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Started by jimg, January 07, 2020, 05:27:00 PM

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In case anyone's interested, the full source code is available here -
In fact, all of Ketil's programs are available with source code here also.  Strangely it's all stored under FBEdit, the freebasic editor.


Thanks James, it looks like a RadAsm project, sad to say I don't have that set up so I can't build it.


Fortunately, RadAsm is right there too!


\Masm32\Bin\RC.EXE /v "ResEd.rc"
\Masm32\Bin\ML.EXE /c /coff /Cp /nologo /I"F:\Masm32\Include" "ResEd.asm"
\Masm32\Bin\LINK.EXE /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /RELEASE /VERSION:4.0 /LIBPATH:"F:\Masm32\Lib" /OUT:"..\ResEd.exe" "ResEd.obj" "ResEd.res"



I read your post on SourceForge and it seems the complete version is not available. I have downloaded the snapshot then the RAResEd but it still will not build. I wonder if anyone has a complete source for the last version.


Strange, I just compiled it this morning before my post using the three lines I posted above.

Bear in mind you need to use the code in the ResEd folder, not in the RAResEd folder, though that may work too, I haven't tried it.
The code in the ResEd folder pulls code out of it's parent folder, so you need the full structure,   ResEd22 folder with the five sub folders.  Move into the sub folder ResEd and run the three lines I gave you above, it should work.   Note that it produces the exe into it's parent folder, not into the one with all the code.


I think I see the problem.   My first link should have been one folder higher.  You need the full ResEd22 folder not just the resed folder you would see from the link.

Just click on summary to get back to the main fbedit page, then click on code and you will see all of his programs.   Myself I just picked up the whole thing as one giant zip, and then I can pull out whichever program I want to use or work on at the time.


I downloaded the complete 64 meg snapshot, changed the ML version to 6.15, chased up a Debug.lib that it could not find and put it in a directory off the root RadASM, in a LIB directory, changed .486 to .686p and it builds, runs correctly and is the right size.



I remembered seeing this once before but forgot about it. I'd like to change that resed always puts a name  when making controls and menu items and other things. I'd always have to remove that else manually edit it out in the .rc file.  :tongue:
Now I won't have to.  :biggrin:  I always refer to the ID #s in my code btw.


Well, turns out I had already downloaded the radasm snapshot already. I found it lurking in my archives. So, I proceeded to build resed. It went without a hitch--, hutch--....   :tongue:

Now removing the resource and menu name strings is another story. I'll leave that for when I have ample time to explore the resed code in more detail. Thank you KetilO for resed. Radasm is nice too, just not my cup of coffee.  :tongue:


btw, why is this in a 64 bit bored? "Microsoft 64 bit MASM»Tools & Toys". I just noticed that while editing the post above. :tongue:
I know I won't be converting resed to 64 bit any time soon. Any takers?


As far as the IDC_whatever inclusions, I just ignore them and use the resource IDs. Rather than a theory of rememberable names, I prefer rememberable numbers and don't have to write a file of equates to use them. The names were a leftover of old C programming but from an assembler perspective, its just additional clutter tha you don't need.


Quote from: zedd151 on October 10, 2022, 04:01:10 PM
I'll leave that for when I have ample time to explore the resed code in more detail. Thank you KetilO for resed.

I agree, ResEd is a nice piece of work (and free to boot). I don't use it, but that's because I don't like having to invoke the resource editor for things like dialogs and menus.

But the code for that project? It's a friggin' nightmare. I know because I spent a long time looking through it a few years ago when I decided to implement my own dialog editor. I was able to extract what I needed (the code that displays the properties for dialog controls), but only after hours of excruciating analysis.

His code has no comments, extremely cryptic variable names and a bizarre structure. Sure, it's a testament to what you can do with code, but it sure as hell ain't no model for how anyone should write code if they want others to be able to use it (which I assume is the whole point of making your source code publicly available).
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Quote from: hutch-- on October 11, 2022, 01:46:53 PM
As far as the IDC_whatever inclusions ....  its just additional clutter tha you don't need.
Thats why I endeavour to fix that one day, not any time soon though.


As far as resed source code goes, I don't understand why radasm projects (.rap file) needs several resource (.rc) files. And none of them named "rsrc.rc", makes building them a pain if you don't have radasm installed, since there is no batch file either. I guess there was a reason at the time though.