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128 bit Comparison on 32-bit CPU

Started by colinr, November 05, 2019, 10:27:21 AM

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Hello all,

Firstly, thank's for letting me join this forum.

I'm trying to figure out how to conduct comparison of 128-bit unsigned integers, I've been trying this for months without getting anywhere.

Essentially, I have a data set of IPv6 addresses, which comprises of a start address, end address and the two digit ISO country code to which this block of v6 addresses is assigned to. These are stored as 128-bit little endian integers, and I would like to iterate through this data set to establish which block a particular IP address sits.

So, I'm not testing for equality, but rather if the IP address that I'm looking for is greater or less than each of these blocks.

IPv4 was no problem, these 128-bit IPv6 addresses are killing me!

I'm using WinAsm Studio and MASM32 if that makes any difference.

Thank you in advance.




Hi Colin,

If the task is what I think it is, I would create a structure to match the data layout and then just read the bits you want.


I'm trying to figure out how to conduct comparison of 128-bit unsigned integers, I've been trying this for months without getting anywhere

The solution is quite easy but you have 2 cases, either the list of Start IPs is sorted or is unsorted.
Start by making a flowchart, this will make a difference.


Thanks for your replies so far (I've not checked the sample above yet).

Essentially, the data set is numerically in order, low to high, each entry that I iterate through is 34 bytes in length (arbitrary example below).

20010df7 82000000 00000000 00000000 / 20010df7 8200ffff ffffffff ffffffff / ID

u_int128, u_int128, CHAR, CHAR

The IPv6 data is little endian, so I've flipped it around above for ease on the eyeball!

So, for example, it I was looking for this IP address: 20010df7 82000000 1234abcde 12345678, it would fit within the block above.

I've tried using XMM but it would appear that these are floating point registers and not supported as a GP register for direct comparison.

As it can be seen from the example from the data set above, it's not possible to simply compare the first DWORD as this value may also appear in the next entry (not shown) of the data set.

EDIT: The sample above does not seem to work


This is a sample that is suitable when all ranges are contiguous (i.e no empty IPs zones between ranges). So, here you don't need to know about the End IP. Were the ranges not contiguous you might have multiple Start IPs above your test IP, so you would need to check the End IP to decide what is the country.

Here, this is done with vector instructions SSE 4.1. Everybody has that (except here, some people don't).

.model flat, stdcall

includelib \masm32\lib\msvcrt.lib
printf proto C :ptr, :vararg

IPV6Struct struct
country db 20 dup (0)
startIP OWORD (0)
endIP OWORD (0)
IPV6Struct ends


ipv6_1 IPV6Struct <'country1',20010df7820000000000000000000000h, 20010df78200ffffffffffffffffffffh>
ipv6_2 IPV6Struct <'country2',20020df7820000000000000000000000h, 20020df78200ffffffffffffffffffffh>
ipv6_3 IPV6Struct <'country3',20030df7820000000000000000000000h, 20030df78200ffffffffffffffffffffh>
ipv6_4 IPV6Struct <'country4',20040df7820000000000000000000000h, 20040df78200ffffffffffffffffffffh>
myIP oword 20030df7820000000000000000000001h
msg db "Country is: %s",10,0


main proc uses esi
lea esi, ipv6_1
movups xmm0, (IPV6Struct ptr [esi]).startIP
movups xmm1, myIP
PCMPGTQ  xmm0, xmm1
or eax,-1 ; clear zero flag
ptest xmm0, xmm1
jnz @exit
add esi, sizeof IPV6Struct
jmp short @checkStart
sub esi, sizeof IPV6Struct
invoke printf, offset msg, esi
main endp




When I try to assemble this code, the PCMPGTQ and ptest instructions are not recognised.

I'm setting this at the top of the code:


I'm using WinAsm Studio and MASM32 (unsure of which version).


You don't need to change anything. Paste exactly what is above in Notepad and save as test.asm.
Use a recent version of MASM (they come free with Visual Studio community edition). The MASM that comes with MASM32 predates SSE.

Run a batch file containing:
ml -c -coff test.asm
link /entry:main /machine:x86 test.obj


@AW - Thank you

I've got VS2017 installed on my workstation, and all that I needed to do was copy out ml.exe, link,exe, msobj140.dll and mspdb140.dll to my existing MASM32 folder, seems to assemble fine.

So my next steps are to scrutinse the code and attempt to integrate it into my current test code, I'll let you know how I get on.


OK, I've implemented the code, but not getting the expected results.

It's probably the jump condition that I'm getting wrong, but in the sample posted below, I kind of thought that the first instance of the test should fail and and jump back into the loop as the sample IP address should fit within the second block (GB).

The code at the beginning is simply to swap the Endianness to allow the IP addresses to be viewed easier.

I replaced jnz with jb and it appeared to work, but will need to do further testing to make sure, I think it would also be prudent to test against the end address too.

Sorry if I'm being stupid with this, but my brain is mashed.


ipv6 dd 02A002381h,0E8C00000h,000000000h,000000000h
dd 02A002381h,0E8C0FFFFh,0FFFFFFFFh,0FFFFFFFFh
db "CH" ;Switzerland
dd 02A002381h,0E8C10000h,000000000h,000000000h
db "GB" ;Great Britain
dd 02A002400h,000000000h,0000000000h,000000000h
db "XX" ;Unassigned
dd 02A004000h,000000000h,000000000h,000000000h
db "IR" ;Iran
dd 02A004008h,000000000h,000000000h,000000000h
db "XX" ;Unassigned
dd 02A004020h,000000000h,000000000h,000000000h
db "DK" ;Denmark
dd 02A004021h,000000000h,000000000h,000000000h
db "XX" ;Unassigned

myIP dd 02a0023a8h, 04825eda1h, 0ac528803h, 0001b9000h

hInstance HINSTANCE ?

