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MemStatTray UASM x64

Started by fearless, July 14, 2019, 06:45:43 AM

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I created an x64 version of the MemStatTray demo with UASM, to compliment the x86 version in the other topic


Just tested the file, works fine.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: fearless on July 14, 2019, 06:45:43 AM
I created an x64 version of the MemStatTray demo with UASM, to compliment the x86 version in the other topic

Hi fearless,

after three days of intensive use, I noticed that the numbers in the tray no longer change, it's hard to say what influenced this behavior, even if I reset all memory to 30 percent, nothing changes. Any suggestions?


Might be a gdi leak somewhere, or a memory leak with constantly setting the shellnotify stuff maybe?


Invoke MUITrayMenuSetTrayIconText, hTrayMenu, Addr szMemLoadPercent, NULL, MUI_RGBCOLOR(96,176,207)
mov hTMIcon, rax ; save returned icon handle for later

does not check for errors coming from MUITrayMenuSetTrayIconText, when it returns NULL in 2 instances.


Ok, thanks for looking into it


Quote from: fearless on July 19, 2019, 07:04:02 AM
Ok, thanks for looking into it
I wonder why you did not provide the 64-bit versions of the ModernUI libraries, including source code, required to build your program. A possible cause for the bug is a defective translation to 64-bit.


I have repeated the bug three times, unfortunately the attachment through debugger does not work  :sad:


Quote from: AW on July 20, 2019, 12:17:12 AM
I wonder why you did not provide the 64-bit versions of the ModernUI libraries, including source code, required to build your program
The libraries including source code are always available at the github repository: and

I didn't include them mainly due to lazyness.

Quote from: AW on July 20, 2019, 12:17:12 AM
A possible cause for the bug is a defective translation to 64-bit.
Yes its possible there is some bugs in the porting process - I will try and look into it when I get a chance - the x64 version of the libraries are always a little bit behind and any fixes in the x86 version might not have been implemented in the x64 version - or I overlooked/forgot to do them.


The libraries including source code are always available at the github repository: and

I have not seen it because it is not pinned in, I should have looked better.

Anyway, it is always a PITA to build when we are dealing with libraries we are not used to, then fix the UASM include files which were never properly updated to 64-bit then look for the definition of some macros that appear out of the blue. This does not apply specifically to the MemStatTrayx64 or to your good work in general.


I split the topic as I did not want fearless's thread to be ruined by arguments. The rest of the topic is where its easy enough to argue in without wrecking this topic.