
Masm32 SDK description, downloads and other helpful links
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64-bit MASM SDK

Started by Ravi Kiran, October 24, 2021, 07:26:27 PM

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Ravi Kiran

 Hutchie sir we are waiting for 64-bit masm ask.



You are stuck with Microsoft being the owners of the binaries and they only make it available on their own web site. I understand the problems of limited and slow bandwidth as I have been around since the telephone dial up days (28k if you were lucky) bit I would explore the Microsoft web site to find the smallest download possible, you need Visual Studio 2019 to get the right binaries.

Ravi Kiran

Quote from: hutch-- on October 30, 2021, 12:54:29 PM

You are stuck with Microsoft being the owners of the binaries and they only make it available on their own web site. I understand the problems of limited and slow bandwidth as I have been around since the telephone dial up days (28k if you were lucky) bit I would explore the Microsoft web site to find the smallest download possible, you need Visual Studio 2019 to get the right binaries.
Unfortunately there is no ebook on masm32.
I'll sure to write a ebook on masm32 sdk and future masm64 SDK.


My last post explained to you that Microsoft OWN the binaries and it is from them that you will have to get them. I am not sure why you keep repeating the desire to get them any other way. I understand limited bandwidth as I came from the 28k days (if you were lucky) but you have no choice than to get the binaries from Microsoft. When I first downloaded the DDK that had an early version of 32 bit ML.EXE, it took me 23 hours to get the download.

You could try asking your internet service providor to get the download for you.

I have also moved this topic as I don't want random meanderings posted in the the 64 bit MASM forum.

Ravi Kiran

Quote from: hutch-- on November 01, 2021, 07:46:06 PM
My last post explained to you that Microsoft OWN the binaries and it is from them that you will have to get them. I am not sure why you keep repeating the desire to get them any other way. I understand limited bandwidth as I came from the 28k days (if you were lucky) but you have no choice than to get the binaries from Microsoft. When I first downloaded the DDK that had an early version of 32 bit ML.EXE, it took me 23 hours to get the download.

You could try asking your internet service providor to get the download for you.

I have also moved this topic as I don't want random meanderings posted in the the 64 bit MASM forum.

Sorry sir. I'll wait then. See 'ya


download just a packages, what you want, like this, 15Mb
May the source be with you


others options;

poasm,polib,polink,porc ...



I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything



What do you open that VC file with ?

While waiting, you can try this link for the VS tools.

The initial download is about 1.4 meg. Once you have downloaded it, run it and it will give you a range of options. You want the ones at the top for "Desktop Development With C++"


7-Zip can open a .vsix package.
May the source be with you

Ravi Kiran

Quote from: hutch-- on November 01, 2021, 09:52:49 PM

What do you open that VC file with ?

While waiting, you can try this link for the VS tools.

The initial download is about 1.4 meg. Once you have downloaded it, run it and it will give you a range of options. You want the ones at the top for "Desktop Development With C++"

Thank y'all.

Ravi Kiran

Quote from: TimoVJL on November 01, 2021, 10:44:54 PM
7-Zip can open a .vsix package.
Thank you sir


Quote from: TimoVJL on November 01, 2021, 08:40:58 PM
download just a packages, what you want, like this, 15Mb

Interesting. You need to open it with an archiver (fine with 7-zip). This is apparently version 14:
  Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.16.27045.0
  591280 bytes of 21.11.2020

I tested it with my 64-bit template: this version of ML64 seems to be utterly slow. Twenty seconds to assemble a Hello World is just too much. My standard version of ML64 (10.00.30319.01) does it in 700ms, UAsm does it in 400ms. AsmC is even a tick faster.

Ravi Kiran

Quote from: jj2007 on November 02, 2021, 12:18:36 AM
Quote from: TimoVJL on November 01, 2021, 08:40:58 PM
download just a packages, what you want, like this, 15Mb

Interesting. You need to open it with an archiver (fine with 7-zip). This is apparently version 14:
  Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.16.27045.0
  591280 bytes of 21.11.2020

I tested it with my 64-bit template: this version of ML64 seems to be utterly slow. Twenty seconds to assemble a Hello World is just too much. My standard version of ML64 (10.00.30319.01) does it in 700ms, UAsm does it in 400ms. AsmC is even a tick faster.
I think ml64 10.00 may not support latest Intel ISA as far as I know.


Is this any better ?
May the source be with you


Quote from: TimoVJL on November 02, 2021, 12:59:54 AM
Is this any better ?

No luck: We can't connect to the server at