V6Start DWORD 4 dup (?)
V6End DWORD 4 dup (?)
ToFind DWORD 4 dup (?)



lea edi, myIP
mov eax, dword ptr[edi]
mov ebx, dword ptr[edi+4]
mov ecx, dword ptr[edi+8]
mov edx, dword ptr[edi+12]

lea edi, ToFind
mov dword ptr[edi], edx
mov dword ptr[edi+4], ecx
mov dword ptr[edi+8], ebx
mov dword ptr[edi+12], eax

lea esi, ipv6

mov eax, dword ptr[esi]
mov ebx, dword ptr[esi+4]
mov ecx, dword ptr[esi+8]
mov edx, dword ptr[esi+12]

mov dword ptr[V6Start], edx
mov dword ptr[V6Start+4], ecx
mov dword ptr[V6Start+8], ebx
mov dword ptr[V6Start+12], eax

mov eax, dword ptr[esi+16]
mov ebx, dword ptr[esi+20]
mov ecx, dword ptr[esi+24]
mov edx, dword ptr[esi+28]

mov dword ptr[V6End], edx
mov dword ptr[V6End+4], ecx
mov dword ptr[V6End+8], ebx
mov dword ptr[V6End+12], eax

movups xmm0, V6Start ;[esi]
movups xmm1, ToFind
PCMPGTQ xmm0, xmm1
or eax,-1 ; clear zero flag
ptest xmm0, xmm1
jnz exit
lea esi, [esi+34]
jmp short checkStart
sub esi, 34

invoke ExitProcess,0h

End start



If you begin at the starting offset plus the offset for the member you are after, then you just ADD that data length to get the next member offset in the following data set. If I was working on a data set of this type, I would construct an array of pointers to the start of each data set then just reference the data set plus offset You will find techniques of this type reasonably fast.


Thanks Hutch

The dataset has over 527,000 entries, and changes on a monthly basis as allocations change.

I self generate these datasets from an ANSI encoded csv file which contains  the IP addresses in their decimal notation.

I think I might have figured it out, just testing it today, I'll report back.


Well, my example is broken  :sad:
What happens is that PCMPGTQ makes a signed compare. So my example worked but  you choose an IP where this qword 0ac528803h0001b9000h is negative. I am not seeing another easy SSE solution at the moment because there is no equivalent packed unsigned compare. Probably you should try to do it using General Purpose Registers as suggested here


@AW  - Don't be so disappointed! Actually you have been a great help.

I've implemented the code into my DLL that does the lookup, and it seems to work!

The code is still in that swaps the Endianness of the addresses, but that is just a necessary evil at the moment.

Take a look at the routine below, is there anything you can think of that will cause a lookup failure?

EDIT: I've tested against the IP address previously quoted and tested against the very last entry in the data-set by 'faking' an IP address to sit within this final range, both worked!


xor edx, edx
xor eax, eax
mov eax, dword ptr[IPv6CountryFileSize]
mov ebx, 34 ;Will be dividing by 34 bytes
div ebx

mov edx, eax
mov esi, dword ptr[IPv6CountryMem] ;Pointer to IPv6 data

lea edi, CountryFormedIpV6_1 ;The IP to find

push edx ;Save loop counter

mov eax, dword ptr[esi]
mov ebx, dword ptr[esi+4]
mov ecx, dword ptr[esi+8]
mov edx, dword ptr[esi+12]
bswap eax
bswap ebx
bswap ecx
bswap edx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6StartBlock1], edx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6StartBlock1+4], ecx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6StartBlock1+8], ebx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6StartBlock1+12], eax

movups xmm0, [TempIpV6StartBlock1]
movups xmm1, [edi]
PCMPGTQ xmm0, xmm1
or eax,-1 ; clear zero flag
ptest xmm0, xmm1
jb short V6CountryNext

pop edx
lea esi, [esi+34]
dec edx
jne FindV6CountryLoop
jmp NotAV6CountryAddress

lea esi,[esi-34]
mov eax, dword ptr[esi+16]
mov ebx, dword ptr[esi+20]
mov ecx, dword ptr[esi+24]
mov edx, dword ptr[esi+28]
bswap eax
bswap ebx
bswap ecx
bswap edx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6EndBlock1], edx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6EndBlock1+4], ecx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6EndBlock1+8], ebx
mov dword ptr[TempIpV6EndBlock1+12], eax

movups xmm0, [TempIpV6EndBlock1] ;[esi]
movups xmm1, [edi]
PCMPGTQ xmm0, xmm1
or eax,-1 ; clear zero flag
ptest xmm0, xmm1
jb short V6CountryFound

pop edx
lea esi, [esi+34]
dec edx
jne FindV6CountryLoop
jmp short NotAV6CountryAddress

pop edx

lea eax, IPv6CountryISOCode
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, byte ptr[esi+32]
mov byte ptr[eax], cl
mov cl, byte ptr[esi+33]
mov byte ptr[eax+1], cl

;Routine unused - maybe use in proxy lookup

mov byte ptr[IPv6CountryISOCode], "Z"
mov byte ptr[IPv6CountryISOCode+1], "Z"
lea eax, IPv6CountryISOCode



With a data layout of this type, what is the search criterion you need to use ?