR_SCI);
printf("%s\n\n",buff );
return 0;


Are we using a compiler that suports 80-bit long double (ex: the Intel compiler)? YES

Are we using a compiler that suports 80-bit long double (ex: the Intel compiler)? YES

Are we using a compiler that suports 80-bit long double (ex: the Intel compiler)? YES

Are we using a compiler that suports 80-bit long double (ex: the Intel compiler)? YES

Are we using a compiler that suports 80-bit long double (ex: the Intel compiler)? YES

It works also in 64-bit but we must set it to not use SSE or AVX and must compile with the /Qlong-double switch.
Sure, FpuFLtoA does not work in 64-bit.


Quote from: AW on February 23, 2019, 06:36:21 PM
and without using a single line of ASM:

and where is the fun on that?  :shock:


Hi Aw, nice work. :t :t :t

Did you tested the precision and limits of amount of outputted chars ? I mean, it is outputting more then 20 chars, but how precise is the result ?
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

My Code Sites:


extended double / REAL10 exact values are sometimes presented as hex as string lenght is not known.
May the source be with you


Quote1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=12345.798
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=-, Exponent=0x7fff (dec=32767), Mantissa=0x0000000000000000
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:

What happened???????
12345.798 seems to be a valid number as an input.
Whenever you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time.


Quote from: guga on February 24, 2019, 03:32:27 AM
Did you tested the precision and limits of amount of outputted chars ? I mean, it is outputting more then 20 chars, but how precise is the result ?
Precision is an extremely complicated subject, although does not look like that. Not everything can be solved by the so called round-trip approach suggested by IEEE. I will come back on this sometime in the future.

Quote from: raymond on February 24, 2019, 05:50:20 AM
1) String representation of number to be converted to real10=12345.798
2) ExactReal10toStr:
Sign=-, Exponent=0x7fff (dec=32767), Mantissa=0x0000000000000000
3) FpuFltoA representation of the floating point:
Yes, it is a bug in the ASM version. It works fine in the last C version.


Fixed the bug mentioned in reply #12 and replaced the zipped file of first message. Added 2 other types of numbers for test.