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ANSI is back to Windows 10

Started by aw27, March 03, 2019, 05:18:03 AM

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Good news to Ansi Art artists  :t


People without Windows 10 can use ConEmu.
My demo may need to be rebuilt (for XP) and the error check should be commented out.


Finally, an example of Ansi Art. If you don't have Windows 10 it will render properly on ConEmu, mentioned above.

And that's all folks!


Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

My Code Sites:


An Windows 10 Ansi Art based utility which displays the ASCII Table based on Code Page.

Syntax: ASCIITable [nnn]
nnnn is the codepage. Default codepage is 437

This may not display properly with ConEmu but I have not investigated if it can be fixed. Probably can.

Code page=437

Code page=869 (Modern Greek)

Code page=855 (Cyrillic (Russian)

Thank you  :t


This is a reviewed version of the ASCII Table utility.
1. It does not allow console resize to prevent the layout to be disrupted.
2. Font has been set as Lucida Console, size 14.
3. Console title was set to software name.
4. A few other minor changes.

It still does not work well with ConEmu, although works a little better. This is a ConEmu issue mentioned in the forum, at least here - console do not resize properly. Either way, does not work with XP or older because uses an API function available after Windows Vista.

Edit: Added 64-bit version.


This is Version 3, and probably the last one, of the ASCII TABLE Utility.

Note that this APP is expected to work well only with Windows 10.

1- If you don't enter the Code Page Identifier on the command line it will default to the current Windows ANSI CP for the operating system (1252 for most people).
2- Displays graphical symbols (Unicode glyphs) for Non Printable/Non Visible characters according to ISO 2047. It also displays a two-letter (instead of the usual three-letter) abreviation according to the same Norm. The graphic symbols are for ASCII codes 0-31, 32 and 127 (delete character).
3- By default it will use the NSimSun Font, since it is one of the 2 console fonts that contains all needed glyphs (i.e, includes the Unicode glyphs for Non Printable/Non Visible characters). The other one is MS Gothic, which is fine as well. I could not find anywhere other suitable console fonts (as we know need to be Monotype).
4- Font settings and last CodePage used are saved to an .INI file. This will allow people to select the best font (as explained, to the best of my knowledge there are currently only 2 fonts that cover all needed glyphs), size and weight.
You must close the application by "Pressing Any Key to Save Settings and Exit". So, the Close Button was disabled by design.
5- A few good practice adjustments have been made according to a discussion being held in another thread. This means that the application should restore on exit, the Font Settings, the Console Title, the Icon, the Console Dimensions and the Code Page. It will also not accept invalid Code page or Code pages not existing in the system.