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BibTexApp in development

Started by HSE, February 04, 2021, 08:35:29 AM

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Hi all!

This little application begin to work, and uploaded is the 32bit binary.

Now I discovered that @string instruction must be processed to obtain a perfect list output  :biggrin: (not solved yet)

In yellow you can see command entries, and in blue  undefined fields (take me some hours to remember RichEdit jokes  :rolleyes:).

Could be interesting if someone can test original BibTEX format files (some ".bib" are not true BibTEX but derivatives, and have some problems).

Thanks in advance, HSE

PD:  2. Updated with BibTex routines v7. Retrieve non standard entries, in that case all fields are considered additionals and showed in green (see IEEEexample.bib)
       3. Updated with BibTex routines v8. Load sequences of BibTEX files.
       4. Edition and convertion of entries
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


The binary works fine here.
A nice feature would be if you could drag and drop a file instead of opening it.  :cool:



Hi Biterider!

Good idea  :thumbsup:

Thanks, HSE
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Hi all!

   Updated in first post with new routines to load sequences of files (arbitrarily *.bsq).
   To show how sequences must work, window The Expanse show some string replacements (@String entry is some kind of "textequ" directive)  if related @String entry is declared in same file or in a previous file in the sequence.
   You can see easily what text is going to be replaced because they are one word strings without brackets nor quotes in originals files. In Text Edition window that text is represented exactly.

    A couple of problems with interface, just because we infrequently destroy windows, waiting that OS make that at program end. But with dynamics interfaces, if you create, you must destroy  :biggrin:

Regard, HSE.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Hi All!

    Updated in first post with entries edition and convertion.

    Using a modification of Iczelion's Syntax Highlighting. Here exactly centered in symbols, wich were omitted in Iczelion example. Code still mostly 32bit, I have to try in 64 bits :biggrin: before post.

Regards, HSE.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


I've tested the new version. It's nice and runs smoothly.   :thup:
The syntax highlighting works well too.

I noticed the added "Options" and "Backups" menu items. I haven't tested these functions yet, but they certainly are a good addition to the application.  :thumbsup:



Hi Biterider!

:biggrin:  Backups is an idea to prevent the lost of files if you make "unfortunate" modifications. Not implemented yet. Because that, "Save" it's not implemented, just "Save as"

Thanks, HSE.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath